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Daily Foreword Notes July 30, 2008 back to April 24, 2008

Daily Foreword July 30, 2008:  The lies of the USA federal government and their state and city governments and who or what ever controls them or IT are apparent.  They make us, the common humans who were subjected to  their lies of nationalism as children in the public schools and public institutions such as their military, look like imbeciles and dupes. They likely did other more diabolical things to many of us as children with drugs, medical procedures, and hidden atrocities.   It is no wonder they were attacked on 9-11-2001 and the Oklahoma City Bombing.

After all, the federal war criminal crime syndicates attacked me, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone in 2001, forcibly injecting me and torturing me in April, and they had some people or things attack me in February of 2001, and to this day I am harassed. I was a bank examiner for the FDIC, a federal banking regulatory agency, and had informed on money laundering and covered up and sanctioned murder by the enemy who is now in power.

The problem is that we can not pinpoint who or what it is that causes our suffering.

Could it be that military men and women were often subjugated to something they did not know and then come back to our families riddled with scars, and post traumatic stress, or dead?.

This is a technological war.  Do not stand behind them.  Do not support them.  If you attack and do not succeed, prepare for your death, as it is better than to be cornered by the enemy regime in power.  The MOAB bomb that exploded in Pensacola was not intentional by the enemy regime in power. It was an attack.  It is one of the hubs of a war criminal faction that spreads across the USA and much of the globe.  They hate us and we hate them or IT.  They scowl and laugh at us like we are animals in a cage and we scowl back. It is better to calculate your own game, to make movements to rid yourselves and ourselves of their nooses and traps.  Beware however of their or IT's traps and deceptions, as they are highly technical with gradations of sophistication, like a wave of attacks.

Daily Foreword July 31, 2008: In the lies of the USA government that the rulers are concerned about the American people, I will address three or four issues today that discuss and compare my new, and most likely temporary, home in Northwest Florida in Pensacola and my previous home in the bay area of San Francisco.

It appears that there has been some tumult over an automobile license plate in Arkansas that had the letters NGR given to some citizens.  A recall of the plates has been made.  Equally disturbing and unmentioned by the corrupt and divisive government of the United States is the Alabama license plate slogan, "Heart of Dixie", which is printed involuntarily on the upper corner of many of the tags.  Dixie to me symbolizes a dead and bygone era of slaves, slave owners, and steam based locomotives.   I was attacked in Canada when I had a disabled veteran license plate.  It may have been related to my reporting money laundering and murder however.   I wonder if many in San Francisco were involuntarily issued license plates with the letters FAG? Or POT HEAD?

 In Florida, the federal crime syndicates want to control the marijuana flow into the state while crack cocaine predominates all along the Gulf Coast from Florida to Texas.  The Florida government gives a mandatory minimum and in many cases a felony to many of  those who use cannabis and they use the fines and penalties to keep  the lower class in the lower caste.  In California you can grow it legally with an inexpensive Doctor's recommendation or a providers note from a patient. 

They are closed, like an invading horde .

Daily Foreword July 29, 2008:.

I should have stayed out of Los Angeles when young.  It is a place that is a perversion of truth.  I was betrayed by the federal government there, most likely then and to some extent now, and in particular in April of 2001 and onward, when I was forcibly injected and tortured by the federal government and California state courts.  I would have preferred a death bullet to the head, and if that was not possible, cessation of existence of that city or this world in total while I was in it.  But then again, I am poisoned by the same roots that we all are, that of violence and intolerance, and if does not come out consciously it will often come out sub-conciously.  But we should not tolerate forced injections, forced medical experiments and torture by that ruling war criminal sect of criminal misconduct in power.  Never again, I pray.

Daily Foreword July 27, 2008: Did I hear correctly? Did the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, give me, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, a full gubernatorial pardon for legal gun ownership after an attack on my life for reporting money laundering and murder at the FDIC in San Francisco, and after surviving a subsequent attack on my life with no response by the FBI, Secret Service, and the Justice Department, who only gave me forced injections of toxic chemicals and forced medical procedures for daring to survive? If the California government did grant me the pardon, that means I am going back to California and leaving my new home in Florida. If not, I am likely going to sell and leave the United States for a while. I will put in my change of address soon for my temporary Florida residence. I spoke of our being outcast by the USA government and disenfranchised in a video I posted on about the American blackout and I also spoke about one of the many of the latest nightmares connected with those events in Quatrains 7 recently. It is the most recent quatrains, Quatrains 7/Prophetic Poem Art 7 Updated July-24-2008 . Sweet Carolin Mass of Shee-it on the F-DIC are safe. I have never hurt anyone. I only investigate wrong doing as an investigative reporter and provaceteur in an auditing capacity. It is really all about Jack, both the American monetary currency and Sheriff Jack Tillman, now terminated, who took my gun permit when I was going to report his food funds thievery. Perhaps if the FDIC gives me my back pay I will keep the Florida squat and allow someone less fortunate to use it. Perhaps the spine shattered or the children of the dead. If I am mistaken, then by all means, kick the war criminal regime in the fangs around the globe and into space however and whenever you choose. Murderous and torturing war criminals in power make no difference to us, the humane humans, either.

Daily Foreword July 26, 2008: Today, I looked at my new city in a new way. It is like my old city in many ways and all others. We are cast out and beat down, we being the humane humans of the lower caste in the USA. There is something unseen and sinister about the USA and those or that which now controls it. I am hounded here in Pensacola, labeled things, and often harassed. Nothing is new. I am like the 2000 hawk that flies in among the Mocking Birds, except the Mocking birds here for me are those who have closed minds and closed hearts and who behave like the inhumane it. They do not bother me. I am irritated by the enemy to my people, the humane, but they or IT is just an irritant. We can not vote in many cases and the war like regime turns us against each other. I know people from every religion and non religion and consider at least some of them my friends. So, I leave a hawk dropping for the mockingbirds to rat on. It is at and discusses disenfranchisement, or our inability to have participation in government. It is controlled by the vulture. The government was borne of war so the vulture is king. Soon we will eat the vulture alive. post by Saintrambone. I encourage you to not use drugs as the vulture of the USA government controls every crime syndicate, and they are international. There is no United States, only groups of people beat down by the vulture of the international war crimes syndicates. What you can not see can haunt you. Applaud the collapse of the closed government and the ousting of the vulture that is masquerading in an Eagle's outfit. Protect your young, as it is a vulture and not a benevolent eagle.

Daily Foreword July 24, 2008: Today's post is some deep introspection on the plight of this American Holocaust Victim. It is on Quatrains 7. And to be fair, the one thing the Russian Jewish woman was not honest about was that she said she was going to give me a taco, and she did not. I still admire her very much. She was having an argument with a father after my chores, so maybe she just forgot. I do not speak Russian, not much anyway. Svidnya means good bye.

Late Addition today:

My name is Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, and I was a federal bank examiner for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, also known as the FDIC.  I have been targeted by the government after surviving an attempt on my life and reporting money laundering and sanctioned murder by a federal war criminal syndicate housed in the high finance sector of the USA federal government.  I was made to feel very uneasy at a Pensacola Home Depot store at West Fairfield and Mobile Highway today when what appeared to be a setup was made against me by store security, possibly with the assistance of a store checkout clerk.

The USA federal government targets people to make them look like criminals so our enemies can reign in the top seats of government.  A regional FDIC director was murdered and labeled suicide.  How it was accomplished in San Francisco during Bush Sr.'s reign in the early 1990's, I do not know.  I researched the director and he seemed honest, much more than his replacement who I worked for at the San Francisco and Sacramento (Roseville) FDIC in 2000 and 1999 respectively.  

 Now the federal government has tried to target me again, this time after an attempt on my life with no response by the fed in 2001.  I started carrying a gun and a corrupt Sheriff, Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama, took my gun permit when I was going to report his thievery.  I was going to do it at a Mobile Alabama city council meeting on 4-3-2001 at high noon.   I had no gun.  I fled Alabama to Los Angeles and was asleep in my truck with a U haul and had a legal gun in my seat.  I was in fear for my life and was to get some medications the next day for my service connected injury.

Now, today, at this Home Depot, I bought a few goods.  A cashier told me to come to his aisle, so I did.   Then he got a phone call and after a lengthy conversation, one of the store clerks wanted him to make change.  I was checking out and a young man came up.  I am nervous about money being around because the federal government tries to set people up, especially in cities in the USA because we are over run by war criminals in power. 

The clerk rang up my goods.  The other clerk or security came up and the cashier just handed him some money, without making change.  Almost like one of those marked cash deals like they leave laying around in banks to see if hired help will try to steal it, the cashier just handed the man the cash, without even counting it. 

As  I was leaving, I was made very nervous and ask that management not to allow this to happen again.  As  I was walking by with my few goods, the clerk with the cash fanned out the money in his hand and walked past me, almost as if urging me to take it.  I was afraid that they would say some cash was missing and that their cameras would not catch thievery by the possibly corrupt and possible cohort of my enemies mercenaries who work for the murderous and criminal federal war criminal syndicates in power.

I do not like to be made to look like a criminal or attempted to be made to look like  I will steal from the stores that  I frequent.  I will be carrying back many of the goods that I bought.  I will purchase more.  At least they did not give me ill advice on how to wire my house so that it will burn, much like a man who told me to do at nearby Lowes. 

Home Depot, where is Ace, the Hardware man?  The idiots in the store call us wise guys when they do not know us.  Wise guy is an ancient term with no meaning in today's technological war criminal international empires.  Stay away from me you punk Nazi like security and have your cashiers trail your punk cash out in front of the store.  I will give the wino a ride outside.  He might be Jesus with your cross stake nails in his hands and I doubt he wants your money for your overpriced goods either.  Honest men are ground asunder by the ruling war criminal syndicates in power in the USA and likely much of the world.  Not much has changed in history.  Beware of traps and be aware that even the federal government is doing forced injections and torturing and killing veterans and bank examiners.  I am both a veteran and formerly a federal bank examiner.  I was terminated for not dropping an EEOC complaint.  America, what a joke we have become.  It is time for a new reign, a new group of leaders, a new way of thinking, a new paradigm, a humane government "For All", so Help us God.

Daily Foreword July 22, 2008:  I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, want to warn young military men and veterans that our worst nightmares are being realized in the USA governments.  They inject us and torture us and label us criminal if we stand up to the onslaught of war crimes being committed against us, including the murder of financial banking regulators, attempts on this bank examiners life, forced injections and forced experiments and being harassed in public if we are ever cornered and have to back down to the war criminals in power.  No one cares in the USA about us.  We need a new regime, a political party, one with technological know-how, protection of your and my young, and if necessary the total dismantling of our society instead of being penned down like pigs on an abusive farmers ranch.

I would like to see the men who forcibly inject us admit to the public who is allowing that atrocity to be committed, who at the top of the government is allowing us to be injected.  Then I want that person or thing de 2000 alt with just as the war criminals of Nuremberg were dealt with.  Executed.

We will not survive as lesser animals to things or people less than honorable men.  Their war criminal cohorts may have to die as well if they insist in attacking us, and we should bow our heads in sorrow but accept their fate.  As we can not tolerate war crimes against our people. 

Death is preferable to the nightmare of the regime in power.  Even now, there is suspicious activity in electronic communications and transmission towers in Northwest Florida near Pensacola.  What are they doing?  We can not trust the regime.   Never allow your children to be touched by them or their chemicals and you will likely have a more honored and alive and natural child. 

I was injected in 2001 and forced to sign documents in Los Angeles.  Most people who are not from the USA do not care about us.  Most people from  the USA who want to do something can not.  Many Americans will follow the leaders in the same manner that many followed the war criminals of history.  Give us our freedoms from forced injections and torture or give us all our deaths for eternity, so Help US God.

See the "Continuing Problems" section of the link below.

  I was injected there by a federal agent or an emulation of an agent at the Los Angeles Federal Facility in 2001.  I was injected again in Flagstaff Arizona in 2004.  Our enemies want war.  Let us applaud their deaths and their destruction, even if it means our own deaths.  Never again serve or trust a war criminal in power.

Daily Foreword July 21, 2008: Today, I, Kurt Brown alias Saint Ram Bone, realized something.  Pensacola is no different from most American cities.  There is one of those idiots in every crowd.

For the most part, the people I have met have been kind and courteous.  But as I was at the waterfront, a young boy said, "Let's tear up his truck", then when I returned, he said, "Let's tear up his tackle box".  Now that was not that strange as there is always a mal-adjusted child among a group of kids it seems.  And it was all talk, I think.

Now, this evening, a man walked by with his boy in front of my home.  The man was at a distance and the boy and I saw them walking toward the street.   I just went about my business of what I was doing in the yard and then the man yelled out, "Get outta here Jew"  "Get outta here Jew".  The boy in shock said, "Dad! Dad!" trying to get him to stop.

I am a Free Thinker.  I do not like hatred of any group based on religion, skin tone, etc. as that sort of hatred harms humane thinking human beings, sometimes leading them to be killed.   If one of my Jewish friends would have been there, I would have been more alarmed and would have just taken them inside to escape the howling idiot on my street.  Not all are like that here.  It really does not surprise me though.  I often wonder about people like that.  Were they taught to hate?  Are they human?  An emulation of a human?  It never pays to teach a child hatred.  It will cost them for the rest of their lives, or until they form their own opinions on what is worthy of respect and what is not. 

Just as a side note-- when I was living in San Francisco and the Bay area, I would often make weekend trips up to Vancouver B.C. and Seattle or back East to the Gulf Coast near Florida.  I would often get rideshares from Craigslist to help me pay for the ride.  I even gave hitchhikers a ride sometimes just to pass the time.  All but a few of the riders was Jewish or at least one parent was Jewish, and almost all of them were desperately poor or near homelessness.  I find it offensive to shout slanders at people you do not even know, but I can not change the world.  Some people or things push for a primitive existence on blind hatreds. It is ironic that I was often going to visit Muslims in Canada and even one Jewish rideshare said she did not like Hindus, almost devilish she said. If Mahatma Ghandi was there I would have let him drive and I am sure that Allen Ginsberg would have set her straight, since he was a Jew who loved to visit India.   Even my own government has gone after me, for simply surving an  attempt on my life after informing on money laundering and the murder labeled suicide of an FDIC regional director in San Francisco.  I do not know if the dead man was Jewish, or Muslim, or Black or White or Indian or Mexican or any combination known to man.  I just researched what I saw as a good regional director, astute in observing the rules and regulations of federal banking regulatory compliance. His replacement, my boss who pushed me out of the FDIC, was lax and seemed to have a separate agenda than maintaining federal banking regulatory compliance. But what can you expect in a nation's whose financial underpinnings seem to be capsizing and whose constitution is defunct and whose human rights protections do not exist. The true hidden leader of the USA is a hunchback cockroach in my minds eye.

I am not perfect, never was.  I strive to open my mind, my heart, and I fear for our humane human kind.  The nuclear bombs of yester year are now ancient weapons.  What else is on the table to kill and torture us with?  I was forcibly injected.  Perhaps I am still under sedation.  The USA government tried to cover me up.  They should have done it with dirt, not drugs, cages, and defamation of character.   I tend to slide up on sleaze, as I carry God up my sleeves.  To quote the Sicilian on the hilltop looking at the Huns to the East, the Germans to the North, and the Moors to the South, all of them about to devastate his family's village,  "I Gotz no choice.  I will be right back."  Whackety whack.  Speaking of Sicilian looking people persecuted by government, I recommend Joe Patti seafood in Pensacola.  That ole guy sometimes is up front with a microphone calling out numbers for the next in line. Gotta love an aging fatty Patti.

Daily Foreword July 20, 2008:  The federal government of the United States has likely been taken over by a foreign or native hostile power.  Many people are killed in the federal government, and many are attacked and labeled criminal.  Innocent people are falling victim to that war criminal at the top of the empire.  Someday, we will overcome them or IT or die, let us pray.

When I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, a federal FDIC bank examiner turned informant and investigator of government crimes after leaving the agency, I was attacked and almost killed with no response by the federal police agencies that I contacted in 2001.  That year.  I was later injected and tortured and forced to become a felon, with no chance for a trial by appeal by jury, for legal gun ownership.  The case was dismissed in California in 2004, but I was to remain labeled a felon in the state of California.  2000 The federal government has me now labeled as a felon across the USA.   I have papers to prove the case was dismissed in all other states, yet the enemies in power have ruined my name and killed other innocent bank examiners.  We are going to war . This is a technological war.

Now, in Pensacola Florida, someone in the federal government has me labeled as an armed and dangerous felon in many stores.   I truly regret having served the USA military and having worked as a federal bank examiner.  It is my hope the regime in power is toppled by a humane regime that is truly controlled by honest and hardworking and forthright Americans.  The followers of the regime are either ignorant of the true nature of the regime, or they are naive, or they are benefactors of the regime just as the SS was the benefactor of Adolf Hitler.

What can be done?  Let us hope we can form a humane socialist and positive capitalist political party to spread across prison planet Earth and that we humane humans can divide up before this world goes back to the nightmare state.  WE may have already lost a global war before we were even born.

This is a technological war, and our true targets, in the event that we can get to those killing innocent bank examiners and robbing the Federal Reserve and Treasury and the American people of their human rights, will be elusive. Let us pray they are destroyed or modified in conduct or that we are released without pain and suffering from this existence.

It is ironic that some of the store clerks who know of me and my fight for our common rights often stand up for me despite the criticisms of those paid to hound innocent Americans being tortured by the ruling regimes worst aggressors. Let us applaud their deaths if the targets are taken out with precision and the humane are left alone and standing. Read Hosea 10-13. They relied on their armies. Their eyes will fill with tears and then their blood, so Help US God.

Daily Foreword July 19, 2008:  As I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, settle into my temporary or permanent home in Pensacola Florida, a hub of military expenditure and predatory capitalism based on hurricane reconstruction and warfare overseas and locally, I hear and see many things.  Much is the same as anywhere else, people making their daily wage and trying to live a simple uncluttered life.  On the other hand, I see the idiots of  predatory capitalism and their followers.

One man said to me today, "We are going to have a war with Iran."  "It is inevitable.  We know Israel has Nukes and it is only a matter of time until Iran nukes Israel.".  Another man said to his friend when I walked into a business, "Look there is Saint Ram Bone.  He looks afraid."

I will address both issues.  If the regime in power in the USA attacks Iran, you can rest assured, gas prices will rise to at least $6 to $8 US dollars very quickly.  Every time the war criminal profiteers attack an oil nation, they tighten  their monopoly on oil.   The regime injected me forcibly and ruined my good name, only because I worked as a federal bank examiner and saw money laundering and obvious murder and an attempt on my life.  We are in a  technological war and the shit in power is not us, and they are not humane humans..  So I see the regime as an idiot, a liar, a sacrilegious bunch of barbarians masquerading as men of God.  They should read Hosea 10, and see in particular 13 in 10.  If you wage wars eternally, you will find your enemies boot in your mouth in a grave you built for the enemy.  That is the bottom line.  Some people can not see the dark side manipulating their actions in the light.

Now, about the punk who picks his check up from the government who said I looked afraid.  I do not fear anyone really.  I do not want to be injected again, and I will break anyone's neck if they try to inject me or if I see them try to inject another innocent and compliant person, and I would hope  that I could stop the injections and if necessary, even if it meant I had to assassinate every one or thing who approved of the injections at the higher levels of the war criminal regime in power.  Some people are so stupid they can not see behind the screen of deceptions, the screen of technology.

We should be very wary of the USA government.  The top layer is gone.  It could be something we never knew existed.  It could be a simple take-over also, such as Adolf Hitler or Ho Chi Minh, or Idi Amin, or any war criminal you  care to mention in more recent times.  We know who they are.  They are the ones with innocent men's blood on their paychecks.

What I told the man about the nukes issue is that the nuke issue is the least of our problems.  The greatest weapons are being used and we can not detect them.  It is akin to throwing gasoline on an ant bed and watch the ants stagger around until dead.    The ants do not know what hit them, but they likely know something is not right.  That is the nature of America and the world. 

The world is a prison.  The borders are the fences.  The humane humans are relegated to nothing.  If current trends continue and suffering exceeds pleasurable existence, perhaps all of mankind will be given a final resting place and God can dream a better dream and put all in its rightful place.  Hell hath no fury like the palm of God.  Beware of all governments that betray their own.  The USA has gone to shit and everyone has known it for a long time.  Their government is closed.  Their proponents froth at the mouth for war with us and others.  Perhaps they will get their just dues for just cause.  Read it and heed it.  Hosea 10-13.  It is nothing like 9-11.  Do not believe the lies and deceptions.  Some will rally around a cold blooded killer of children if they can taste the flesh and run with the stable. I feel as if I am in a war for survival among my enemies. I will likely soon leave the United States to test other areas.

Daily Foreword July 18, 2008: Today's daily foreword note is a post to a comment on Youtube regarding micro chips and other forced medical procedures on the humane human population..  Many people are sending me emails telling me to go to have my body scanned for any possible computer chips and have them removed.  The truth is that the regime can integrate into your genetics a sort of tracking or maybe even a mind control apparatus of bio-genetic origin.  The life of the common man who has knowledge is one of strife and discontent.  Our planet is a prison and our borders are our fences.  The most we can hope for is that the humane will rise to wrest control from the war criminal profiteers now in power.

Daily Foreword July 17, 2008:  My two previous posts were comments on video on  The comments center on Forced Injections and Murder by International War Criminal Profiteers, and a woman who made a plea for the killing to stop in Lebanon

Daily Foreword July 11, 2008: If you are hated by the USA governments controlling IT factor, those murderous beasts who murder humane humans and who rob the American people through the Treasury FDIC and Worldwide Oil Monopolization, you and I, Kurt Brown alias Saint Ram Bone, have something in common. Beware of their treachery and poisons. They may even try to fry our childrens brains with chemicals or waves if they can, thereby creating a permanent lower caste. We are better off dead than to have IT rule.

Even simple things such as going to a beach can become nightmarish and deadly as they will send their lessers to harass you.

Not only was I harassed by a young military looking type of IT, offering me a blowjob in the restroom, and he was not serious, it was just harassment and he may have been associated with FBI or Secret Service. He was a young punk, and I should have brought my fillet knife to cut his teeth from his mouth when I rammed it in, but I am peaceful until pushed to react. Also I was on a Floatation device near Pensacola Beach Florida and what appeared to be a huge Huey type Helicopter flew over while I was floating in the deep on a floatation device. One helicopter had flown directly over earlier and I gave them the "F-ck You" American flag salute. Then later, the Huey came over, hovered for a second, and they flushed their toilets or dropped feces and urine. It was in high winds and some likely drifted onto the beach to children and women on the shore, as I was moving away from the helicopter toward the shore. What they did was chemical and biological warfare on innocent civilians.

I am hated not only because I turned in money launderers and murderers at the FDIC, but also because I push for the removal of the Neo-Nazi German Airbus and EADS weapons manufacturer from American shores, and I also push for equal treatment of all humans by that ruling filth in power in the USA and internationally. I see the world as a prison and the borders as fences used against us. Do not applaud the regime. Scream for them to die, say, "Die you bastards and bitches of the IT" as their political parties are now just a huge conglomerate of war criminals.

Normally I would say some sniper fire in the form of a high voltage jolt laser with accelerated and impacted metallic alloy medium in an accelerated and heated gaseous state would have eradicated the enemies in the sky over Pensacola Beach, but somewhere in that Helicopter is a young man or woman who is like us and who follows their despotic leader and does what they are told, laughing at the antics of the enemy regime's punk like combatants even if they do not agree. Never again serve the USA governments. Never trust them. If you catch them doing something like this, collect a sample if possible and have it DNA tested and sue the federal government, and if you can not sue, just be delighted when they are shot down, and hope the innocent ones make it. That is germ and chemical warfare what they did, a childish prank, with other people on the beach and the winds were high and I have had enough of the shit from the USA governments and their controllers, the IT. Suppose they spread hepatitis to a child. That would be like that Shit former Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama who stole inmate food funds leaving pregnant mothers eating the shit he doled out. The regime gave him a retirement salary of what is now around $6000 a month. I would gladly go to war with the regime for what they have done to me, and for killing the innocent FDIC regional director in San Francisco.

The image of the Secret Service and the FBI on mass media is that they are benevolent caretakers of the American people. The truth is that they are gun wielding weapons wielding and forced injections proponents of a regime that has turned against the American people. Let the regime die and applaud the rise of Humane Socialism and Positive Capitalism and the destruction of the negative capitalists and their political empire. Let them eat dirt in their shallow graves, applaud the death and removal of what I call the "IT" from our lives.

Daily Foreword July 9, 2008: Late Update: Today, I went to the beach and one of the younger of the war criminals messengers met me as I was leaving. He held his mouth open and had some goggles on when I went to the bathroom, as if gay. I saw him as a messenger or a lesser being and took my piss and walked away. Then, when I was at my home, one of the punks who may have followed me was in a vehicle with dark tinted windows was in front of home, and I heard one say before I looked to the other side, "This is where Saint Ram Bone lives". Also, during the night a cat sounded as if it may have been thrown against a metal post. It was louder than a usual catfight and it took off running as best as it could and someone nearby said that cat was dead. We have a stray cat that lives in the neighborhood that is fed by locals. Perhaps it was a hostile local. Perhaps they do not like me and take it out on a cats, like a retarded social deviant.

I urge young people to beware of traps and degradation by the friends of the inhumane. Avoid drugs and alcohol and prepare for a holy war in a technological conflict in the near future. Perhaps they intend to break into my home further. As my father said, "It is only bricks and stone and my car is only a piece of metal". Protect your own and if they harm you or yours, beware, as technological conflict cuts both ways, but do not bow down to the enemy's of humane mankind. I should have stayed in the San Jose and San Francisco areas. There you can sit next to a Hindu a Jew a Gay a Buddhist a Cowboy and a Cop and usually, there is harmony. Someday we will awaken our people in the South East to the true nature of the enemy among us. Ignorance is no excuse and intolerance is overcome by testing and forgiving. Take out to dinner a Hindu, a Jew, a Muslim, a Buddhist, and maybe have dinner with a gay and a cop. We should be able to communicate, otherwise we are dogs in a foray of eternal dogfights. Some may try to bring back slavery of mankind on a more rudimentary level. Stand in with me, as we wade into their defenses. Battles may occur soon. Confrontation through technology. Never trust the regime when they prove to be untrustworthy, such as the forced injections and forced experiments at VA facilities and the execution and torture of federal bank examiners and informants in that multi trillion dollar industry. Beware of their lessers. Remember Hosea 10-13, we should not rely on our armies. Protect your young and spread enlightment and acceptance of all of mankind. They do not have to sit at your table, but they have a right to unfettered co-existence. Sadly also, on the Gulf Coast, many people think of Hurricanes and the military and resultant destruction as an impetus to improve the economy. In San Jose, they invent things to make life easier, without destroying. At least that is their goal, and unfortunately many of the lesser minds pervert that intent and start killing the innocent with those same tools meant for improvement, by changing or bending their aim, slightly. It is amazing the differences between the North Gulf Coast and San Jose, but then again, California is in the prison business, often not even giving a trial on appeal, as was the case in my case for simple gun ownership after an attempt on my life and no response by the now known enemy in the federal police agencies, including the Secret Service and the FBI. We will never trust each other again. They know whose side they are on, but we can not see who or what it is that controls them, or I am sure that it or they would have been dead after instigating the 9-11-2001 attacks. Do not believe the mass med 2000 ia or the government while the enemies to humane mankind are in power.

Today's post is on Quatrains 7. I have lived among the exiles. I have been devoured by the IT, and I have taken a bite of IT when IT was wrong and spit IT out when IT was wrong, as best as I could. Even if I was right or wrong, the same conclusions became deepened and transparent.

Daily Foreword July-8-2008:  If I could find out who started allowing forced injections on compliant and innocent Americans such as myself in 2001, and if I could find those who killed an honest FDIC regional director in his office in San Francisco in the early 1990's, and if I could find out who put the attempt out on my life in February 2001 after FDIC employment and informing on money laundering and murder and financial crimes,  I would gladly slit their throat on national television and dismember them, piece by piece for hungry dogs and rats and lions to eat.

  I am Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, and I fled Mobile Alabama due to harassment, but I have found much of the same in Pensacola Florida.  I truly regret having financed a home in the USA.  I can not afford it, and it will never be mine, so it will go up for sale.  Should I leave the USA?  Should I return if I do?  I hope the war crimes profiteers in the USA are beheaded and hung like those facsimiles of humans at the Nuremberg trials of Nazi Germany.

Never serve or trust the regime in power.  If you think you have a friend in the USA governments, you soon find you have no friends.  The USA is going under and you may notice that no one of the poor really cares.  They inject and kill the innocent and their mass media is a lie and distraction.

Humane humans do not kill each other.  Humane humans do not abort their own young.  This is America, a sick and contemptible place that is headed by the enemies to humane mankind.  Never again serve or trust them, and if they eat when we do not, we should eat their food, and feed them to the dogs, the rats, the lions, the pigs.  There will never be another illusion as the USA we had as children, so help us God.  It is my belief the true King of the Jews, just as the true King of the Muslims, and the true King of the Hindus, scampers about, living under the underbrush, scavenging for food in our era.  Do you welcome eternal night?  Your eyes might adjust to the dark.

The regime should not have injected me in Los Angeles at the federal facility and they should not have pushed for my injections at the Flagstaff Arizona medical center.  Do not seek healthcare from the enemy.  Do not share their or IT's bed.  It deserves the waking tombstones.

Daily Foreword July 7, 2008: Please note  that links on today's foreword notes are links to Google images to encourage brainstorming by our people to rectify the crimes against us, and to indemnify those of us tortured and subjugated by the war criminal sects of governmetn of present and days gone past.  Yesterday, I was contemplating how a beverage could be exchanged in front of you at a grocer without you knowing it.  This could also apply to how someone could be forced to commit suicide without them knowing it, such as the prior FDIC regional Director before I was employed under the FDIC's corrupt management in San Francisco in 1999 and 2000.  I was warned not to work for them by a fellow veteran.  We are in a silent war in the USA, I am 99.99 % certain of it.

There are many ways to commit felonious war crimes against the innocent people of the world today, so do not limit my theories or discussions to what I say.  I have  a suspicion that George Bush Jr. is dead and that George Bush Sr. was dead before the Savings and Loan Crisis that started in 1988 and Bush Sr.'s Presidency.   I bought a house in the USA.  I should have done something else.  I am not of the Patriarch section of the war criminal sect.  I am a benefactor of a tradition of subjugation and torture as I am one of the lower caste of the new world order, just as most if not all humane humans have been for  the eternity of the dark ages of mankind.

One way that I could have had my beverages swapped out and one way that the regional director of the FDIC could have been killed would have been mind control and simply be knocked out without us knowing it.   There are many variations of lasers and other weapons that stun the mind, and they are currently on the market to select war criminal consumers at a very high price, or maybe cheap if you can kill the salesman.

The mind can be controlled through manipulation of the brain wave at a hertz that mimics brain waves.   A stunning effect such as pole fishing could be applied.  If you are surrounded as I was at the store, you have a dual pole surrounding you.  The woman at the store yesterday became confused and disoriented after I handed her the money and she was getting change.  I noticed that I gave her a $20 and then when she had the $10 for change, she stumbled in her thought and I noticed something strange also. 

I talk of these things because the regime in power has committed war crime after war crime against me.  Just as in Hosea 10:13, it says we should not overly rely on armies, those in power through criminal misconduct with high technology should not rely on the authority of misconduct.

My career is ruined as an accountant and the regime has in my opinion been taken over.  I have suffered one degradation and attack after another since FDIC employment and reporting obvious money crimes, murder, and attacks on my life, and  a strange knowledge that we are like fish in a fish tank with a electrical pole fisherman picking us out as needed. 

When I worked at the FDIC I remembered afterward vividly, yet sublimely, being knocked unconscious while at the top floor of the headquarters office in San Francisco.    Perhaps they did not know if I was an agent, or perhaps there is a lower level war lingering.  Because I was tortured after employment and subjected to abuse during termination, I recommend an uprising of a Humane Socialist Collective with Positive Capitalism around the world, an elimination of borders, and a new thrust to leave the planet and to save the planet.  We humane humans are not to be subjugated by lesser men, beasts, animals, or technologies. 

Put down the landline and lay the shaft, if we should die, thy rod and staff shall comfort thee.  Beware of deceptions.  My career was ruined, my health devastated, but I am alive, 2000 as far as I can tell.  If not, then I pray for the creator to finish me, just as a delirious dog wants to be finished when it knows it is already dead as road kill.  Mankind.

It may do no good to send in assassins or suicide bombers, as our minds could be so manipulated or deceived, that we would be striking at false targets. Never trust the USA governments or their hospitals. How many of ours are dead? How many resources have we had stolen? Warfare for profit has long been a consideration of lesser powerful men.

Late update: Good news, Brenda With Her Spoon is still alive but sadly she is no longer at the Warfield in San Francisco. Let's give a round of applause to the most famous Chef of Napa Valley, my long time friend, Brenda With Her Spoon, music video I wrote for her when I was living in Petaluma in a rental furnished by Missie Steel Root Z, Miranda Steelman of Steel Root Massage, and she was kind of enough to contribute to this video, I wish both ladies well, Saintrambone's Coming Home music clip on LA Indymedia. To Brenda With Her Spoon and her delicious buffet.

Daily Foreword July 6, 2008: Late update: I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, am returning the beverages mentioned below that I purchased in Mobile Alabama at a Food World because they may have been swapped or drugged during purchase. I was not only insulted by being surrounded by police at the store who were ready to shoot me, but also when I drank one of the beverages once at my residence for the night I felt drugged. Could they have swapped the beverages out? My enemies are powerful and control much of the financial crime syndicates in the USA. I was warned not to work as a bank examiner for the federal government by a fellow veteran, but I did anyway. Could something be swapped out without you knowing it at a store when you are surrounded by police and at least one of them one of the Dogs of Hell? I once considered advanced bubble technologies in physics to do these sorts of things. This is our children's futures and our present. Hosea 10:13, "Because you depended on your own strength and your own armies, the roar of the battle will rise against your people". Now we are swallowed in warfare, fighting for our lives and not even trusting anything when handled or surrounded by the armies of the enemies in power, what we once thought were our armies, even if the one beset in evil is dressed as a Sheriff's deputy or a rent-a-cop Security Guard outfit.

I remember once at a bank examination in California for the FDIC a little man who looked very much like the Deputy who was behind me was one of the bankers we were examining. He was full of contempt of me and was looking at me almost as if hiding. Also, in California in the late eighties in California, a serial killer named Randy Kraft was going to try and drug me and then kill me. I declined his drink and his offer to a hotel room. So Food World can shove their beverages where the sun does not shine, not that I consider them Randy like Kraft, but I do not have to take that nonsense of abuse or potential poisons. Also, when I was driving back to the residence, two undercover small cars, possibly undercover were behind me. Perhaps they thought I would drink one of the beverages while driving and start to sway. They are wrong. Dauphin St. Food World does not have an address at Yahoo for me to comment on them, so I will comment over at the Government Street store on Yahoo.

Once again, I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, have discovered a mixed bag in Mobile Alabama, the city that epitomizes the reasons to stay and the reasons to leave the United States, which has become a sort of lower class version of Brazil, more equal to Peru. 

When I went to a grocery store to buy some refreshments at 10 p.m., I noticed a Sheriff's Deputy walking into the store and checking me out.  Then as I waited for the cashier, a security guard was at the bagging section of the counter, and the Sheriff's Deputy, a young ignorant and gnarly looking little punk, was behind me. 

As I bought my refreshment, I started a conversation with the cashier woman, telling her to hurry and check me out as it was looking like Los Angeles, as a real sort of joke of course.   I then flexed my arms as if I had wings and both the security guard and the cop acted as if they were going to draw their weapons.  I was at  the Food World on Dauphin Street.   Never again will I buy my refreshments at Food World after sunset. 

I asked the Sheriff's Deputy who was the Sheriff, and grudgingly he told me Cochrane.  Then I asked him if Cochrane worked at the police department beforehand.  He did not answer.  The deputies ass was bulging as if he had to defecate and his mouth could not speak.  Then the cashier, a lovely black woman, said he had been there a long time.  I wonder if Cochrane steals like Sheriff Jack Tillman, Cochrane's predecessor, who I had tried to have terminated, but the war criminal regime had him retire with a large pension. I hate those bastards and would welcome a full military advance against they and their negative capitalists controllers, but I will leave up to God's army, so we should all pray for that negative capitalists regime's removal, post haste.   I believe as I was leaving the Deputy said they had me under surveillance and not to check out the goods he was buying.

Earlier Saturday night  in a restaurant when I was eating, there were some people who recognized me and some were joking about the crime boss who was at the FDIC in San Francisco who I had tested and that later some people tried to kill me.  I just wanted to find out if there were murderers among the FDIC and their associates, and there were.  The evil corrupt factions of government try to make you fearful sometimes so they can arrest you for having a weapon, as they did me in early 2001.  Also in the restaurant, someone used the word "Nigger", when I was walking by.  I am offended to hear that word, especially in public, and do not consider that word or "Redneck" a joke among innocent people. 

Once again the city of Mobile and their corrupt government follows the lead of the negative capitalists who we will eventually go to war with.  They will likely just line us up and kill us like Hitler allegedly did Jews and Gypsies.   Who was Hitler?  What was Hitler?  Who puts police to tail an innocent former FDIC bank examiner and survivor?  I want to catch the snake by the tail and feed it to its own machine.

Never again serve the USA government or trust them.  They are not worthy of trust or respect due to the loss of humane leadership and their being obliged to be owned by negative capitalists and their torture and subjugation of the honest American working class.  Beware of Mobile Alabama and Los Angeles and many cities in the USA.  Let us hope a Humane 2000 Socialist and Positive Capitalists revolution is started around the world, and that we can go to the store, we the innocent, without being surrounded by the gun wielding factions of the negative capitalists war criminals in power.  Never again.  America is lost.  The world is a prison planet and the nations are cages.  What is in power?  Technology, take it off, and discover the target underneath.  Beware of deceptions, as there may be many windows and walls that we did not see before.  We will never have safety or wealth under the current regime.  It is time to cut ties.  Do not fear them or death or their or IT's death or near death.  Nothing is as ever as bad as it seems, so she said.

The City of Mobile is a sewer.  I pity our people.  Some people were telling me not to move.  I will be back again and again until this struggle between good and evil is over.   I urge you, my people, to maintain your dignity in the face of the evil and inhumane who have climbed to the top of the vein.  Yes, I remember Prichard.  I see some people are evil and ugly, but that is their choice.  Beware of set traps.  Mankind has stumbled upon those traps and now we are at the feet of beasts.  Or is that the feat of beasts?  A youtube video song of dignity by a young woman. Lovely.  Protect your young from the evils of the regime, if you can, if you dare.

I urge young people not to use drugs. We were taught by our enemies who control mass media and the drug channels. They poisoned us. I am now awake to what they or IT does. Here are the words to the song above.

Here is an English translation of the aria: "Woe unto them, who have abandoned me! They must be destroyed, since they have become detached from me. I wanted to save them, if they wouldn't teach lies against me. But, they wouldn't listen." My refrain to this is, Do not attack them or IT. They will crumple under our strength once we are free of them, or we shall die, either way, we will have won.

And an end to the entertainment, a tribue to Jimmy Cagney, who had my shoulder shrug before I had my spine shattered, and I must admit, it Hurts so good. Jimmy Cagney, Youtube music video, No More Mr. Nice Guy. P.S. Food World on Dauphin Street refunded my money on that suspicious beverage.

Daily Foreword July 5, 2008:  It appears the federal government or the crime syndicates associated with the federal government has taken my case very personal for my pointing out the crime syndicates murdering and stealing in the federal banking regulatory system.  I believe they have put someone following me and last night, he tried to provoke a fight with me.

The man is about 6' tall, weighs around 240 pounds, caucasian, and about 35 to 42 years old.   He likes to wear a wig.  The first time, it was a pony tail, sort of like the aging hippies would wear.  The second time a regular man's haircut, both times they looked like wigs.   The question becomes when dealing with the federal crime syndicates and those who control them, is he a man as we humane humans are?  Or perhaps we should ask, is his boss or controller a man as we humane humans are?

The first time I saw him was outside a Lowe's Department store on or around July 2 or 3, 2008, then outside of a Home Depot on July 3 or 4, 20008, and on both occasions in Pensacola Florida, that warmongers and war profiteers stronghold city by the more war criminal of those who are part of the regime in power.  

Last night, I was watching the 4th of July fireworks in Mobile Alabama over the Bay while parked under the overpass approaching that wretched city of Mobile.   The man pulled up in a pickup truck with a Dixie flag on the back tailgate post.  He had on a mullet wig, trying to be a cliché I guess.  I had one beer during the fireworks and carried the empty container to a garbage can when we were leaving.  I put the container in the can and when I was walking away, I threw the top and missed the can.  I can not see in the dark well due to being blinded by poisons when in forced probation and exile after forced injections and a forced jail sentence for gun ownership, legal ownership, after the attack on my life detailed on Mobile Audit Club's Assassination Attempt Details page.    Therefore I could not retrieve the cap, because I could not see it in the dark.

The man said something when I was walking away about me being the biggest fag in Mobile.  I did not say anything because I recognized him when he pulled up.  He was the man from Pensacola.  When I was driving away with my friend, the man said, "Here is your beer cap you piece of shit", and then acted as if throwing something at my vehicle.   Some other people were nearby and said, "Leave him alone.  Trying to pick a fight always aren't you Redneck".  What the brother did not recognize was that it was a cop or associate of federal assassins trying to provoke me, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, American Holocaust Victim and former FDIC bank examiner, turned informant, and the man wanted a fight, to either maim me or kill me. 

The federal government has factions that do not give me or anyone relief.  I moved back to Los Angeles in April of 2001, and I was injected and tortured after parking on VA property.  I was addicted to a drug given to me by the VA, which I have quit taking long ago.  I was to get a refill and had my Uhaul.  They will use any thing to capture you and torture you if you cross the enemy negative capitalists war criminal regime in power.

So, I pray to God and ask our people, "Please God give us relief, either in peace or in death".  "We can not fight them by ourselves and war engenders war, so we look beyond with our mind's eye and amass your army, as the time has come for them or us to pay the death toll."

Like a beautiful bracelet, mankind was worn on God's wrist, and now, it is being turned into barbed wire by the lesser factions.  Guess who's wrist?  Guess who's ring is in the nose?  Or is that, Guess whose ring is in the knows?

The regime has us beset with murders and suicides to look like murders.  IT's their time under bat, next up, the third point.

Never trust the regime in power. You can rest assured also, if a woman is put into jail while pregnant, something will be wrong with that child once it is born, in most cases? Why? Is it the woman, or what happens to her and the child while in the jail? In Mobile Alabama, Sheriff J 2000 ack Tillman stole food funds from the babies mouths and practically starved some inmates while he was stealing all that he could. The regime approved of it, as he is retired now with a 6 thousand dollar a month pension and he took my gun permit when I had no gun on 4-3-2001 and I was going to report his thievery in Mobile at the most enemy government to me and my people, the closed dictatorship of federal and local war criminals. I hope we go to war with the assistance of God's hand and vengeance and that we have humane humans side in victory. Negative capitalists deserve death and dismemberment of their ill gotten fortunes. Herald the rise of the Humane Socialist and Positive Capitalist collective across the globe. We humane humans deserve better or death, not a lunch of barbed vine.

If anyone is familiar with George Orwell's book titled Animal Farm, you realize that the warmonger sect of lower infantile mentality will always have us slip back to a lesser degree of existenc. I have known Jewish and Muslim women and loved them both equally. Why do they fight? Why do we fight? I fight for survival and peace of mind. I may have to leave, but abandonment of one's love ones is a heinous and silent crime or atrocity or misgiving that leads to malfeasance. So, as usual, I turn to art in music with women as part. Here is Tau, Animal Farm, played in Tel Aviv by two momen (music video.) Tau is 400, perhaps the year of ones true death. In 1608, on the Isle of Wight, the white man befriended the Indian. What became of him, them? Do they walk among us, to be among the dead this year.

Daily Foreword July 4, 2008:  Independence Day in the USA.   What a joke we are.  What a joke we have Been.   Independence from what?  The UK?  Who does the UK have independence from?  Who do we in the USA have independence from?  They close our government on us, and attack us for being, has been.  Never trust anything they say or do, and look beyond, and you can see the joke, the lie, and if they start to die, their hidden snout, pull it in and RIP it out. Never again trust anything in the USA or any bordered nation controlled by half wits who are a friend to sin.  Negative capitalists deserve warfare.  Let it RIP and God please crush those who oppose the innocent men.  Never again.

Daily Foreword July 3, 2008:  Today, I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, survivor of assassination attempts after working at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation came across an email that I sent out less than two weeks after the first attempt on my life a few days after St. Valentines Day 2001.  I had alerted many police agencies to what had happened with no response.  I found an email today that I sent out in 2001 to many government officials in California who did not respond either.  I was attacked and injected forcibly by government. Mobile Alabama Sheriff Jack Tillman took my gun permit on 4-3-2001 when I was reporting his thievery of food funds and starving inmates, and the government in Mobile Alabama sent police to my home in March 2001 when I was denied entry into a government meeting, and California government's federal agents injected me and state government prosecuted when I fled Alabama with my Uhaul less than two months after the email was sent out detailing the attack on my life for reporting money laundering and murder.   Never rely on any government official or agency to assist you.  Email is useless and contacting them is futile.  Am I dead?

The email was sent on 2-27-2001 at 9:38 a.m CST to Senator Feinstein of California at, Senator Boxer of California at, President Bush Jr. at  It is interesting that the Secret Service pounced on me when they had the opportunity in Los Angeles and that the federal government allowed Sheriff Jack Tillman to take my gun permit on  4-3-2001.  Something strange happened in 2001 and earlier.  WE humane humans are kicked down. WE must unite around the globe.  No boundaries, no borders.  I also sent the SOS type email to, and Gray Davis of California at

When dealing with the USA governments controllers, you must realize that you are nothing.  I am nothing.  Cover your balls and your ass, because they are throwing snatch hooks and lures to remove us, the humane and intelligent humans from government participation in the high dollar agencies such as banking regulators.  Hate, what is it?  Greed unleashed perhaps.  9-11 was the silloquoy to my nightmare.  I would rather have been in the buildings in NYC that were toppled than to be injected and jailed and tortured for years and harassed to this day. 

I was an atheist, and now I look for the allure of the creator to put a snatch hook in thine enemies, a three pointed barb.  I should not have allowed the regime to have chastised me.  They just set me up for a trap with my own fear.  I set them up for a trap to test if they were murderers.  The attempts on my life, the 9-11 fiasco and cover-up, the death of Thomas Crane Wales a federal prosecutor in Seattle in late 2001, and the death of the regional FDIC director whose death I investigated all point to a veteran of war against us.  A mad man, much like Randy Kraft who I did not trust in 1983.  Never trust any government agency and realize that modern elections are scams and borders were erected by the enemies to humane mankind.  Now we are restricted to planet Earth while they or it takes its toll in space.  Deja Vu is a preoccupation of mine, at the third point of every triangle I travel.  Sometimes I do not like to travel triangles, because I am never sure what will happen at the third point, good or bad, whether I am walking, driving, sailing, or flying.

I sent out the SOS email to numerous other federal police and government agencies, such as the Department of Justice also, but my computers were confiscated and I was told to dispose of them in 2001 by my attorney, who likely sold me out, first the public defender, the million dollars bail joke of Los Angeles, and then my bought one, the female hindrance to cherry pie.  Actually she was not that bad, but she really did nothing.  Never trust any government agency.  Protect your young.  WE are in a blind conflict, swinging in the dark while they rip us to pieces. Never again.  This American and World Holocaust is about to come to an end, for better or for worse, let us pray.

Daily Foreword July 2, 2008: It appears the Wolf Gang pack effect is in full force in Pensacola Florida just as it is in Mobile Alabama.

Even though I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, survived an attempt on my life for being an honest federal bank examiner turned informant on obvious money laundering and murder, the federal government has criminally syndicated factions that are trying to keep me tormented and moving.  I, Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone, am living in Pensacola Florida now, having been disgusted by my 2000 native city's war criminal dictatorship in power in Mobile Alabama, and having endured injections and torture in California and Arizona, all because I was an honest FDIC bank examiner and who survived an assassination attempt.  They try to provoke you to carry a weapon so they can label you as violent or insane. 

Now, in Pensacola, the new American war criminal Wolf Gang pack has me harassed when I do things as simple as going to a store, such as Lowe's Hardware Supply.

Today, one of the regimes officials or one that was tipped off by the regime's officials, had me examined while checking out of the Lowe's store.  It has happened before there.  They look at my pockets to see if I have a gun having someone step in close enough to smell my penis.   What a joke. 

If you know my story as is detailed on the Mobile Audit Club website and's saintrambone videos, you know that I had a felony case for gun possession dismissed in California when I was found sleeping in my vehicle outside of a Veterans Administration hospital fence, and I have called for assistance in Florida as on this news post today.  The federal war criminal syndicates and their money laundering and drug dealing and casino revenue skimming mafia dons do not like me.

I will attempt to buy a gun and bring my paperwork from the case dismissal in California when I do so.  I will bring a camera to document the events.  I will not buy the gun, but will go through the steps, unless of course I change my mind.  Most people are clueless as to the true nature of this take over of the American government and likely the world government.  By the way, guns are useless against the regime's top war criminals.  Because they insist on killing us and holding us back and in cages and as medical experiments and medical procedure victims, we need higher level physics apparatus to quarantine and neutralize they and their proponents, and I am not talking of a nuclear bomb, but tools of finesse and humane dignity, much like when you grab a mullet headed possum, such as Mobile's ex Sheriff Jack Tillman, by the nape of the neck to throw it from the kitchen cupboard or the baby's crib or our government.

If we are to be hemmed in as convicts in our own nations and on  this entire planet, it is my prayer that the creator, aka God or Allah or Buddha or whatever face you paint on the creator, steps in and sends in a true soldier of the humane people to remove or destroy those that which control  and make our world a concentration camp and execution chamber.

Let us pray together.  As in Hosea, it was said that we should not rely on our armies too much.  Look at America and you can see why. Ever war we win, our predicament becomes more difficult.  I have been falsely labeled, "Manic Depressive", and also I am falsely labeled a "Goodfella", which is really an outdated expression even of those international war criminals in power.   I am also falsely labeled a felon.  A gun possession charge was dismissed in California for all states except Califiornia.  The California government would not allow my case to go before a Jury during appeal, Therefore I do not reside in California. 

Pensacola is a place of ignorance in many ways, and on the other hand there are good people, as I heard someone stand up for me in Lowe's.  We know the regime is almost not human.  Many wear those goatee moustaches because deep down they know they are a double-ended deuterostome, i.e. an anus on both ends. 

Never trust the USA government.  They may be tampering with our children before birth.  This is a silent war and we the humane are losing.  Pray for the honest regional FDIC director who was murdered in his FDIC office in San Francisco during the Savings and Loan crisis during Bush Sr.'s presidency and the honest FDIC directors death was wrongfully labeled a suicide.  The honest regional directors life was cut short by those federal crime syndicates who attack me and who put the crime bosses in place. They almost seem to perfect, their skin unblemished, their bodies not malfunctioning like the average humans. That alone shoud make the more astute think about what I am doing and what I have discovered. This is a war of technology in the USA for control of the USA government and our lives.

I welcome the rise of a Humane Socialist and Positive Capitalist party around the world and the destruction of the ruling regime's crime syndicates and particapants and their war crimes profiteers and their negative capitalists, the money laundering casinos, the dope importers of government, etc. and their allies.  "Let them be removed or let them roast as in a Hell, I pray, for they can not be changed and they know not what they do".

Daily Foreword June 30, 2008: Today was a day of actions performed by those exterior to myself. Someone told me that I was a traitor and then spit on the ground. That is interesting because I wonder how many traitors there were in Germany against Hitler and in Russia against Stalin.

In fact, how can we know anything with 100% certainty in our age of high technology. Delusion, confusion, and mass manipulation will be the key components of warfare in the future, if we make it that far.

I am a free thinker. I am not perfect. I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, am a survivor of attacks against myself by federally associated assassins and those who provoke us to react to defend ourselves. I was attacked and then got no response in 2001 from federal governmental police.

I was a federal bank examiner of low rank at the FDIC aka the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which insures trillions of dollars of banking deposits and which regulates banks controlling billions if not trillions in total.

A regional FDIC director was murdered and labeled suicide at the office where I worked. He was likely murdered and that was only a few years prior to my arrival in San Francisco and Sacramento's FDIC, and I got to witness the replacement management.

Does anyone remember the Savings and Loan crash in the early 1990's? Is there a connection to the death of the regional director? When the banks went belly up, it could be difficult to tell which ones really were going belly up due to outside influences or inside influences most likely, and the FDIC was at the portal of technology to change the databases and files and make a mistake or two, and err in the black for one and in the red for the other. Guess who is in the red? Not the ones in the black. Not the ones at the top of that stack.

We the people are still the people, free to think, if not free to act. I believe in being humane. I do not like any human being that mistreats others. I tend to take seriously any inhumane treatment against myself and my family and friends and their family and friends, and the humane and honest, and we are often not even treated with human dignity, not humane dignity.

I have friends from every nation on the Earth. I have those who spit toward me and call me a traitor and keep walking. They are pent up and brainwashed if they think I am b 2000 othered. Let's discuss the issue at hand before we slit our neighbors throats and label them traitors.

Have you ever been held down and forcibly injected, repeatedly? Death is preferable, and I may be dead, as I was injected after an attempt on my life after informing on money laundering and murder and collusion and corruption at the FDIC, and I tested the management to see if they would have someone try to kill me, and they almost did, or maybe they did but I did not die completely.

Maybe I just have too much post traumatic stress and am too poisoned by the repeated forced injections of chemicals by the federal government in California and their approved forced injections torture houses in Arizona when they had me isolated running for my life like a lame duck.

They call us insane. We are the humane human beings. The bible said, I believe it was in Hosea, that if we rely on our armies to defend ourselves too much we have made a mistake. Yes, I do not even want to kill or attack the man who calls me a traitor, spits, and keeps walking. Perhaps he knows something I should hear. I am open to sane and logical discourse, if we do not agree. That is life.

Fear is the motivator of the movement of mankind; fear of starvation, fear of death, fear of enslavement, fear of torture, and the list of fears is an endless barrage. Honesty and openness are punished in China according to my one Fan who told me of the Falun Gong in China. I was punished for honesty and openness and to some extent today. I have given up on seeking federal banking regulatory agency employment. I am barred from the FDIC and the Treasury has been non-responsive. Has the money been found yet?

I recently sought political asylum from federal crime syndicates and I contacted Amnesty International due to fear of torture and in a sense enslavement, as my career in the USA is no longer existent due to the corrupted courts and the attacks on my life and the slander of my good name by many of the regime in power. Some say I am starting a war. The war started before I was born, that I am aware. Where is Wiseman, my neighbor when I was a child, as he killed himself after Vietnam duty in combat. He returned to Mobile and the USA and saw what I see and saw in my darkest moments -- hopelessness.

I was only a child. My friend of German heritage around the corner saw it also. I did not know the Jewish girl around the corner in the next neighborhood. I think she became a college professor and recognized me many years later, and only now do I recognize her. A lovely woman really. Who is Humane? All of my friends from that neighborhood skipped military service later. I should have. Then again, my war has been since that time, and I hope the world is a better place for it.

I am not a traitor, unless you are looking for a follower of all mad men and corrupt things, and if that is the type of man you seek, be forewarned as in my opinion the inhumane can jump on their own knives. Dirt meets dirt. It is a simple grinding away for some. Does it all come out the same in the end? Or does that truism only apply to living flesh of blood and bone and tissue and sinew? There are not as many gray areas in humane conduct as many may portend.

Daily Foreword June 29, 2008: We in the USA are a nation of lower caste people betrayed.  But the betrayal is international.  Life is hard for most creatures and we are no different.  We are under attack.

I,Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, have been harassed repeatedly since arriving in Pensacola Florida.  It is a town of military and veterans.  Not all are bad, and some understand the predicament of the honest federal officials and honest federal bank examiners such as myself who are under attack or who have been killed by the rising internal federal crime syndicates, but some will always be on the attack, if even they are under attack and may not know it, because they see their one shot to possibly get blind revenge or to look good in the ruling regimes eyes.  It was no different in Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia.

We can not believe our eyes in what we see in government.  We can not trust the USA government or their police agencies such as the Secret Service and FBI.  As one agent told me after I had been forcibly injected, jailed, attacked in the streets and then in the courts, "The trust is gone".

Seek shelter for your children if you can.  Protect them.  This is a technological war.  The 9-11 attacks were nothing more than a set up to increase the price of oil and break the back of resistance to corrupt international forces.   The Oklahoma City bombing was likely not McVeigh, but something else.  Perhaps a struggle within the USA government.

I truly regret having served the USA government's military.  I truly regret having been an honest FDIC bank examiner.  I do not regret letting you know of my discoveries.  I am in the eye of the storm.  What else can you expect from someone who travels triangles and at every third point finds something askew, dead men, robbery of the banking system and the American people, thievery by corrupt lawmen, courts that are as corrupt as anything Russia or Germany could  have mustered under Stalin or Hitler.  Protect your own.  We are all alone, if not on our own. 

They call all who challenge their corrupt insane or criminal.  I have been labeled both.  I have had a felony for gun ownership dismissed, after surviving an attempt on my life in testing for murderers at the FDIC in San Francisco. I was warned not to work at the FDIC by a veteran.  Monkey see, monkey do.

Daily Foreword June 29, 2008: We in the USA are a nation of lower caste people betrayed.  But the betrayal is international.  Life is hard for most creatures and we are no different.  We are under attack.

I have been harassed repeatedly since arriving in Pensacola Florida.  It is a town of military and veterans.  Not all are bad, and some understand the predicament of the honest federal officials and honest federal bank examiners such as myself, but some will always be on the attack, if even they are under attack and may not know it, because they see their one shot to possibly get blind revenge or to look good in the ruling regimes eyes.  It was no different in Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia.

We can not believe our eyes in what we see in government.  We can not trust the USA government or their police agencies such as the Secret Service and FBI.  As one agent told me after I had been forcibly injected, jailed, attacked in the streets and then in the courts, "The trust is gone".

Seek shelter for your children if you can.  Protect them.  This is a technological war.  The 9-11 attacks were nothing more than a set up to increase the price of oil and break the back of resistance to corrupt international forces.   The Oklahoma City bombing was likely not McVeigh, but something else.  Perhaps a struggle within the USA government.

I truly regret having served the USA government's military.  I truly regret having been an honest FDIC bank examiner.  I do not regret letting you know of my discoveries.  I am in the eye of the storm.  What else can you expect from someone who travels triangles and at every third point finds something askew, 2000 dead men, robbery of the banking system and the American people, thievery by corrupt lawmen, courts that are as corrupt as anything Russia or Germany could  have mustered under Stalin or Hitler.  Protect your own.  We are all alone, if not on our own. 

They call all who challenge their corrupt insane or criminal.  I have been labeled both.  I have had a felony for gun ownership dismissed, after surviving an attempt on my life in testing for murderers at the FDIC in San Francisco. I was warned not to work at the FDIC by a veteran.  Monkey see, monkey do.

Daily Foreword June 28, 2008: I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, have been made extremely sick through injections, torture, and likely triggered chemical reactions or other warfare against me by those fedreal war criminals who have attacked the federal banking regulatory industry, including myself. I even wonder if they have broken into my home to poison me further. Perhaps it is time to leave the United States, but where, and for how long will I live and how sick will I feel. Be very wary as the federal crime syndicates are breaking into our homes and attacking us in the streets. Mr. Bush, you fake anomoly of a human being, I want my bank examiner job back, this time in the treasury, or we won't let go next time, and that is not a threat, but a reality in a strangled world and American society. Let us hope and pray we the humane humans can win. I am often intimidated or labeled a criminal when I enter stores. My crime was no crime. I have created a trilogy of death by government, thievery by government, and torture and other horrors by government. The Iraqis are not the terrorists. The federal crime syndicates in the government are and should be dealt with accordingly, so God Help Us, and that is inclusive of the humane Muslims and Buddhists and Hindus, and other world religions created by humane humans. Some welcome to my new home. Thanks for bending my door you federal war criminal bastards and making me feel sick. We should forcibly inject some corrupt government officials on TV, as the government's war criminals inject us behind closed doors and rob us blind of safety and wealth.

Daily Foreword June 27, 2008: After looking at my predicament, I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, have come to some conclusions and this list is not all inclusive.

1) Most Americans are indifferent about most everyone.  In a society that aborts their own children, do not expect anyone to care if you are maimed, dieing, or suffering.  The government goes to war based on the premise of doing what is right, and it is almost always someone attempting to make money from warfare.  Even states like California make a lot of money from imprisoning people over and over without ever trying to correct the problem, even if there is no problem and the person is just abused.

2)  Do not believe any of the American propaganda about Democracy and Civil Rights.  We do not have a democracy.  Many can not vote.  Some can not enter their government buildings.  There is no justice unless you can buy it, and therefore it is not justice but is instead a bribe.  There are no civil rights.  We are denied entry into government often.  We do not even have the right to be free from forced injections.

3) The propaganda about the government caring for military veterans and such is really over rated.  The government does forced injections and forced experiments on veterans and others, including on children from the poor.

4)The idea that America is the land of plenty is often over-hyped.  I see immigrants who are disenchanted after years of hard work and toil and they do not have the wealth they expected and saw on television and in magazines.  1% of the USA population controlled 50 of the wealth in 1988, and 10% of the USA population controlled 80% of the wealth in 1988.  10% of the wealth was controlled by 80% of the population in 1988. Now in 2007, the numbers have shifted with the poor getting poorer and the top 1% getting wealthier, and it is likely one-half of one percent that control at least 60 to70% of the wealth today.  Most never pay off their homes and the money paid is interest and the homes go back to the banks, therefore the suppliers of the wealth. 

5) Health care is virtually unaffordable for many and they die indebted to hospitals.  Even Veterans health care is not worth anything to many because the government can not be trusted, not even the Veterans Administration.  The VA allows forced injections and forced experiments and the public does not care.

6) You can not expect police protection because the police and government are corrupted.   When I, a Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) federal agency bank examiner and internal crimes informant was attacked, I reported it  to 911 and told them I just wanted them to know that it was FDIC and federal crime syndicate involvement.   I told them not to come to my home.  I do not trust the police.  I contacted many federal agencies however asking for a response because it was federal involvement in the multi-billion dollar banking regulatory industry.  Not a single government agent contacted me.  When I try to enter government in my native city of Mobile Alabama I am surrounded by federal agents and they come to my home threatening me, as you can see in Saintrambone videos.

The list goes on and on.  No machine or living cell is 100% efficient.  Therefore we can not expect our societies to be.  I have considered moving to Russia because I think the women are beautiful and sometimes people are protected.  But it may be a Russian dictator ruling the USA.  This can be accomplished through any number of methods.  However, when I see the borders around the world and what happens on Earth, I see human populations controlled by something exterior to us.  We are like children, or small goats, and often abused or simply slaughtered. 

What can be done?  Just know  that most people do not care if you live or if you die.   Do not hate them for it, because most are simple like children or goats and some are diabolical like immature sociopaths.   Protect your young.  Even mass media should be shunned because it is a one way propaganda medium and leads to false expectations, such as the American dream.  All I wanted to do was work as a bank examiner again.  I was terminated for filing an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaint at the FDIC.  The management claimed I was incompetent in the records.  In reality, they were running  an internal crimes syndicate, had killed a prior FDIC regional director in San Francisco in his office and called it suicide in the early 1990's, and the new FDIC management there was pushing out highly intelligent people who were challenging and observant beyond the norm for the FDIC.  Many people were just doing what they were told, conducting a bank examination as one would if one had partial data in the early 1900's, while the real crimes were conducted on computers under FDIC management payout. 

I am harassed on a daily basis in some cities, such as Mobile, by local authorities, usually of the federal government, sometimes local police, and sometimes apparent sympathizers of crime 2000 syndicates.  I was attacked in Canada when I was going to flee there in 2006 or 2007.  Perhaps a sailboat, a live aboard, but what about age and disabilities? 

So, who is George Bush Sr. and Jr., and are they what the claim to be? Both images of a benevolent president love war and both have driven up the price of oil.   Got matches?

Perhaps a prayer?  But which religion. We are supposed to have freedom of religion.  Yes, you can pray while the government and crime syndicates attack you, rob you, and beat you.?

Daily Foreword June 25, 2008: (True Horror Comedy on Love Line 7 added today) I know this post is a little earlier, but I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone was harassed again today, June 24,  in Mobile Alabama on more than one occasion, most likely by undercover federal agents associated with the federal crime syndicates that killed an honest FDIC regional director and who tried to kill me,  or they were simply American war criminals associated with the closed door regime ruining my native city, that pit hole, known as Mobile Alabama. 

Today I had a very nice lunch at a nice restaurant, and parked in the parking lot was an Alabama State Trooper and a Mobile Alabama police department car, and checking me out prior to my eating dinner were four men,  two of which were in a Mobile Area Water Sewer Service car and a local construction company truck that likely has garnered protected contracts through the corrupt city bidding management in the backward and regressive city of Mobile Alabama. 

When I was leaving the restaurant, two smaller men, pretended to be looking in a glass case of merchandise when I left.  One man had said to me prior to entering that someone needs to tell Bush that when IT reigns, IT pours.   Or is that rains?  I am not sure which the stranger meant.

When I got to the car, I was standing there talking to a friend I once knew and the little men got in their little car next to my friend's car.   One of the men said, "Who are you to be preaching gospel", and the little man in the drivers seat said, "I have your chains for you".  Then he said once my friend was getting inside their car, "Stand there and I will maim you".  The two little men left all in a huff because I do not react to Little Rascals with guns, and it makes no difference if they have badges to me.    They remind me of the coveted kind of men the bulls like in the Castro in San Francisco, a predominately gay section, but they were obviously were not as smart as the little men of the Castro who the bulls there covet.  The passenger looked like a little butch Cuban and Italian and the driver looked like a little butch Irish-German. 

When I left there I went to a department store and a man almost hit my vehicle when I came into the parking lot, almost as if deliberately trying to run into me. A police station was next to the store.  After I parked I  was entering the store he came up to me and motioned for me to go inside and was staring at my crotch, as if looking for a gun.  The local war crimes syndicates love to act like I have a gun, as that way they can justify attacking me in the way Sheriff Jack Tillman did before I had him terminated for food funds thievery, or forced to resign rather.  I said to myself, "ladies first", and he walked inside looking back at me and trying to be inconspicuous.  The woman at the door who I spoke to earlier said to me, "I do not blame you, I would not want that redneck walking behind me either." To that lady I must say, "He is not a redneck, he is academically challenged".  Remember that one. 

So goes another day of the regime forgetting what is material and what is not material.  They waste taxpayer money trying to intimidate an honest and surviving FDIC bank examiner who became an informant on money laundering and murder while I was in California.

I feel I can preach the gospel of many humane nations and religions and languages.  I study them like I do physics, biochemistry, and literature, and history.  I urge young people not to use drugs because if you do not use drugs, you will always be smarter than those war criminal sects trying to taking over the Earth.  The local dictatorship is angry because I have pointed out the insane nature of trying to bring German Weapons manufacturers to this city when we already have a war crimes fascist dictatorship in place.  I feel sorry for the lower caste of this city.  I have been told that some have mentioned locally to start an endowment for a local computer and internet training center for local children and to put me in charge.  I will do it free of charge as long as I receive a federal pension. I have to eat.  Perhaps we could just split Sheriff Jack Tillman's huge pension in two, and I will take half and run the school.  After all Jack is a war criminal in God's eyes, as he was his brothers keeper and literally stole bread and butter from the mouths of starving babies, the female inmates who are pregnant.  Another dead man has passed in front of me.  Do you see the dead, that fleeting glimpse, or perhaps they were not dead.  God does not see the dead,  he only sees the living.  All aboard, this is a "Wipe Out"

My prayer, Dear God, Grant me one last wish, a boxing match with that aging sack of feces Sheriff Jack Tillman.  I want to hear his golden gloves and pound me some beaches in a little car with badges made out of Nada.  I have never boxed in the rink Jack, but I was a descendant of a Roman Discus thrower from the Ancient Roman Olympics I am told, and most likely he was a freed slave who called himself Brown.  I wonder.  Time for a Brown Out Jack and you get no Brownie point here.  Yes they do hate me, but they hate all of us if we stand up like sober men of humane cognizance.  I know a monkey when I see  a monkey act like a monkey man.

So I preach to the little bitches, the little men in the car, once again, from Numbers 23-15, and I find it with the dual hand split and to the right lower, Balaam's Second Oracle, Then Balaak said to him, "Come with me to another place where you can see them; you will only see a part but not all of them".  Open your eyes and quit wasting tax dollars and your time fighting me for no reason.  I am on the side of the righteous.  How do you think I survived thos 2000 e attacks and the horrors subsequent.  God have mercy, please see me among my enemies and curtail their skirts for messing with Kurt's.  I am only material in your eyes, not  theirs.

I might open up a church and social service agency someday, a church a mosque a temple for humane free thinkers, where children can think and play and be lead by men who have no poison in their veins or their minds. Our society is sick. I was poisoned, we were poisoned. I am recovered as best as I can. I say many things about the government. Not all are bad. We are in a power struggle with evil and indifference.

Daily Foreword June 24, 2008: Quatrains 7 was updated today. Late addition: Back before George Bush Sr. was defeated by Clinton, I was speaking with a federal official about the election who had been in favor of Ross Perot. As we spoke of Bush Sr. he turned and looked at his phone as if someone might be listening through the phone line.

The federal official also said that George Bush Sr. was a disabled veteran and said that Bush was shot in the left arm, and then he pointed to his right arm.

Considering I was almost killed after using my phone when alone in 2001 and that federal prosecutor Thomas Crane Wales was killed after a phone call while alone in 2001, we can estimate with a high degree of certainty that many of the war criminal regime in power has used technology against us to come to power. America has become a hellish place for many of us and everyone knows it. It is only a matter of time until the full scale attacks are pushed another notch. Do not ever assume the mass media knows or tells the truth.

As a former federal bank examiner for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) who survived attempts on my life and attacks on my vehicle, I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, often look to the forced injections forced upon me by the ruling regime in power and their idiot war criminals of high rank in the federal agencies.   I was forcibly injected in 2001 and 2004 that I know of with certainty.  The war criminals always think they are smarter than what they are in reality. The war criminals of the regime in power killed an innocent regional FDIC director in San Francisco in the early 90's in his office and then tried to kill me for investigating his replacement in my own non-invasive and legal methods. 

I am made sick by forced injections and I often wonder in what other ways I was harmed, as I spit blood once and still have terrible headaches and an unexplained scar that was infected in my mouth after being held in custody and injected and performed a medical procedure upon at a Los Angeles federal facility. Something the Bible says is that we should not trespass against others. But they trespassed against me and robbed me of everything, and now, the easily manipulated Americans are robbed as well. And worse, the humane around the world are robbed and abused in the same and similar methods. I want blood revenge and holy revenge but the former may not be possible. If you are threatened with forced injections by the ruling regime, I urge you to flee for you life. If you can not get free, you have my blessings in killing the pursuers and I pray to God that one of the humane gives you shelter after doing so, and that those who approve of those injections in high rank are killed in our life time and burned in the after life for eternity.

The regime prints on their monetary currency, "In God We Trust", but they or it defies the word of God, therefore they are in contempt and mocking God's law in our face and even worse, they trespass against our bodies. I hope for the regime's war criminal elements to be toppled and beheaded, and that includes all of those who oppose our rights under God's law. Our bodies are our own, despite what war profiteers and descendants of slave herders may claim. So help us God in destroying our enemy among us and those who trespass against us and lie about everything. WE must form a coalition to topple the enemies to God's Law, as those in power who are in contempt of God simply by the lie on the monetary currency, and the needle tracks and aggressions against our bodies and tortured minds. This is the declaration of a new Holy War. Stand with us or fight us, but remain vigilant as you who are not on the side of righteousness when you violate our bodies, our sacred God given body, are doomed in this life and the after life, I do pray for justice to reaped hereafter and the present. Never trust the Federal government or local governments of these damned United States.  Our enemies to humane mankind reign in many high seats.

Here is one link that talks of  those aggressions.  See the Continuing Problems section of this link.  I was injected at that Los Angeles facility in 2001 by a federal agent.  I was a victim of war criminals in power, and I welcome a full scale Holy war against them for what they have done to me and their other innocent victims in the USA and abroad.  I was naive, I trusted the Veterans Administration. What a joke I was, or perhaps I was God's litmus paper.   If so, I hope it stops with me and that God is on our side in the holy battle soon to ensue, even if we should all die premature deaths and reap God's law and benevolence in the after life.

Beware of anything the government controls, including hospitals, particularly if you have incriminating evidence on the enemy war criminals in power or if you witness things such as radio active spills and such, as they want to keep their filthy secrets. Flagstaff Medical Center and the Los Angeles Veterans Administration owe me a huge settlement. I will take the money or a seat in the Unite States Treasury's banking regulatory division, the OCC or another group, perhaps even my old employer of record, the FDIC in San Francisco.

Daily Foreword June 24, 2008: As a former federal bank examiner who survived attempts on my life and attacks on my vehicle, I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, often look to the forced injections forced upon me by the ruling regime in power and their idiot war criminals of high rank in the federal agencies. The criminals always think they are smarter than what they are in reality. They killed an innocent regional Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) director in his office and then tried to kill me for investigating his replacement with my own non-invasive methods.

I am made sick by the forced injections and I often wonder in what other ways I was harmed. Something the Bible says is that we should not trespass against others.

The regime prints on their monetary currency, "In God We Trust", but they or it defies the word of God, therefore they are in contempt and mocking God's law in our face and even worse, they trespass against our bodies.

Beware of anything the government controls, including hospitals.

Daily Foreword June 23, 2008: The United States of America is the land of the lie and it has been since the day of its inception.  Most horrid recently is the lie that we are not living in an American Holocaust.   The regime in power is a filthy oil and blood soaked war criminal full of ill gotten cash from the slave ranks of the United States and the world.  We do not control the USA government.  They use us to kill each other around the world and to torture each other.  The history of the world has not changed, and just as the Germans of World War II had Jews and others 2000 known as Sonderkommandos crush the bones of the holocaust camp death row inmates so they could be hidden, so has the regime in power used our people to attack each other here in the USA and abroad.

The attacks in 2001 in New York were not as the mass media portrayed them. I was also attacked that year by most hated enemies in these damned United States governments.  We may never know the exact truth, but in the attacks on the oil rich nations of Afghanistan and Iraq it was shown that the regime was cornering the non-compliant suppliers of oil on the world markets who sold oil at a price below the market price of the regimes allies in Texas and Saudi Arabia.

The regime has injected me and tortured me and lied about me, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, surviving FDIC bank examiner and federal banking crimes informant.   I do not care if the regime is killed in total any more than a Jew would in a holocaust camp looking at the Germans through barbed wire.   I do not want the innocent harmed though.  The regime's controllers do not care about us.  I have seen that the regime's governments key players can be found at resorts, not in government buildings.  That is where the war will have to be waged.  Among the wealthy. But could they have already left planet Earth or some travel otherwise where they can not be reached?

We may be like small brained animals to a genetically engineered super race.  If so, let us welcome global war and help to hasten all of our deaths on planet Earth as they have proven themselves to be the enemies of humane mankind . Their mass media and their government is the enemy to the working humane humans. I have asked for my job back as a bank examiner.  I was injected and tortured for what I revealed and for surviving assassination attempts.  I pray for the end of our suffering, however it has to be done.  Never again serve or trust the regime or their mass media and applaud all attacks against the regime when they attack us for daring to survive or for daring to be part of self determination in their hated government monopolies.  Beware of all government buildings.  They kill and torture and maim.

I often wonder who or what was in power in the USA and in Germany in World War II.  Were we, the humane humans, led to kill each other so that this super power of a genetic super race or perhaps just humans of no ethical concern could come to power?  Or was is just more human inhumane monkey business?   Remember the herds of buffalo, they are now extinct, as that is likely our destiny, and that is better than to be in cages or hospitals and knocked unconscious and used in medical experiments and such, as I likely was at the LA federal facility in Los Angeles in April of 2001.  The regime's split tongue speakers call all who challenge them insane or criminal.  Yes, count your dollars at the gas pumps and feel the warmth of the sky.  You are all about to die, you and I, perhaps it will be God fortune.  Time to fly.

Daily Foreword June 22, 2008 (A bizarre numerical date 6-22--2008) Can you see the light Jack?:  The people who control the USA federal government, or those emulations, have taken all of our rights away.  They inject us with chemicals forcibly, they force us to sign documents through chemical coercion and terror in their courts and jails and insane asylums, and they beat us from government so we can not even film the gates where those sons of bitches enter to preach their lies and tell us their stories.  We should beware of all things the USA government is involved in, as it is not our government.  They come to our homes and threaten us and intimidate our families at their places of employment.  I would wager they do more to us than we know, and I would wager my life upon it, as under the ruling regime, it is nothing, as I have been reduced to that of being a Lemur Monkey in their eyes, waiting on scraps and run from the vicinity of what was at one time our government buildings.  They have gone to war with us, with many of us.

Because I was injected forcibly several times and knocked unconscious, and because I was led around in chains at the Los Angeles federal facility at Westwood and forced to lay on a table where other things may have been done to me other than shown, and because I have unexplained scars and perpetual sickness at times, I see seconds of time sometimes as bordering Hell.  So shall we all in due time.  You should welcome death and global extinction when our torture is increased and our children manipulated.  We are like prisoners in a sort of Hell under their or IT's rule.

I was warned not to work at the FDIC, a federal USA banking regulatory agency.  Since that time and the tortures mentioned, I question everything I see, as just in a hologram on earth, things and people and places and even mind states can be manipulated and had or withdrawn.  The amount of technological warfare against us can be staggering to the imagination.   We do not trust them, as all enemy combatants do not trust each other.  They trust they will harm each other.  We are in that state of affairs now.

Yesterday, I went to a beach near Florida.  As I was walking around a large bar pavilion, a large headed man, larger than your average German head of big size, was leaving with 4 or 5 teenage boys.   I could not understand him 100%, but as I walked behind him, I realized that he recognized me.  He said that of the forced injections that the next time, I would have my neck snapped, or I should snap theirs.  I am not certain.  Then one of the boys turned and said, "You better not hurt my father".  The man told him not to look at me and then they made a joke about "Saint Ram Boom" and I do not know the details.   If I am ever injected again or poisoned by the government, I want all of their controllers removed and all of their families, where they dwell or walk.  Remember 9-11, I was injected on 4-23.  I was set up by Sheriff Jack Tillman on 4-3.  I met my first large headed nurse at the LA VA facility on 4-23 when I was injected by a federal agent agent and a police officer was there from the VA.  I met a judge with a large head at LA Superior Court in May or June and and I was forced to become a felon for legal gun ownership.  I carried the gun from fear of government after an attempt on my life with no response by the federal government.  I feared because I knew a regional FDIC director was murdered and labeled suicide.  I was 98% certain of it.  I test the variables, I observe, I am more than a lemur you bastards on Capital Hill and beyond.  I am highly educated, like that of a doctor.  You have crossed the line.  Maybe it is time for all of us to die.  Every year they get stronger and we get weaker.  They even tamper with our children before birth if in their jails, and afterward in their hospitals.  A dentist told me recently I would die in 20 years, judging by my teeth.  I hope it is much sooner.  I hope I take a large headed enemy and their cohorts down with me, and th 2000 eir families, so my grandchildren are not dragged asunder as I and others among us. 

We should be wary of foreign companies in the USA, such as EADS, and now  Airbus.  Because I see the government as fraudulent, I see the war against the controllers is going to have to be more removed from the actual targets, if that war increases, which it will in time.   

As usual, I look to various scripture about torture, today flipping through the Judeo Scripture on a Google search, and then Islamic Scripture, and then Buddhist writings.  WE must be wary of writings and claims written by victors of conquering armies.  Mao Tse Tung said, the truth comes from the muzzle of a gun.  That is not actually a truth but often a misinterpretation by a man who is like a dog of war.

I did not mean to just point at those with these abnormally huge heads who have been at the forefront in my torture.  Many people of many races and head sizes have attacked me both physically and through the legal system and verbally by slandering me when I passed.  I truly regret having worked for the FDIC.  I truly regret having served the USA military.  I truly regret having been born or sired children in the USA or this planet at all most likely.  Perhaps at my death, it will be a good time for all to die.  I only hope the just and the humane and the good are resurrected and that I never suffer again as I have.  I fear everything because of the events of my life and others I have witnessed.  I fear the water, I fear the sky, I fear the air I breathe.  They have all been poisoned and turned into a weapon in the recent and distant human path.

I take a deep breath and hope for all to die. Come with me in this coming holy war, or lay still and wait your and our time to die. It likely makes no difference. Life is about struggle and our enemies, those who abuse the humane, will always be among us in this wretched life. Mankind's history is that of a despicable animal in many instances and struggle has always been there it seems. Mobile Alabama now has Airbus flying over our seas in my native region. Why was not Moab exploded over our homes instead of under the radio-active ground of Pensacola nearby. I wait. I look forward to release or battle, either way. Never trust any government official. They have damaged me or I now see the dead in a spiritual blackened mass. But I was warned to get rid of this monitor so perhaps my vision is poisoned also. But I have seen these dead, this blackened strike in my eye outside of my computer room. Perhaps my army is starting to amass and to avenge the dead and tortured, or perhaps for passage. I know the way or it will be shown.

The irony of this is that I saw a man who looked very much like Sadam Hussein walking in ragged clothes in Mobile Yesterday or the day before, or both, as I saw him in two locations, once on Government Street and another time walking on a roadside elsewhere. A young man even mentioned the similarity when we saw him. It was early morning. I wanted to go up to him and talk to him. I feared he was a government agent perhaps. I thought of equal chance, something was askew, and that he may have been a manifestation from the dead and beyond the blackened masses I often see temporarily or he was just a Mexican or Spaniard homeless or near homeless. He was struggling. I will take he and Jack Tillman with me. Jack has committed a heinous crime, but has Hussein? A Jewish woman told me he had. But a Muslim woman said he was protecting his people. I loved both women. Am I wrong about Jack and Hussein? Jack was raised to fight like a dog and taught slanderous terms and became sociopathic with a badge under the beast in power and did his bidding and took my gun permit to set me up when I was reporting his thievery of food funds and the murder of innocent men in the federal governmental banking regulatory industry. Hussein is accused of protecting humane people and of attacking humane people. Who is more guilty Jack, you or Hussein? I do not know all of the truths in Hussein's predicament. I do know Jack's, and if you do not know me, you do not know Jack.

Now for that itching perpetual song from PJ Harvey, Rid Of Me on

Or perhaps PJ Harvey's Big Exit October 2001 on Youtube.  I was in jail
until August 12, 2001 put there by those bastards and bitches of the enemy
regime in power.  Enter Warlock, enter Big Exit, in through the out door.

I take a deep breath. I go to play my game within. I return. I open the book of scripture left to me by my mother. I open in my own unique fashion for the first time, using both left and right hands and the middle fingers of each and proceed to the center. I read in Isaiah. I read in Isaiah 65-9 on the left hand, "I will bring forth descendants from Jacob." I read in Isaiah 65-18, in the second stanza, "for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight". Is it an empty promise for you, for me? And what about the wandering man, homeless and destitute? Lost and found perhaps? Should I stop next time? It depends. I have family there too and miss them and dream of them, in the conversations missed. Carpe Diem means the seize the day.

Daily Foreword June 21, 2008:I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, have endured severe discrimination by the ruling local and federal dictatorship in Mobile Alabama.  I am not the only one who endures these abuses as many can not even vote and many are targeted by the police and federal agents who predominantly do not originate from the area when they are children.

Yesterday, I went to a local hardware store and was only in for a few moments when I walked out and a City of Mobile Police Department car was behind my car.   I walked behind the car avoiding him as I have been hassled in local large department stores also and do not shop there, but instead shop often at other smaller stores now.   A man who was undercover or nearby said, "Why are you avoiding the police car you fag".  I did not respond.  They do not like me because I had Sheriff Jack Tillman terminated for stealing inmate food funds, but I have been told that things are bad again and that the local jail has severe overcrowding now with 4 men per 2 man cell.  I also point out the fact that we have a dictatorship from outside and locals, of all races, especially the humane human race, are excluded from all government participation and news coverage.  I have even been told that local TV stations management acts like a recluse spider and the line staff barely know who is behind the iron curtain of mass media.

When I went to a local grocer, a woman who checked me out said, "Reggie Copeland is not the devil, you have a knot on the back of your head and in it is a horn."  In a way I asked for that one because I pinpointed the local closed government city councilman who seems as inhumane toward me as the local federal dictatorship and the war criminals in charge of the local FBI and Secret Service.  Copeland has a large knot on his right forehead and it is proven scientific fact that right frontal lobe brain damage is common among serial killers and sociopaths, as the part of humane conscience and intelligence has been damaged.  They do not like me because I am a skilled auditor and reporter and I am owned by no one and act on behalf of the working class poor.    No offense Mr. Copeland and federal war crimes government but you remind me of a serial killer I came across and who I avoided because I did not trust his actions, offering me an open bottle of liquor that indeed was drugged, and I declined to drink or to have a hotel room with him, as everything is not always Randy with Kraft.  I drew attention to myself this week when I reported myself and some children sprayed with bug killer by a passing mosquito truck in Mobile before the sun had set.  I was sick for days with a lupus type rash afterward.  I am sensitive to some drugs and chemicals.

I encourage tolerance based on skin tone and nationality and geographical background or religion, and I urge all people not to teach their children racial slurs on other human beings.  We lose much of the beauty of life as a human being by doing so and we cheat the children horribly of the greatest things in life, human social contact in a positive fashion.   We may have been conned and find that we, the humane humans,  are the only ones poisoned and tortured and held back.    We should teach tolerance and acceptance.  I have even been told that local police and sheriff's departments in South Alabama are conducting stings on gays.   I did not know that being gay was a crime, but I guess it is under a federal war crimes dictatorship.  I encourage celibacy until marriage, and heterosexuality to procreate, but I do not pass judgment on others.  Diversity is the spice of life and sexual activity is part of being a human being.   Just be safe and cautious.

Perhaps I stayed in San Francisco too long.  Most accept each other for our differences there.  Most work hard and encourage education.  Sexual orientation is not an issue and neither is skin tone.  Diversity is encouraged.  Even medical marijuana is wide spread and recreational marijuana.  I do not encourage it, but in the worst case, I would much rather have to get a child drug rehabilitation for marijuana than I would for crack cocaine and crystal meth, which is widespread in lower Alabama, while marijuana is often difficult to obtain and the government in Alabama and Mississippi often target people for marijuana use so they can cripple them with felonies and control them with jails and take their hard earned wages and take their right to vote away with disenfranchisement laws

One young man said at another store, "There goes a real man".  Yes, I am a man, a humane man, as I try to be in my daily life.  I want equal government participation for all or I want their government toppled.  I want sane and just laws or I want their courts removed. We may have to reach beyond government walls to retaliate against the true enemies to our people in power.  We will not tolerate the abuse such as I endured when I spit blood after going to their courts in 2004 for demanding government participation.  They sabotage our lives, our marriages, our homes, our vehicles.  They are like an IT, not even humane humans.  War is a two way option.  I prefer God's way, not to rely on armies, but the humane heart.  Sometimes God enables us to be lions, but we must know when to stop fighting and become men again, or we will be part of the problem as the regime in power often is, and not part of the solution.

Daily Foreword June 20, 2008:  I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, former federal bank examiner for the FDIC in the USA, have been made extremely sick through forced injections, and most likely the stress from torture, I received by the federal government in 2001, and later with approval in 2004.  

I may have been injected other times and had forced medical procedures done on me other than those that I am aware.   My vehicle has been attacked and tampered with also by those crime syndicates, and my former wife was harassed at her employment by the FBI and Secret Service because of my activities as a reporter and auditor.

In remembrance, all things were not always bad during the exile and probation.  The Yurok Indian tribes were as kind to me during my probation and exile by the federal government in 2003 and 2004, as my Jewish friends were to me in Northern California before and after the probation and exile.  Therefore I listen this morning to some song clips from the ancient Yurok tribes and remember the beauty of that place and their people.  Yes, I am home sick.

Daily Foreword June 19, 2008: (Late update on Love Line 7) I remember in April of 2001 at Los Angeles Westwood's Federal Facility, and the thing that precipitated it at Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in January or April of 2000, mind control usage like that of Project MKULTRA. I was injected and knew about it at LA, but in San Francisco I had only slight recall of the ameteur in the ranks of the enemy, or perhaps I was delusional when knocked unconscious. The federal government was taken over or MKULTRA would not be significant. Break the wave, move in under a protective shield with outward projections of warfare and subterfuge is likely the only way to stop MKULTRA type assassinations and mind control. The illegal war criminals in high office did not know who I was. Know this. Do not fear rapid and extreme change, you will get used to it.

The federal war criminals tried to kill me and then  in this order, took my gun permit, took my guns, injected me, jailed me, forced me to sign documents, exiled me, blinded me partially, and attacked my vehicle and sabotaged it, and they repeated the cycle and more. 

The enemy to humane mankind controls many nations borders.  They fear me because I survived.

Daily Foreword June 18, 2008: A bible verse keeps coming back to my mind. Now, to paraphrase the quote from the bible, from Hosea 10-13, "Because you depended on your own strength and your own armies, the roar of the battle will rise against your people". .

Daily Foreword June 17, 2008: Once again, I have been sick for several days. I was poisoned and tortured and had forced medical proc 2000 edures performed upon myself, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, former FDIC bank examiner. Many veterans have been committing suicide according to a story released by KPFA public radio in Berkeley California. I contacted them and asked for a job, because the enemy in power has blackballed me after performing meritoriously on our people's behalf. They are our enemies in the federal government, some of them. WE welcome their deaths, those at top who inject and abuse us with forced medical procedures and who try to kill us and then persecute and prosecute us, as that traitorous money seeking horde, or the IT, did to me in Los Angeles Superior Courts under federal guidance. This is a technological war and you may have to search to find the "True" instigators. One of their war crimes profiteers said, "That man is a menace to society". I hope I get to see those who injected me and tortured me and their war crimes profiteers killed by the murdered FDIC regional director who was labeled suicide. I would ride shot gun with him to avenge the enemies to humane mankind in the USA and on Earth. I had been injected and tortured and forced with extreme prejudice to sign documents and my court appointed attorney had proven to be just another whore on the slab of Los Angeles. The attorny I later purchased said they caught me red handed. I simply owned a gun and had it for defending myself after an attempt on my life with federal government approval. The red on my hand is the blood of the murdered regional director labeled suicide, and it is black to my eyes, as all men's spirits are to me. I hate that city's courts and the federal dictatorship. I was a fool and served the military there. What a joke I was. When their blood drips and their families are torn apart, they will know my suffering, our suffering.

I likely had forced medical procedures of some sort performed on myself when I was in federal custody in Los Angeles at the Veterans Administration Federal Facility in Westwood in early 2001 (see continuing problems section of this link).   I was told that when they took me to have some medical procedures forced upon me, that they did more than I knew.  Perhaps Americans were striking back on 9-11 or perhaps the blitzkrieg of the enemies in power was being advanced.   I have a large unexplained scar reaching to the top of my mouth according to an oral surgeon who said it reached to the roof of my mouth when I had it checked upon release. It was oozing something after I was released from that facility and the LA County jail. I had information on money laundering and murder at the FDIC San Francisco and had survived an assassination attempt and was fleeing Alabama's thieving Sheriff, Jack Tillman, and our enemies who are their federal protectorate in that oppressed part of the USA. My life has gone to Hell, and no one in the USA cares.

I encourage young people not to serve in the USA military unless you want to go to war with the federal regime and their cold blooded supporters after you are discharged. Beware of what they may have done to you. You might just be an experiment or medical procedure victim. Someone may have broken into my home in December of 2007. If I am sick with a fatal disease from what they may have done to me in 2007 or 2001, I hope we can kill every federal agent and politician who approves of forced injections and torture and the murder of the innocent. Do not believe their mass media. Because in Oklahoma City and New York and the Pentagon, those explosions were not a result of that which was reported. The regime is a liar and trick all who come across their true nature if not in league with them or IT.

Veterans committing suicide is nothing new, but it is encouraged by some of the current ruling regime.

Daily Foreword June 16, 2008: Today, I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, have applied to Amnesty International to see if they have a country that is not controlled or touched upon by the enemy regime in power and their federal crime syndicates in the USA and Canada and I am seeking a citizenship in that nation. After FDIC employment and informing on money laundering and murder, I have been attacked in the USA and Canada. My vehicle has been sabotaged and my career wrecked. If I am not given refuge, I hope to go into full scale war with that regime by allying with those of the opposing fringe in these damned not so United States. Never serve the regime or trust them. Veterans should never challenge the financial federal crimes syndicates without world wide assistance in technology and manpower. Never work for them if you are an astute observer and have a kindred spirit to those of humane conscience and positive capitalism. California is a flame pit waiting to be burned just like Alabama and no one cares. Their courts are like traps and I welcome their destruction and those who control them. The entire Earth of humane humans is straddled by the enemies to humane mankind.

We must remain cognizant of the fact that the regime in power's key war criminal members in the USA have been and will likely continue to be killing us in ways that we can not trace or tell to point to murderers. They attack our buildings and point overseas to oil rich nations they want to conquer. They attack us and then when we defend ourselves we are attacked in their government buildings, their courts and veterans facilities and federal buildings and local police buildings. Be aware that our true enemy may never enter the government buildings. You may find them eating in restaurants or at home. This is the nature of war in our era. That gun is useless unless you have him she or IT at point blank range and away from those factors that could be emulated or faked in some fashion. Beware of mind control. Welcome global war and for the Humane army of God to rise up, not those fake preachers lining their pockets, those lesser dogs who kill and punish and then claim a humane and Godly stance. As Guisseppe Garibaldi said about the Pope, long ago, "Got A Rope, Hang The Pope, Up with Garibaldi." Nothing has changed. We will have to remove the puppeteers of government while they stuff their fat faces in our impoverished cities local neighborhoods. Los Angeles Courts should be burned, let us pray, and then, see Alabama and the rest. Have a nice American Revolutionary Day. Let us make the movements, Now. I am dieing is the quote to awaken us.

Daily Foreword June 15, 2008: (I have put an addition onto Quatrains 7 today, my own little version of a revelation of sorts.

If you are ever employed in the federal government's high finance sectors, and if you are hired on behalf of being an honest veteran of good merit, I urge you to beware of the war criminals in government.

My vehicle, Kurt Brown alias Saint Ram Bone's vehicle was sabotaged and I was attacked on several occassions.  On one occassion I caught several people under my truck tampering with it.    On another occassion the keys were taken when I was held and forcibly injected with federal government approval.  That occurred on two occassions and they lost the keys in Flagstaff Arizona although copies were already made in Los Angeles by federal war criminals who forcibly injected me and tortured me and their bosses deserve death for allowing the atrocity.

Now the engine has had something most likely poured into the engine when a spark plug was removed and replaced, and bb's or metal shavings and it is ruined.  The federal government has forced me into retirement by 2000 giving a felony in early 2001 for daring to survive assassins when another bank examiner was killed years earlier, and I made a mistake of thinking a gun would protect me.  Similar to the dead regional FDIC director labeled suicide, they used my gun against me, but I survived and they prosecuted me for ownership.  Their police lay traps for us, traps set by the ignorant, therefore me must triangulate and capture the moment of their move and pull them into a shedding position and skin them alive if necessary, figuratively speaking of course, much like the Rodney King beatings in Los Angeles in 1992, and go for their controllers if possibly.

I encourage my people to beware of war criminals and assassins and saboteurs and tricksters in the government's highest ranks in the USA.  The time has come for a power struggle for the American people and the workers of America to regain our place.  The oil baron of dubious heritage is all we need to get rid of to start with, by targeting those who have created a monopoly on oil and who keep our transportation hostage to oil like heroin addicts to heroin.  WE may have to escalate a war with them by luring them into acting on their tricks against us and gouging an eye for an eye.

One of their operatives told me, "Get a gun" in front of some people at a store one morning, and it was rather unnecessary and demeaning..  Never let their operatives  tell you what to do.  Choose your own weapons and your own methods and your own time for retribution.  "You can not win at another man's game", remember that.

What would you do if you caught a man under your vehicle and another standing at the side with another man in the shadows?  That is what I was faced with after the NTEU associates were informed of my movements.   The USA border patrol took my vehicle when re-entering from Canada out of my view at the Vancouver B.C. Canada checkpoint.  It was ruined then or shortly after.

We may have to become war profiteers to remove the enemy in power who abuse and kill us.  We must eat.  We must survive..  Make it count, make it profitable, never let them taunt you to battle on their terms. Set your time, your place, and know that the enemy reigns in high places, but not the highest, and turn your eyes on high in your final count if you die combating the enemies of our people.  The regime owes me a settlement for torture and injections, and now they owe me a new vehicle for their saboteur's actions and a new home for the hated Secret Service threatening my wife who divorced me after a hospitals management department was going to start an investigation due to their activities against me for informing on murder and money laundering and for surviving killers in their ranks.

The Secret Service is a bank examiner of counterfeit currency.  The Secret Service investigated the death of the dead FDIC director.  Some day, they will pay for their horrors against myself and others, so Help US God in this coming glorious war to regain the American continent for the American workers and the world for the world's workers.  WE start in the America's.  It is a prison island and we convicts will have to unite in this battle.  May  the glorious victors reign humane,  and over the carcasses of the enemies who attack and tamper with us if necessary.  Do not hesitate.  Do them on your own terms, your own game and calculations and methods.   Do not expect the American people to care.   This has become a lopsided war.

Daily Foreword June 13, 2008: Today, I awakened with joy and sadness.  I am soon to leave my native city forever, only to visit henceforth.   Pushed out by corruption and avarice and greed and indifference, everything I worked for removed.  As usual I turn to two things, the message sent to me through my right hand as I let the spirit of the right turn to scripture, this morning to Isiah 1, " people do not understand", and I listen to a music video by Avra Azah on Youtube, a woman who looks so much like my now dead mother when she was young in the city of Mobile, the city wrenched by corruption and an underlayment of evildoers at the top layers of government and high finance even in some respects then.  Another day and the sun shines for me, for us.  I suppose it is all in the numbers and things are never as bad as they seem.  We have a weeping nation, a weeping world, and even the unborn are tainted with poisons or killed. The balance sheets of sins and aggressions will most assuredly be dealt with and reconciled.

I urge my people in Mobile Alabama and the USA if not the world, to not let those who are lesser to you urge you into needless war or fights. I would wager that the wars started in the past century, many of them, were urged on by those lessers who set themselves up to benefit in wealth. My name was ruined after federal employment as a federal bank examiner, my career destroyed, my body injected and my mind tortured, and my enemies will often taunt me for daring to stand against them. I taunt them, as I do not keep their secrets and I do not tell their lies. The American people have been manipulated, and perhaps it is the people of the world being manipulated. Technological deception and the avarice of lesser beings leaves us spinning in circles and snapping like dogs if we allow them to manipulate us. Humane men are not inhumane and cruel to each other and they do not lie about each other. I look forward to the removal of the closed door federal dictatorship in Mobile Alabama and the USA and their controllers and syndicates on this prison planet, Earth. Do not allow them to inject you forcibly like they did me. I would fight them to the death if I had to do it over again. I trusted the federal government under their leadership. Protect your young. Do not follow leaders who advocate the mistreatment of men and who ask us to bow down with needles in our bodies put their by those that they follow. There are many false religious speakers in the USA. Learn to know the truth from the lie. Never again will I blindly trust a government or an official. I applaud what David Koresh did in Texas. He was a brave man. They killed him for standing up like a man against tyranny.

My poem today: The triangle traveler am I.  I do not know why, it just does not repeat, like any other shape or line.  Even yesterday, only to find poison on the earth ground sky, bound am I, to witness, to see, to lay the line, to dangle there as bait or witness, the eye of the triangle am I, and I do not know why.   Who, what, when, where, why, I do not know, but I travel  the triangles until I die, and then, the sky?  Am I?

Daily Foreword June 12, 2008: Today's post is on Love Line 7 page.

Late update: It appears that someone has taken a vendetta against me and harmed some children this afternoon in Mobile Alabama.  At approximately 7:50 p.m. when the sun was still up and there was daylight, I had gone to the corner of Ralston Road and Glenn Avenue.  Two or three dark skinned children were out playing in their yard on the corner lot of the North East corner of Ralston Road and Glenn Avenue.  A mosquito truck drove spraying a heavy stream of toxic spray.  The street was full of people out talking and such.   It was as if as soon as they saw me, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, former FDIC bank examiner turned government criminal chaser, they started spraying.  Unfortunately  the children at  the house mentioned got a very heavy dose of the poison.  They did not know what it was and started to play in the toxic mist, until their guardian realized what was happening and called them inside the home.   

I covered my face and started going up Glenn Avenue to Denton Park to get away from the poison. I have been partially blinded by poisons of that sort when it was sprayed in my windows of my apartment and on my bedding in 2003-2004 when I was in forced exile from my family and I was in Eureka California.  You could smell the poison all the way  to Denton Park where children were still playing. 

Perhaps the regime in power wants to blind not only myself but the poor children of that neighborhood.  WE need new leadership in Mobile to stop the atrocity.  The truck was a white pickup truck with a tank in the back and a spraying nozzle at the rear of the cab.   I did not get the tag number as I was taking shelter, just as in chemical warfare.    They are supposed to spray long after dark when children are inside their homes.

I covered my mouth and nose but I could not cover my eyes and it took me a long while to make it home to wash the poison out.   I pity the people of Mobile Alabama.  Impoverished, illiterate in many things, and poisoned by the city spray trucks and the drugs imported by government, as crack cocaine is endemic and marijuana is prosecuted like cocaine.  What an atrocity.  Once again, I am witness to my brothers and their children's demise.  Wanton careless disregard by the city of Mobile, if in fact that was a city truck.  I have many enemies as I stand up against spineless war criminals and others who have no regard for us.  I helped to push out the war machine maker EADS from Germany in Mobile, so I am hated by federal war crimes profiteers for that also.  The regime is an insane war criminal.  We need new leaders, humane leaders of judgment and enlightenment.

Daily Foreword June 11, 2008: Today's post is on Quatrains 7 page.

Daily Foreword June 9, 2008:  Today was the day he arrived, in a dream, the God of the cock-eyed Sicilian descendant federal bank examiner who was tortured and injected and attacked and tortured in these damned United States.  Myself, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, the man they call the Redneck, the Nigger, the Jew, the avenger of the dead and murdered and and honest Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) regional director who was labeled a suicide erroneously.

I was put in the job, not as a bank examiner, but as a witch hunter and ghost seeker, and I tampered with the talons of blood at the FDIC and the corrupted federal USA government, no longer a government for the humane and by the humane.  And just like when the Sicilian forebear, Guisseppe Garibaldi threatened to hang the Pope, I threatened to pursue the crew who killed the honest FDIC regional director, and to avenge the wrongs done to myself.  This war will not end until there is blood in the fields,  the streets, the offices, as the tracks were being laid in 2001.  This is a technological war and the Sicilian descendant sees it as it was before, Ram Shackled us waiting for the release, the burst into the furies of war.

In the dream, the God of the Sicilian arrived, his truck sounding like something that had been in a war before, much like mine, his bigger, and his Lieutenant asked, "Who is the more insane, the dead regional director with his gun in his hand, or the living bank examiner with his gun in his truck". 

Bush and crew and those hiding like the shrew, the balance sheet is not reconciled until you have danced the Latin dance of death on a Sicilian screw, or perhaps Bush and crew never were or were already dead in the head.  Let's dance the forays of death until the balance sheet is reconciled and the Sicilian Bank Examiner has been paid in full, even beyond death, as his war never ends, as he is in the center, neither dark nor pale, only humane and mean as Hell.  Enter God, I pray that was who was in that truck in my dream that awakened me and set my guard dog to barking.  The federal version of Snatch is due to be, as my Brazilian girlfriend said, RIP-PED.

Daily Foreword June 8, 2008: When I see the naive nature and indifference of the people in the United States to other people's suffering, and when I see the greed and callousness and cruelty of the wealthy  and their government, I know it will take a very special collection of men and women to remove the war criminal sect in power that allows holocaust style abuses of honest Americans in the financial regulatory sectors of the multi trillion dollar banking regulatory industry, and the associated forced injections and forced experiments and forced medical procedures performed against many people in the USA and internationally by the enemies to mankind in control.

When I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, was being forcibly injected, it was as if the people enjoyed what they were doing or were indifferent to my screams for them to stop.  I would rather have been shot in the head, therefore I welcome the death and removal of the war criminal regime and their supporters.  I was injected twice forcibly that I am aware, two injections in April of 2001 and and two injections in early 2004. 

I fear what the government or their supporters may have done to me. I often feel sick since those forced injections as a result of the chemicals they injected into me and the drug overdoses.  They killed one high level FDIC bank examiner and called it suicide.  The federal war crimes syndicates of the USA tried to kill me and called me insane when I survived. 

If I should develop cancer when I am young, I will know that when they knocked me uncoscious that they planted the seeds for cancer in my body.  I hope to leave the USA someday. I hope to kill those who approve of forced injections and torture someday.  I urge young people to be aware that the government of the USA has become a war crimes atrocity.  Perhaps they were attacked in 2001 because Americans want the enemies to mankind removed from power. Perhaps their was a series of attacks intended to follow which is why they struck at the Pentagon.  Perhaps we are deluded on many fronts. 

The American mass media and their controllers are suspected of criminal conduct as the ruling regime.  Many Americans are naive or stupid or indifferent.  It will take a special group of people  to bring the ruling regime to their knees so they can be changed or beheaded.

Daily Foreword June7, 2008:  The weirdest thing about the governmental regime in power in the United States is the permitted war crimes at 2000 rocities against the American people on American soil.  It is as if the courts and the police at the top layers are descendants of the alleged and famous Nazi regime that was in power in Germany, race withstanding of course.

For instance, a regional director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was found dead in his office and he was called a suicide, and therefore insane.  When I went to work for the same office, I could see a crime syndicate in place and the new regional director had me terminated and then I was attacked repeatedly after I had notified the public of money laundering and murder of the past FDIC director.  When I was attacked and survived that ruling regime in the federal government called me insane.  I survived and they are our enemies.  They have revealed themselves.  It is a sure shot.  Look for the technology flipside and finish them or IT off.

Afterward the forced injections and being knocked unconscious with government approval at the top layers made me very sick, and I often feel sick from those overdoses today.

Therefore, I see the regime in power at the top layers as the enemy to  the humane humans of the earth, in particular they are the enemies to the protectors of the financial currencies of the working class.  Of course, many people do not mind as they are like the Nazi followers and approve of the atrocities and may even benefit.

My life will change in the latter years. I see the enemy in power as the enemy to be dealt with in a foreboding sequence of events that will leave they and their controllers splayed out on a table for flies to eat, and our people will be free from them.  But for how long?  The crime of war is that it never ends in the baffled state of consciousness of mankind, the inbred beasts.

Never succumb to the regime.  If they try to inject you, run, and kill them if necessary.  They are our enemies.  They are our enemies as they are the enemy to the humane mankind, in particular the working class.  I welcome war with them and see their control over the planet as having been the impetus for past global wars.  They make mankind an enemy unto himself or itself.  What are they?  Whatever they are, the balance sheet of war needs to be reconciled.  Never follow the regime into war.  See them for what they are, which is war profiteers.  That battle axe comes from a stocked closet and I welcome that war against them, the IT in power.  They are insane and should be injected and detected.  Never again will I trust them or IT in any fashion, and I urge all to beware of trickery in warfare.  Sometimes when one is threatened, it is best to attack  the source, and sometimes you have to reach higher or lower.   The most appalling thing during the past century was forced enlistment to kill our people around the globe. Never again.

Daily Foreword June 6, 2008: It appears that all hope is lost for many Americans and others around the world who are victims of the ruling regime in power. They inject and kill the innocent and torture many of us. Their courts are corrupt. What is the solution? They have no mercy on us, their followers and their leaders are indifferent and oblivious to the American Holocaust and many Americans of the lower caste are like starving dogs, waiting on their platter. Welcome the rise of a new revolution. Welcome the crushing of the regime and their mass media, whatever they or IT is. Do not say I pledge allegiance, as they have become a lie with no constitution for us, no human rights or civil rights for us. I welcome the rise fo the new armies in the Americas and the world and hope they are humane. If we are too remain under the war criminals, let us applaud their deaths and their supporters awakening or their deaths. We no longer care about each on the other side. Crush the regime in power and their propaganda apparatus.

One of the biggest problems with fighting the regime is thay they have the technology and the money to hire men who are like guerrilla warfare combatants on American soil. The deceptions are due to technology. It will take technology to de-head the reigning war criminal regime in power in the USA and much of the world.

In the end, we may have to fight for survival in the streets of the nations that are pens, such as the nations of the Americans, including the USA. The regime labels those who have guns as felons so they can attack you at will, as they did me, a former federal bank examiner for the FDIC. What a joke that was. The federal crime syndicates had or have an operation in the FDIC from D.C. to San Francisco and beyond. They have people stand around and look busy while the profit taking is already made by our enemies in power, that filth at the top of the world empire. In the event you are ever running from the regime, remember, they may already have you tagged in more ways than one. I welcome global war and the end of the human species, but I am partial, I am a forced injections victim in the damned pen known as the United States bordered by the pens known as Canada and Mexico.

Daily Foreword June 5, 2008:  When there was a wild card in the suppliers of oil, meaning that group that would step from the pack and lower the price on the open market, we had cheaper sources of oil.  Now there is a monopoly and no one has moved forward with an alternative.    The heat from the engine could be recaptured and sent back through for steam and or related internal combustion controlled by higher technology circuitries and some bio-technology, if we dare risk mask production of a scab that recaptures heat for processing.  Scabs lose 50% of the energy as the living cell.

Now who supplied the wild card oil?  Sadam Hussein  of Iraq, most likely of Muslim inclination, and Hussein now dead according to widespread propaganda, was at one time selling oil to Marcus Rich, an alleged Jewish American who was prosecuted in the United States for purchasing the low price oil for re-sale in violation of trade restrictions imposed by the regime controlling the United States of America, most likely a few oil barons from Texas and profiteers in government and  oil traders from New York and beyond.  Also, did the alleged Afghanistan crew do so horribly in opening world trade to their oil?  The USSR appeared to have issues with those men long ago according to USA propaganda, and then the leaders of the United States picked up the battle ax along with the UK.  Who controls what, when, where, should be through self determination in the geographic areas.  But is not that the nature of mankind when he is the dog in actions and appearance.  So be it.  You pay.  I was told that at $12 a gallon the world would come to an end.  A dear friend told me that.  His inclination that of mine in many respects, his experience different.  I think the scab grows over either way, in bio engineering or a near global 3rd world existence.  We are a  poisoned species it appears.  The war wages silent then loud.

Daily Foreword June 3, 2008:  In those moments of serene reflection upon my struggles after USA federal banking regulatory agency employment, my battles to stay alive in the streets, the attacks, the harassments, the near misses, the accusations, all since I was a federal USA bank examiner turned informant on murder and money laundering and forced injections of innocent 2000 federal banking crimes informants, myself Kurt Brown of FDIC until 4-28-2000, the FDIC's employee structuring for collusion in the vital financial agencies, the obvious NTEU links in collusion, I look back at this battlefield that in many ways has been my life since birth and subsequent recollection.

I admire this one sequence from Mass media's barrage of nonsense and remember that some never make it past square one, two triangles in a vex or an infinity signal, so my battle is different. So What?.  Blade Runner movie clip "I remember these things". (Hallo Jacques). Sometimes I stutter when I sleep, so I sing that same song sweet, except for forced injections by your government, attacks on the highways, sanctioned murder of the financial banking kingpins who are honest and forthright, and the meteorite that almost hit me as predicted by Kelly, my parakeet who refused to die, a young girl of astrological fame in her death like a Mockingbird of 1975, or was it some part of a rocket that almost hit my vehicle near Braman Oklahoma on my 44th birthday? "I remember those things" with soundtrack Rain Song by Led Zeppelin on"

Daily Foreword June 2, 2008: The W clan should realize just as the Clinton clan realized that forced injections on compliant people is chemical RAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Allowed since the 1990's in the USA and now into the 2000's. I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, FDIC bank examiner formerly want compensation for forced injections by the federal dictatorship or my position back as a bank examiner with the federal government of the United States or subsequent nation on the same soil during this year, 2008. If neither can be obtained, it is my hope and prayer that the controllers of the United States who allow that atrocity are dealt with as serious and violent war criminals post haste, just as in Nuremberg Germany after World War II.

Because the corrupt Los Angeles judge of the large head fame was impolite and allowed forced injections before I was basically beheaded with chemical injections and forced to become a slave to a federal war criminal dictatorship out of control, we and I can not tolerate anything less than a complete and total retribution against the War criminal regime and their allies in power.

Of course, it appears that most of the United States of America is starting to starve like the rest of the Americas Southward, so a bank examiner position would suffice so that we can start to stop the large financial war criminals in the Treasury and FDIC and US Mint and the National Treasury Employees Union syndicates. If they do not agree, welcome an escalated war against them or IT, but remember, the true villins hide behind technology and lesser war criminals who carry out their commands. They are at war with us. We are at war with them.

Daily Foreword June 1, 2008: Yesterday, I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, went to a Wal-Mart in Mobile County Alabama  and I was followed from the highway by a truck with State license plates from Alabama, and they almost rammed me when they were trying to cut me off and get into the parking lot before I did after I had departed the interstate. When I went inside to purchase insulin medicine for a long time friend who is financially incapable of buying the medicine and who had no transportation, a man who was in a government outfit with his radio with the microphone on his shoulder and his radio on his side stood behind me, crowding me.  Then a man who was like one of those punk federal agents who harasses the innocent in Mobile Alabama walked by, looked at me and told the agent behind me that he was doing a good job.    I bought the medicine and left. After I paid for it, after I had reached into my front pocket for my wallet, the undercover agent said, "I thought he had a gun." I once owned a gun and I would have used it to defend myself after I had been attacked with no response from the federal government, which is a war criminal needing to be sacked. The regime does not want us to own guns, as they want us to die if we get in the way of their top financial war criminals. We should have attacked the FBI for attacking David Koresh in Waco. The regime is our enemy, they are the enemies to humane mankind.

In Alabama the federal government beats down the poor, the poor of any race.  Our race relations are not an issue but the federal and local government treats us as their lesser.    They have labeled me a terrorist.  I am considering signing up as a soldier with an army to be formed under a Socialist or Communist agenda with a Positive Capitalist outlook whose goal will be to remove the Negative Capitalists, including their Casino money launderers and marijuana and cocaine smugglers and top syndicates in the Democrat and Republican parties, who are the wealthy war criminal pigs supporting forced injections of the innocent and compliant and the murder of innocent and astute top banking regulators.

Never serve the regime in power.  Never trust them.  They treat us as their lessers and beat us from government.  When we help the poor as I did, they still have their talons drawn.

So I pray to God today for this, "Dear God, make the federal dictator in Alabama and Washington D.C. and beyond and their war criminal actors and actions to be removed from our lives, both in public and private".    I turned to the Biblical book of Proverbs, 25-11, to point to what should be heard this morning, and it read, "A word aptly spoken, is like apples of gold in settings of silver."  The regime pretends to care for us.  They follow and harass the innocent.  My life is in ruins since FDIC employment and now they not only follow me to my home to harass me as posted and  seen in Saintrambone's videos, but they follow me into a store when I am spending my meager funds to help a sick and ailing and aging woman who has been robbed by the government because she chose to sign on the dotted line so medical care could be provided for an orphaned child.

A late addition: I was forcibly injected by federal officials in 2001 and 2004 and during that time I was harassed and detained and attacked and other horrors. I was also attacked prior to the first injections by associates of FDIC federal financial criminal associates. I felt sick for years from the injections. Only this year, in 2008, did I notice that the unusual chemical sickness symptoms waning.

Daily Foreword May 31, 2008:  It has become apparent to me that many people in the United States do not care about each others suffering.  It is as if many like to see others beaten and robbed and killed or poisioned not only by the people themselves, but the government officials.

The government officials are increasingly corrupt and they continue their lie, their facade, of religious piety and concern. 

The regime has created an oil monopoly through warfare and have conquered the worlds oil supply and they are not letting us free of oil or this planet.

Daily Foreword May 29, 2008: Today's update is on Quatrains 7 page, see link above.

Daily Foreword May 25, 2008:  The federal government of the United States is a murderous nightmare for those in the financial regulatory and banking agencies who ar 2000 e not in the crime syndicates of the federal government and who are not corrupt and who are not stupid about corruption.  In accounting it all adds up and the equation is balanced just as in life once you discern  the truth. 

I was almost killed after informing on an FDIC murder labeled suicide and huge banking crimes.  I was attacked in 2001 and many times since that time, often with government approval. They did not respond to a 911 call after I reported the attack by federal financial crimes syndicates assassins in February of 2001 against myself, Kurt Brown alias Saint Ram Bone former FDIC bank examiner, and I opted to contact the federal government which did not even answer an email or phone call.

Because a top FDIC director was murdered and labeled suicide in San Francisco and because I had been attacked and knew that the government was not going to assist me, I started carrying a legally owned handgun, just as described in the USA federal lie that we have the right to bear arms.   I finally went to a Mobile Alabama City Council meeting in 2001, early March, and reported the attack against myself by federal banking crimes syndicates assassins. I had tested the replacement regional director and likely NTEU and other war criminals associated with the FDIC crime syndicates.  I was afraid I was going to be shot for reporting their crimes and testing the suspected murderers and money crimes offenders at the FDIC and the federal banking regulatory system, including the SS or Secret Service and National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU).

At the Mobile Alabama city council gate with much camera equipment for my investigative reporting freelance work, I realized I had left my gun in my belongings in March of 2001.  I carried my gun back to my vehicle as a Police Officer at the gate asked me to do.  I had a gun permit at the time issued by the city. 

I came back, entered the meeting, and reported the attempt on my life.  Two months later on April 3, 2001, the then Sheriff Jack Tillman took my gun permit at the city meeting gate when I was going to report malnutrition at his jail and other issues in the city. I knew he was stealing and he was later forced out of the position.  He and the federal government blocked my entrance to the meeting. What would you do at that point if you were ever attacked again by the crime syndicates of the federal and local governments? You can not call 911, as the enemey in power controls the money laundering and the cops. The controllers stay hidden and send in underlings so we can not identify them, and when they inject you with chemicals when you are compliant as they did me, they do not leave a name or contact number so you can deal with them in a human to human repertoire, meaning, An Eye for An Eye, and because of that I see all attacks against the regime at least being partially justifiable homicide if it removes their war criminals who inject innocent people and kill innocent bank examiners and torture our damned working class American families.

It is my hope that the inhumane of the closed door federal dictatorship and their small fry like the city council which pushes us aside, has their entire corrupt regimes members toppled as a federal dictatorship and pushed aside.  Just as they have done us, the honest and humane working class.

Hand me a hatchet.  I have a casino money laundering syndicate to rectify in Sicilian Bank Examination methods.  Ratchet with a hatchet the war criminal sector in power.  My advice to young people is do not own a gun as  the regime can kill you with it just as they did the FDIC Director who was honest in San Francisco.  They can make you appear criminal for ownership, just as they did me, a formerly an FDIC federal bank examiner.  Many of their benefactors and supporters are nothing more than associates of the federal dictatorships war criminals, who deserve the ratchet with a hatchet award for their war crimes against us.

Daily Foreword May 24, 2008:  The increasing technological nightmare under the current international regime of the USA and likely Europe and likely Russia and likely much of Africa, with all of their ill gotten funds at the top controlling and robbing all of the people of the above nations, not only of money, but robbing us of life and safety and human rights. 

I pity the young of the world from our humane human genetics.   The thing in power wants to close the government and torture us and has done so to myself and many others.

Daily Foreword May 20, 2008: Increasingly I am discovering more and more people who have the same awareness and caution with the USA governments, as I have since 2001 when I was forcibly injected with chemicals by federal agents against my will when I have survived an attempt on my life with no federal response.  I had given notice to the federal government in numerous emails that I had been attacked on the highways and cornered and escaped. That was after testing the San Francisco FDIC in a two point attack, first I told them I was reporting the money laundering and murder in emails, and then I let it be known I was in their neighborhood, using myself as a sort of bait to see if there were killers in the FDIC ranks, who likely killed the last Regional FDIC Director before George Masa.  I finally made public notice at the Mobile Alabama City Council meeting in front of Comcast cameras and since that time the federal government in Mobile Alabama has attacked me when I try to enter government and they even backed up the now terminated Sheriff Jack Tillman, who I reported as thief, and who was forced to retire or go to court and jail.

Someone said I deserved the Purple Heart for what I have endured.  I would prefer that we go back to 4-28-2000 and allow my EEOC case to be heard at the FDIC.  Sue Carroll Assistant Regional Director (ARD), at the  FDIC San Francisco told me to drop the case or be terminated.  I did not drop the case.  Months later on Christmas Eve 2000 the EEOC sent me notification that my EEOC case was not going to be heard.  

It is ironic because afterward I conducted a test of George Masa Regional FDIC Director, Sue's boss, and it appeared that the FDIC has murderers.  I already suspected money laundering and financial crimes at two banks, one in which P.C. was bank examiner in charge, and another bank in which P.C. was directing a bank charter issuance for a Nevada resident at a bank in Roseville California.  But that does not impl 2000 icate P.C. as the real controllers are the top dogs like Masa and those who appointed Masa from the FDIC in D.C..

If the regime can not hire me in the FDIC, perhaps the Treasury, as I am the watchdog for the working class currencies, not the wealthy as they are financially cannibalistic by nature in many cases, such as casinos and  the resultant theft and money laundering of gambling tax revenues.

Daily Foreword 5-17-2008 Much of mankind is like a baby whose wealth is snatched out of their hands. We are evolving into a technological era in which we may soon discover that our lives are inundated in ways and by technologies we did not foresee.

Daily Foreword May 16, 2008:  After enduring an American holocaust, the tearing apart of my family and the harassment of family members by federal agents targeting me, an honest former federal bank examiner, I see all attacks against the regime and their wealthy controllers to be justifiable homicide, but you must always ask, "Am I truly getting to the source of my sorrow, pain, suffering, and indebted servitude to a wealthy group of sadistic and inhumane war criminals or animals of some sort?"

I see the USA as a cruel and inhumane dictatorship and the lines are drawn between those with rights and those who are treated like pigs in a sadistic farmers pig pen.  I welcome strikes against them and regret the abuse against us when we are hurt due to being in the periphery or heart of those attacks.  The enemies of humane human beings are interwoven among us in our society and they have taken control of the top layers of USA government and many if not all world government. They tamper with our chidren harming in their hospitals, either through direct attacks or insidious drug combinations. In a nation that aborts their own children, whose history is of slavery and indebted servitude, you can not expect humane judgment by the courts or the wealthy controllers who have always illustrated their disregard for us, the humane humans.

Daily foreword May 13, 2008:(Youtube announcement of upcoming audit to determine what governments are closed to the "Working man's" auditor and reporter,) I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone. Formerly I was a FDIC bank examiner, and federal murder and multi billion dollar banking crimes informant and survivor, and I am about to embark on a new Mobile Audit Club experiment and I am asking for any assistance in ideas or to hold a camera or military backup should I be attacked during these experiments by myself in the ruling war criminal regime in power in much of the United States. Is war criminal conduct at all four points of government, coast to coast corruption and dillution of any of our working class control of this damned coninent and the United States.

I am illegally forbidden entry in my native city's government in Mobile Alabama.  Across the bay in Baldwin County in Bay Minette, I am allowed entry into the ruling regime's government meetings.  I was near Tallahassee Florida, Florida's state capital, yesterday, near Bristol, and one of the war criminals for the regime, told me afterward that I was invited in Bristol Florida much more than I am invited in Tallahassee and that I could expect the same as what I got in Mobile.

At that moment I knew there was a self righteous Nazi like element among many of the South East and the Gulf Coast near North Florida. They expect us not to want government participation, and not to be able to defend ourselves with cameras, calculators, skills, and if necessary, gun ownership after surviving federal assassins sent by war criminals who are robbing us in the multi-trillion dollar banking regulatory industry. I survived attacks and they attacked me further in early 2001 and to this day for reporting large financial crimes in the federal government.

I will try to enter all levels of government meetings open to the public in Tallahassee, and if not allowed in, as described under the "Open Meetings" law, I give the green light to remove their buildings and the war criminals in power.  Thomas Jefferson would put a bullet in their head, and so would I, but they are protected by layers of money and people or things who wear bullet proof vests.

If they do not open the door to government meetings, they are a war criminal and deserve removal from our existence in our government.  The federal regime in Mobile Alabama is much like the Nazi regime.  I note that much of the area around Tallahassee may be the same.

Daily Foreword May 11, 2008: Late update: It has been reported to me that Judge Michael McMaken and those who put him in office illegally have been voted the assholes of the decade in Lower Alabama.  The California Superior Court Judge had a similar head and face, likely something from an enemy among us yesterday and today, that allowed me to forcibly injected with sickening chemicals to force a signature on agreements after I uncovered murder and money laundering and other financial crimes in the multi billion dollar banking regulatory agency in the USA, the FDIC.  Harsh sentencing, not upholding civil rights, and cruel punishment by the the police who beat us from government are their favorites for us.  Prepare for the coming wars in the USA.  We all know the elections are fake, but to what level is the government fake like Judge McMaken, lower Alabama's asshole of the decade.  His or their federal dictatorship is weaponed to take a bow.

After being a multi billion dollar federal banking crimes informant due to my work as an FDIC bank examiner, and after years of being beaten from government afterward, enduring forced injections of engineered and sickening chemicals, torture, attacks on my life, and harassment of my family, all by the federal crime syndicates or who or what ever controls them or it,  I understand why people attack government buildings and the war criminals who control them.

That is not enough,  as is evidenced by the increasing strength of the enemies to humane mankind, if mankind can be humane, which I think we are in some cases.  As times grow tougher and the monopolization of wealth continues, humans will likely increase any global conflicts with release of biological doomsday agents as a benefit to end the suffering. 

Daily Foreword May 9, 2008:   I have a proposal for the Humane Socialists and Positive Capitalists in the reading audience.  As a former multi billion dollar federal banking regulator, also known as a bank examiner at the FDIC, I was injected with chemicals on more than one occasion through force by federal officials, all of whom are associated i 2000 n criminally collusive arrangements on more than one level.     The NTEU (National Treasury Employees Union) is the most obvious collusive arrangement but I have seen not only Secret Service, who are in banking, but FBI who attack me when I am innocent.  You can see one instance where they are at my door at my home.  It is only a matter of time.

They murder and they discriminate, and the entire EEOC and the structure of government is that manner in the United States, and even the VA is doing forced injections and forced experiments on veterans and are complicit with those other agencies by force and by payment.

They were stacking employees to quarantine set arrangements for multi million dollar and likely multi billion dollar financial crimes, e.g. money laundering for casinos and drugs, demand deposit manipulations, etc.

I want my job in a banking regulatory capacity if we have people obtain the inside.  I am forbidden entry due to my investigations.  The Treasury will work also, as I know the bitter end could come to the management of the bigger F-DIC.

Sue Carroll, ARD at F-DIC,  forced me out when she demanded I agree to drop an EEOC complaint or be terminated on 4/28/2000.  In her defense, George Masa, Reg. Dir., was calling the shots and he had just arrived in San Francisco from Chicago where he is EEOC record was a loser, but I am not afforded a hearing in San Francisco under new laws by those who dropped the working American's auditor at the roadside when he was too curious and inquisitve on key arrangements between some bank examiners and some banking presidents, the extraordinary millionaires, even on the books.  When Masa was removed from San Francisco, a small bomb went off at the Crocker Galleria subway electronics stall across the street, or it could have been the arc of rats eating wires in the tunnels similar to the arc of wires or explosion on a Mardi Gras float in the city of hated external governmental control, Mobile Alabama.

This is just an idea, but to force the truth out of a corrupt FDIC management, I would like to ask Sue Carroll in front of a congressional hearing if she recalls making the demand that I drop an EEOC complaint or be terminated. I would like to do it in front of George Masa and bring him to the witness stand. If they both deny the egregious EEOC violation, we should forcibly inject them for questioning and for psychological observation as their corrupt members did myself. I would not kill them like they did the former FDIC regional director, through tacit particapation in criminal misconduct. However I would knock them out and hold them for days or years, like they did myself on more than one occassion, just to make sure they were not going to hurt anything or for other examinations or procedures just as in my case.

 I said I would not drop the case, and the EEOC refused to even hear the case, which is expected in a cold and uncaring fascist dictatorship in the West Coast Hub of money laundering and murder, the San Francisco F-DIC regional office for the Pacific Rim. 

Here is a joke, the bloody Pacific Rim job of the San Francisco F-DIC.    

Do you want to fight me? Kurt Brown-- Saint Ram Bone?  Mobile Audit Club auditing for the poor and retrieving the jack. Let's Play Hole's Violet (Youtube music video link) When we go in for the nest egg of the casino and federal money crimes syndicates.  I welcome the rise of a Humane Socialist and Positive Capitalism Leader as detailed on Quatrains 7 with approximately today's date.

Daily Foreword May 8, 2008: In Mobile Alabama the federal government and local government allow and encourage men of the lower caste to fight like pit bulls at Abba Temple in Mobile Alabama, also known as the Octagon. Fighters are paid low sums and large bets are made illegally. I want those fights to stop and for the fighting energy to be redirected to the enemy in power, the ruling regime and their terrorist dictatorship. They call us insane if they can not kill us honest former multi billion dollar banking regulators. Welcome the world Octagon. The hospitals in Mobile Alabama can not be trusted because in a sense World War II never ended here and they have been tampering with children in detrimental methods. The USA is nothing and we all know it, much like much of the Earth. We are going to have a war. This will end the suffering.

The wealthy are going out on the first toss and then we take the muscle and feast on it in global war. ( Update, Youtube Video Comment on American Politicians Not Caring About Veterans or Suicides. Never serve the enemy, never serve the wealthy regime in power in the USA.).

Daily Foreword May 7, 2008: (Late Video on Riots in Switzerland and Torture in USA by International Regime) Yesterday, I drove through the downtown of my native city Mobile Alabama. It was Tuesday, the day of the closed door government meeting, and I noticed a Sheriff's Department car follow me for a brief period when I left my residence.  It is the place where the government beats down the poor and common of all races.  Where many of us can not vote, and where I, a former FDIC banking crimes informant can not enter their closed door government.  I took out their Sheriff, Tillman, in 2001 when he took my gun permit on 4-3-2001 at the gates of the closed door government. He was a thief and I was coming to report him, and the federal government used the taking of my gun permit, when I had no gun, to justify later abuses of me, a forgotten federal bank examiner informant and USA veteran. I had survived an attempt on my life for reporting criminals at the FDIC, my past employer, and the federal government ignored it, after repeated attempts to contact them in 2001. Do not contact the government to report internal crimes. The criminals apparently rule.

Recently I entered the Mobile Alabama Police Headquarters to demand someone take responsibility for calling my home to tell me I could not film in the lobby of Mobile County Government and perform one of my skills, that of a news reporter, except for the poor, not that wealthy war criminal sect in power. I also wanted to reconcile any conflicts regarding my right to enter government and I was surrounded by police and had an intense headache afterward and recall something odd may have happened. The regime in power and their filthy rich warlords are our enemy and we welcome full blown war, many of us, the war criminals victims. Do not be the victim. They drew first blood. They injected me with chemicals forced me to sign documents and were calling me insane for fleeing Sheriff Tillman in Mobile and federal assassins associated with the federal banking crimes syndicates. They killed an honest regional FDIC director calling him insane through suicide, which was murder, and the federal war crimes syndicates in D.C. put in a director of criminal conduct, per my opinion as a bank examiner on behalf of the poor and working class at the FDIC. The green light is on the regime.

Yesterday I drove past the government building, and in front of the hotel next t 2000 o the government building were two apparent government police, likely federal, likely not from our vicinity, like most if not all Mobile Alabama police are, transplants to the area by the federal dictatorship in power and their local crews of war criminals.

After I crossed the bridge and was in Baldwin County Alabama, my vehicle was sputtering. It was due to a kill-switch placed on my vehicle by federal war criminals associates or it was due to watered down gas I had purchased in Mississippi.    A truck, perhaps a government agent or one of the local of the wealthy war criminal sect pulled up next to me and was shouting obscenities and apparently glad that my vehicle was shutting down.

The EEOC will have to be wiped along with the FDIC, and most likely the Treasury and other venues.  I welcome this conflict. I know technology is good, but we will have something better, their deaths in nutshells if they continue their war crimes against us and the world of us. We may have to use us, the lower caste to reach around the world, untwine the snakes of negative capitalism, sever their heads and devour their bodies. It could be a struggle. Welcome it.

Daily Foreword May 4, 2008:  We should not trust the USA government and their associated facilities due to recent events uncovered in mass on the web, i.e. forced injections increasingly sanctioned by federal and local governments, forced experiments by the government, huge money laundering events and drug smuggling and controls of distribution of some drugs by internal syndicates, and other horrific events such as murder for profit, which I an FDIC informant survived after reporting money laundering and financial crimes in the government and murder labeled suicide of a top regional FDIC director, dead in his office.

Daily Foreword May 1, 2008...May Day! ( A late entry, My Anti Casino and Anti Murder and Casino Automation comment on video at Youtube today) A most bizarre thing has happened in the oil industry.   By monopolizing the world's oil supplies and outlets, the current ruling international regime of war criminals is orchestrating the age old Wall Street and Berlin and London and Rome, etc.,  verdict of, "Profit from Warfare".    They plucked one refinery like a guitar string and the whole oil industry escalated upward in value and our dollars for basic necessities are increasingly usurped daily, in dollar devaluation and oil costs.  May we soon free ourselves from them and their or IT's demise.

Recently, as I sat with a multi millionaire friend of mine of short acquaintance, we matched our financial acumen.  She from New York's Wall Street as a trader handling those huge federal banking transactions in the selections of select Wall Street advisor (s), and I from the new internal American war beleaguered financial district of San Francisco, a former surviving federal bank examiner in the multi billion dollar banking industry.  San Francisco is  the primary focus point of money laundering and financial banking crimes, including handling money from drugs from the Pacific Rim and the banks that convert the currencies and launder American currencies in America, including huge stolen casino revenue amounts.

At the end of your life, many things are heaped upon you, some call it wisdom, some call it suffering.  Today, the Nazi like police or special persecutorial appointees sent by the federal dictatorship in that shitty shanty town controlled by the enemies of humane mankind, that federal and local shit of Mobile Alabama surrounded me as I ate my chili and caesar salad.  One of them even looked like the alleged, "Joe Drews on one of my saintrambone videos", beer gutted guard ape for madmen in control of Mobile Alabama.  A veteran told me once not to work in the multi billion dollar federal financial sector as an accountant or auditor or bank examiner.  I had to figure out what he meant by surviving California with wounds that will last beyond my life and reach beyond my flesh. The EEOC does not care about us and the government has been gutted.

Daily Foreword April 30, 2008:  In Mobile Alabama and the lower Gulf Coast, on the heels of the Nazi invasion by EADS, which was shot down, and now Air Bus, which is in our sights, it appears the war criminal empire in control on the Gulf Coast has been targeting people for Marijuana busts and they are also targeting potential law school candidates of significance they want out of the way, which is lower caste us primarily. Albeit a young man named Ben Stanford, who was not necessarily of the poor, may have been murdered and labeled a suicide, as I may have witnessed a gruesome shooting months earlier near Talladega, Alabama when a car sped off after some sort of altercation in a dark area of a parking lot. In the past few days they were tear gassing beach goers in Gulf Shores Alabama in their continued barrage to target the people of the United States who they want out of the way in arrrests. The regime in power does not approve of civil or human rights and Open Meetings Laws mean nothing. The deceptions and the outright lies leave us deceived when we are seeking humane conduct, or mutual respect. Those in control of those at the governmental controls do not care if we live or die, or if we strive or suffer. Everything is a lie, an outright deception, and they as group can be perceived through inhumane conduct. Perhaps they or IT are or is just lesser deviant(s) or starving.

Perhaps the Gulf Shores Police were spraying tear gas on beach goers today to show support for the Orange Beach, Alabama police who busted over 100 people at a traffic stop with marijuana at a concert a few nights before.  Their pot sniffing German Shepherds are allegedly direct descendants of Adolf Hitlers Jew Killers and a couple of Gypsy Killers, and are helping to target their victims, and fortunately for us, we have discovered a nest of them or IT in Mobile Alabama and the federal government in Los Angeles and Mobile, and likely D.C. to some extent.

I was one of the federal government victims, except I was in the multi-billion dollar banking regulatory venue, and now I am banned from casino jobs due to my busting the casinos and the FDIC in money laundering arrangements, and the FDIC and Treasury and Federal regime in power will not re-hire me because I busted their money laundering syndicates for the casinos, yet they call me insane, like the murdered regional FDIC director who was labeled suicide in his office, the office where I worked afterward. I want a seat by Sueet or Masa when I am re-appointed after the down fall of the regime or perhaps after their coming to terms with another veteran they have betrayed, myself, and the one I would assist in toppling the casino and drug regime. I would fight for that man if he rose up and saw things in an enlightened. I would gladly go to war with anyone who challenged. But he must be humane and enlightened about the human condition. We are not to be bought and sold on any crack or slice. 

It appears some also want to shut down Mardi Gras on the eminence front of Mobile (News Clip) as they are torc 2000 hing the floats. And our citizens took another group of parage floats out last night, burning them and many of the poor people locally were saying, "Who Gives A F-ck, We Don't Have Civil Rights".  Personally, I don't know any one, "Who Gives A F-ck!"  My music video Big Easy Bud Hole Sums Tit Up.

Daily Foreword April 29, 2008: Because I was attacked by federal government crime syndicates and because local and federal officials did not respond, and instead they wrecked my career as a bank examiner and auditor and accountant and injured me with forced injections repeatedly, I am calling for the overthrow of the regime in power in the USA, and I hope for the rise of a humane socialist and communist party. We should make the wealthy eat dirt in the prisons they build for the innocent and then we should hang them in barbwire for buzzards to eat alive. Never trust the regime. See them as our enemy. Applaud their deaths. I have put a new video on Saintrambone's Youtube today just to keep people up to date.

The bottom line is that the regime in power and their controllers in the United States at the highest level and internationally are the enemies to our people across the globe. They are targeting certain people and groups in the USA, including myself an honest FDIC bank examiner formerly and FDIC crimes informant. They set up road blocks and checkpoints to target certain people also who threathen their syndicates and criminal grip on the USA government and the American working class.

Also, in closing, it appears that someone has hacked this site and removed the name of a Mobile Alabama police officer I spoke with concerning my ability to film in the lobby of Mobile Alabama government as a reporter who is not owned by our enemies in the corporate/government mass media. The regime does not allow me into their meetings in my native city because they know I will stand against their war criminal actions and the subjugating of the working class. The police officer's name who I spoke with is James Barber, Deputy Chief, Mobile Police Department at phone number (251) 208-1708. I intend to film there and do a publicity routine to highlight the enemy in power and their followers, who are just idiots like animals but who need to be dealt with at the outset of any true military confrontations with the war criminal regime in power and their wealthy corporate/government controlled mass media. Also, I added one more Youtube video concerning targeted busts by the Nazi-like police and their federal associates who target certain people to stop their advance in the ranks of government and law.

Daily Foreword April 28, 2008:  After suffering an American style holocaust of forced injections, attempts on my life, torture, and a complete loss of all human and civil rights under the ruling government in the United States, I have given up all hope for the regime in power and their supporters.

Like many people, I feel hopeless against the regime.  They do not abide by their own laws and we do not have rights under their laws because they do not exist in reality.  It is my hope a group will rise up and crush the ruling regime in power and all of their war criminal supporters in the USA and elsewhere.

Do not assist the regime if they are attacked.  When their buildings fall on their warmongers and their cities and neighborhoods are ablaze, do not assist.  They turned against us, they deserve death.  They are an "IT" in my eyes and many others.  They threaten us with violence.  We should back up and wait for our time, perhaps we can see them all dead.

Do not serve their military and avoid all contact with their government if you can.

Segment April 27, 2008: Due to the decay of American society and its tax base, we must close the once over-looked financial taxation weak points, such as the laundering of casino gambling revenues. I propose a new electronic method to account for the total amount of gambling revenues paid and dispensed. I spoke with someone in the gambling regulation industry recently and they told me the technology exists but it is not enforced. It should be enforced and key targets removed if they attack us for doing so, possibly closing down the gambling industry for revamping to the new controls.

Are you harassed on a daily basis by the associates of the war criminals in power or their radical followers in the United States?   

I have been repeatedly attacked and harassed since being a federal bank examiner and going after criminals in government with my auditing and investigation and provaceteur and survival skills.

Just yesterday, I was having dinner with a close friend at a restaurant and a local village idiot starting harassing me and then so did his wife or girlfriend, in typical passive aggressive fashion of course as is polite in the fake mannered circles of these damned United States.

It appears my Queerest of The Queer Painting, the strangest publicity tool and house talisman on record, for sale for $9.11 million is all the rage and words of filth flows from the mouths and minds of many followers of the regime in power, and  their minds and actions are like the Queerest of the Queer painting of Sheriff Snatch on the top layer who is getting his brains ripped out by the omnniscient with Ba'al Zebub de San Francisco on the top layer and bottom admiring with his witness under a full setting sun a last defacation with Snatch.  The best bet is to prepare for war against the more radical groups in power in the regime in the United States, the nation whose leadership robs the poor and subjugates humane humans at every possible moment.  As it was written by the war prophet, "Sometimes it is easier to deflect the stream than  to stop it." There is no suitable compromise with them or IT. They always draw first blood. Beware of technological distractions in the coming and ongoing wars.

Jokes of The Day: The German war machine maker EADS was beaten out of the USA and out of a contract in Mobile Alabama. Now the Parent Company of EADS, Air Bus is making a come back by building bombers in the United States while Air Bus is still German in majority and they are speaking with French Accents in the Public Relations and Marketing booths. On other news, a man was shot today at a "Nazi Like Check Point" in Mobile Alabama. He tried to flee the scene likely because he had 5 bags of marijuana, likely one pound total. The good news is we have been told the government can and will still forcibly inject us and knock us unconscious, so we are not completely out of dope and dope dealers. And finally, if you are reporting thieves and murderers and crime syndicates in the federal government, think twice because the thieves and murderers and crime syndicates in the federal government are li 2000 stening in. The joke is the falling of their empire, an empire built on negative capitalist stilts by retards in the positive earthquake zone of social upheaval.

Daily Foreword April 26, 2008: In the coming wars, we will likely have to look for the controllers of the viewed war criminals in areas outside of technological manipulation. It is akin to catching a rabbit in a locale with fewer paths for it to follow to escape.

The associates of money launderers and criminals inside the federal USA government injected me, a former federal bank examiner and informant, with chemicals in 2001 and then threatened me with more of the same if I did not agree to sign papers that would stop all of my investigations at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and leave my life and career in ruins. At the time San Francisco's FDIC Regional Office was a money laundering hub for Nevada's casino and drug mob bosses, which included heroin and cocaine from South and Central America and the Pacific Rim nations heroin, as they had bankers in existing banks handling transactions and associates of the casino operators and owners getting bank charters. They tampered with me, so I want to tamper with them, and their associates in the stinking pig that is the federal government of this wretched pig pen on Earth, the United States and their controllers allies in other sties on foreign lands.

The true boss was in Washington D.C. and had appointed George Masa the regional director.  Masa had a poor EEOC record from Chicago and continued the same in San Francisco, as he was likely putting associates in place who could handle the oversight  of the operation in locales associated with San Francisco's FDIC money laundering syndicate, and other multi-billion dollar financial crimes.    I was forced out. Later I disovered that in Los Angeles the federal government forcibly injects the innocent after orders to stop doing forced experiments on veterans. The LA VA Westwood is a living war crimes monstrosity approved by the enemy in power, the negative capitalists regime. Beware of mind control through machines and mental sedation of new varieties, the "Stunning Fuzzies" I would call them, as there are stunning lasers already in circulation with other varieties.  Now I want their war profiteers dead for the murder of the regional director labeled suicide before George Masa, and for the attempts on my life and the injections and torture I endured from 2001 to 2004 and the government exclusion to this day. I will take my FDIC or Treasury Bank Examiner job back after the war criminal regime is destroyed and overrun, those wealthy pigs of international technological warfare fame.

I want the regime in power destroyed by this year or I hope we are eliminated from suffering, all of us.  It was once said there are groups who can move mountains with will power and imagination.  Let us hope we surface again because we are going under on this day and global death is preferable, at least in the USA.

Daily Foreword April 25, 2008:  The truth about the people or things in control of much of the United States governments, is that they do not want many people to have room to breathe, taking away everything, from rights to possessions. 

We must be wary of almost mechanical raids and attacks by government, whether they are Veterans Administration or federal officials doing forced injections and experiments on veterans and former federal bank examiner informants, or suddenly violence by police and attacks and setups of the populace as in common in South Alabama and in many other locations throughout the poorer populations of the USA. Increasingly we will see attacks on certain groups.  It is all so methodical when war criminals run rampant in a government. The whole thing disintegrates.  China and Russia had financial and other government types beheaded or called insane.  Nothing is new under the sun. The regime controlling the USA is basically shit and who cares if they are removed, and their idiots with weaponry.

There is no "Liberty and Justice For All".  There is no level playing field.  I and many others are not afforded human rights and civil rights are long forgotten.

Daily Foreword April 24, 2008:  The toe jam of the banana republic of the United States and in particular the latitudinal parallel from lower Alabama to Los Angeles, is ripe for change, as I and others are blatantly kicked and thrown about and arrested for daring to participate in the closed government of the "War Criminal Powers" over the United States.    To address some issues of concern to others for some reason. 

I, Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone, realize that my case may be hopeless in the USA due to being outcast from government and subjugated by a ruling group of people who do not seem to have empathy for others and therefore they are not humane humans.    Their entire motivation seems to be subjugation and abuse, from the time you are children until you are adults.  A sort of social "caste" system is in play.

Never serve the USA government military.  They do not need us, and we do not need their government of abuses and forced injections.  I went to work for the federal banking regulatory industry and discovered that money laundering and multi-billion dollar financial crimes have left the American system devoid and soon enough, bankrupt, as many are becoming on this day. The game is larger than most people realize.  We must learn to use our heads and foresight just as if we were in a technological battlefield, because theirs is overt and covert war against us and we are their quarry.  As one attorney for the FDIC told me in Dulles Airport in D.C. when I was an FDIC employee, "What are you talking to me for?" 

The entire nation or nations is or are ripe for a change of  capital and capitol and an end to negative capitalism, and I hope the gambling sections of casinos are converted to free to lower cost housing the poor.

It is ironic that when I was a child, we were taught by mass media to applaud the Casino and Pool hall bosses and their owners, the negative capitalists such as those in Las Vegas and Jersey City, barely noticing any scientific entrepreneurs.

Daily Foreword Notes April 21, 2008 back to November 7, 2007

Daily Foreword April 21, 2008:  Yesterday I was in lower Alabama and I was told that the police were watching some people in the area.  It was a kind warning to say in other words, "I know you are a good person, but there are some in the area who have transgressed against common laws of moral and not judgment value, which is considered utmost importance."

Then as  I was waiting to take care of business in the location, a man and others tried to invoke me into a fight, saying insulting things to me.  So in common fashion I did not do anything and just ignored them like they had the brains of jibbering gibbons.  When I left the location I was encircled with vehicles suddenly and simply went on to my intended destination, with no events.

When we examine others and see the innocent as being guilty, we may not understand the nature of their work or their moral duty.    For instance,  I was a federal bank examiner. I survived an attempt on my life. I owned a gun and carried due to fear at the time and the erroneous belief that it would protect me from war criminals in government. Ownership is a crime and sometimes the bullet enters your cranium. "They use your gun against you, in more ways than one." That should be the bank examiners motto at FDIC's Seidman Center, an FDIC training facility.

What was material to me in the job was what was a percentage of the overall account, with  what we call "Materially Significant" limits of course in any event.

Some have started to attack me.  I was attacked by the government, both in the legal sector and in the street criminal sector.  I survived attacks on my life and a regional director, FDIC, was murdered.  The regime says I am insane, while the murdered director was called suicide. 

I see the American dollar has slipped in value, gasoline prices have skyrocketed and the government has forcibly injected me and they approve of forced injections in many locations they control, such as hospitals.    So before you attack me, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, the man who calls himself "The Bank Examiner in Dead Bank Examiners Skins", ask yourself, "What is materially significant?" 

Ironically the sanctity of humane human beings body is materially significant.  The regime injected me and tortured.  They crushed my career.  They gave a retirement that says, "Sit".  I would rather work as a bank examiner but the casino mob bosses control the government and  the drug lords in government.  We are controlled like farm animals and forcibly injected with government approval, and sometimes killed.  That is materially significant. 

Their abuses of my wife at her work and at my home due to my government participation, or attempts to participate, has caused a divorce.  That is materially significant.  Change occurs every day.  I urge you to protect your children, set up private schools for the poor and utilize internet and trained teachers.  Protect the young.  They are materially significant.  That is a multi-billion dollar bank examiners statement.  I want my job back at the FDIC, I want to enter government, I want to protect the poor.  They and we are materially significant.

Corrective action needs to be taken, but those who have materially significant monies and capital are often the ones committing the most materially significant transgression against humane human beings. Now Corrective Actions meet resistance. We obviously are feared by those or that which is in control of the courts, the governments, the hospitals, the schools, the military. There will be greater trouble ahead if corrective actions are not taken to address those issues involving high finance and government control and abuse of humane human beings.

Daily Foreword April 19, 2008: America's youth who are the children of the poor are increasingly finding themselves on a trail of tears. I urge young people to study engineering and nursing instead of the arts in 4 year colleges. Only children of the wealthy can afforded to be unemployed and in the arts as a career. Do not ever trust the USA government. I trusted them and now my life is washed up and I am made sick by prolonged stress and forced injections and torture after working as a federal bank examiner. So, I may leave the USA or assist in a movement to remove the regime that blocks access to government in the USA. Their regime is a war criminal and should be removed for blocking government participation by some if not all of the citizens. I despise the federal regime in Alabama and their local warlords who block governnment participation. No one cares if I am beaten or killed, and I feel the same way about those warmongering war criminals on my forefather's governments doorsteps.

Daily Foreword April 18, 2008: Lately I, Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone, auditor in the dead bank examiner skins, have been feeling a bit stressed. The earthquake you felt today in Kentucky was perhaps the creators half asking you to share that stress, or relieve it.

When you are a child, the teachers say, "You have no special powers. Right?" My reply, I don't know lady, check your panty rag is my suggestion. I'll have a nut.

I have an unusual tendency for the bizarre and most every time I leave San Francisco, there is an earthquake the day after. I was almost hit by a meteorite in Oklahoma near Braman in 2004 while traveling in my truck. Now, when I am at the doorstep of my likely new home base of Mobile Audit Club, bam, an Earthquake hits on a well lit night. I like to travel on bright nights with the moon full or waxing or waning near full.

This time while enroute from the Mobile to Nashville to Kentucky triangle, I was somewhere between Nashville and Huntsville on I-65 when the Earthquake struck. MNK, meaning Mobile, Nashville, Kentucky. Therefore I am the monkey or someone is trying to say that I am like MLK, and we all know that ugly N word. Mobile Audit Club may be moving to Kentucky. Because my life was destroyed for being rambunctious as an auditor and investigator, all I can say is that all people are welcome, and if you use the N word, you had better be adddressing the biggest N of them all, the MNK traveler. Cum, stand in my stream. I am retiring, sort of, Sueet. Thanks for the bank loan boys. That was quick and easy. Maybe soon down on farmer Brown's mansion Kentucky Chalet. Ur Welcome. Don't step on my property you federal hump unless you are bringing a bbq, only if you are invited, and leave your badge and gun at home.

Always looking for the quasi-mathematical quantities at my point in the big head universe, I try to calculate tearing flesh in space. This time, it appears my root of travel, MNK, and the location triangulated in the earthquake, West Salem, IL and Evansville, IN, give a full Y shape or a field goal. Likely both meanings in this dichotomous universe in which I am one of those who feels the creators hand moving with my stress in parallel, and "Snap" goes the crust. No injuries reported. That is good, I suppose. It was not my final house call. (Late Update: Kentucky Cancelled).

Daily Foreword April 17, 2008: I urge young Americans and those young people of nations who are allied to the war crimes activities of the USA, not to serve or trust the regime in power in the USA or their allied nations.

The wealthy war criminals are allowing forced injections, forced medical experiments, and torture and murder of innocent people in the USA and other nations so the war criminal sect in power can get wealthy

Seperate yourselves from them as they betray any of the common who come to close to revealing the true war criminal nature of the regime in power. If you can make money off of the war criminals fall and their deaths, then by God, reap the reward.

Daily Foreword April 15, 2008:  In looking back at a federally sanctioned murder of an innocent man, a regional FDIC director in San Francisco, and looking back at an attack on my life for reporting money laundering, and the subsequent torture I endured by the regime in power, I see the USA has been bridled by international and domestic war criminals.

The attack on Oklahoma City's federal building was after the murder of the FDIC director in the early 1990's and before the injections and torture I endured in 2001. 

It is my belief that I and others have been deceived regarding events in government.   The deception may go much further, and into many of our households.    Do not ever drop your guard when dealing with the government of the USA.  Be careful of who you open your door to in  your home.

If you send your child to a public school, you will likely bring home a crack addict.  I encourage home schooling and protection from the regime.

April 14, 2008: (An update on Quatrains 7/Prophetic Poem Art 7. Once I was told by a wiser older man after I had survived an assassination attempt for reporting money laundering at the FDIC, and after I had suffered an American style holocaust with forced injections and torture at the hands of the ruling regime in the United States, "Not more than one or two people truly care if you or I die".  It took me a while to understand, but now I do.  Most people in the USA do not care who dies or who suffers, as long as they get their money they are happy.

So I thought about what happened in Oklahoma City when the federal building was blown up.    The federal government at that time had not done forced experiments and injections of myself and other veterans at the time, but they had killed a regional FDIC director in his office to make way for a money laundering mob boss, per my opinion as a bank examiner there.

I served their military when I was brainwashed.  I encourage young people to avoid the government.

Daily Foreword April 13, 2008: Considering the regime has injected and tortured me and tore my life apart after reporting criminals in the federal banking regulatory system, I and many others have running bets on whether the regime will be destroyed in 2008 in the coming fake elections. Let us hope they are dealt the same death and tortures they have dealt out. Applaud their deaths and the rise of a new collection of humane and independent governments. Of course it will likely be bloody in 2008 or to 2012, but they drew first blood, so see it as a Godsend when the war criminals of the United States lay dead. Never again serve or trust the regime and do not lament their deaths. They or IT is the enemy of the humane.

Daily Foreword April 12, 2008:  In Alabama, I am and many of us are the true lower caste.  We are lied to and subjugated by the  regime in power, such as the federal and local dictatorship in Mobile.  In California it is no different.    We are held back and held down. 

In Mobile Alabama the local federal dictatorship approve of holocaust style abuses, such as being beaten from government in Alabama and forced chemical injections are allowed in Los Angeles and AZ, NV, and NM and many other states.

I encourage break away groups and communes to get away from the casino and abortion and drug czar and money laundering and prison and war profiteer regime in power. Those groups are the negative capitalists.

You must realize though we live in a technological era even among humans of the lower caste. The actual technology used to deceive us is likely far more advanced.

Daily Foreword April 11, 2008:  As you read this site, you may note that I sometimes feel a bit depressed. My health is ruined due to torture and forced drug overdoses by the federal government who gave me forced injections, and my career is gone as I am labeled. My marriage is gone due to the federal government harassing my wife at her place of work and at our home when I was trying to participate in local government, e.g. finding out who approves of thieves for Sheriff and other crimes in local government including oil theft and bank heists by the courts and federal regulators and inside thieves.

Daily Foreword April 9, 2008:  In the world of the top federal bank examiners are potential top ranked felons always lurking and billions, if not trillions, of dollars or Euros or Yen, etc. at their fingertips.

I was called insane by the government after being a federal FDIC bank examiner.  I am alive.  The former regional director who was at my FDIC office is dead.  He was shot in his head by his own gun in his office allegedly. After all, I worked there, I survived an attack afterward, and I want the USA government and their federal associated syndicates to back away from me and to quit spreading lies on police databases. I was attacked in Canada also.  All because I was an honest federal bank examiner who continued to tell the truth about the federal and state governments who ordered me to become silent on money laundering that I saw and murder that I have detected through my audit and investigation tests.

Daily Foreword April 8, 2008:   Today I lament the true joke, that joke when the USA federal governments FDIC money laundering associated assassins claimed I was a veteran in distress, when I was asleep in my truck near the LA VA Graveyard and in the woods with a Uhaul. The VA Cop woke me up and demanded to search my truck. The war criminals of the money laundering ranks of the government's federal crime syndicates attacked me and the subsequent claim by the Veterans Administration in Los Angeles and the federal money launderers of the criminal syndicates of the National Treasury Employees Union's Secret Service that I was a, "Vet in distress" when I was asleep in my vehicle. I did not ask for help. They tortured me and attack me to this day with lies on police databases thereby jeopardizing my safety.

The federal government  injected me with chemicals and psychologically and to some extent physically tortured me in 2001, and I was injected again in 2004 while they had me in exile and on forced probation.  I was knocked completely and violently unconscious in 2004.

I want retribution . The regime has done something to me, to many of us.

Daily foreword April 6, 2008: 

Once I used a quote from the dictatorship facade of a President, Bush Jr., "Bring It On", then I realized that the Senators of Alabama allegedly fist fight.

Daily foreword April 5, 2008: The police like state of the United States make it a hostile place, much like Canada and every other negative capitalist nation. My latest trip has cancelled all hopes of a home purchase as I can not feel free and safe since surviving an attack by federal war criminals of the financial regulatory sector. This time I looked in this triangle, and found the SS CALF. Angelfire New Mexico, Salt Lake City Utah, Savannah Tennessee. Once again the police of the United States under the war criminal regime have harassed me, Kurt Brown, AKA Saint Ram Bone, a former FDIC bank examiner, whose life became a living Hell since 2001 when I informed on "sanctioned" money laundering and murder at the federal agency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

The police tampering in my life caused my marriage to break up, I have been made ill through drug overdoses by the government approved war criminal actions including being knocked unconscious and the federal financial crimes syndicates of the regime ruined my career and my safety and sanctity and my reputation. I want retribution from the Flagstaff Medical Center for their torture in 2004 of myself, being knocked unconscious, and I want the federal money laundering and war crimes syndicates of that area and others in the world and of our era decapitated.

I was a FDIC bank examiner, and my life went downward after informing on multi-billion dollar war crimes and murder, not unlike the regional FDIC director who was shot in his head in his office in San Francisco before I worked there. George Masa replaced him. George Masa was the leader of the FDIC syndicate in San Francisco, per my opinion, having just arrived from Chicago, and likely was money laundering and stacking employees and discriminating in Chicago, just as he did against myself and others in San Francisco in 2000. But Masa's boss appointed him from Washington, D.C.. .  I had no rights at the FDIC or the government EEOC.  I will likely leave the United States and release a book about the true nature of the war criminal element in power in the USA and much of the capitalistic world.    America's financial system is harnassed and milked by negative capitalists and war criminals and, Americans like many other nations citizens, are becoming nothing more than slaves, slaves of mind and body.  We should applaud  the death of the ruling regimes members who approve of forced injections and torture of the compliant citizens.   

Like many people, I want a better life for myself and my children. I would like to be able to afford to live in a safe place. I can not afford it. None of us can. So, I remember Buffalo and my California friend who escaped, and her famous friend, Henny Youngman. It is hard to hate everyone from mass media. I like one liners, for instance, "I asked what Snatch was up to" Snatch is the former Sheriff who assisted war criminals of the federal sector in capsizing my efforts to be from government abuses. They tried to kill me and then they persecuted me. "Snatch was terminated from being Mob AL Sheriff for having F-DIC shit bubbling from his mouth after a federal bullshit section."

Daily Foreword April 1, 2008:   Once again while traveling, I, Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone, former FDIC federal bank examiner who informed on obvious money laundering through California banks of revenues from Nevada Casinos and California drug czars, has once again been attacked by the cruel federal war criminal regime in the United States.

This time I was driving through Utah, near Salt Lake City, and I was pulled over for driving too slow in the fast lane.    The cop, who was generally polite and non threatening had me sit in his patrol car.   After informing on money laundering and murder in 2001 I was attacked and started carrying a gun.  A million dollars bail and torture, including forced injections and threats and physical abuse at LA under the federal guidance and corrupt California Superior Court judges, left me signing a guilty plea.  It was dismissed and reduced to a misdemeanor in 2004.  However, the cop in 2008 showed I had a felony and it was not showing dismissed. 

Let us move for and assist in removing the inhumane regime from power in the United States.  I hope to start a "Humane Socialist Party" with a focus on positive capitalism and the destruction of negative capitalist enterprises, including casinos, prisons for non-crimes, and federal drug importation and money laundering syndicates.  It is my hope this party comes to power with a military arm to force the illegal regime in power, the war crimes regime, to hold a true election with statistically verifiable election results.  The regime is a group of liars and war criminals.  They have injected and tortured me for the last time.

I regret having worked as a bank examiner, but at least I am alive, the former FDIC director I knew of in San Francisco was shot dead in his office and they kicked him aside.  They are the war criminals.  But who are they and what controls them.  Let us welcome a global war if necessary to remove the negative capitalists and their criminal networks. God Damn the regime in power in the United States.  When the war escalates between 2009 and 2012 you may not be able to leave the United States.  Their mass media should be destroyed for not exposing the regime's war crimes including murders, injections, forced experiments and torture.  So help us almighty and humans of humane conscience.  The regime is for the most part a collection of beast like men who are inhumane to Americans and others. 

The regime in power in the USA, like the regime in Russia and China, claims their dissidents are insane so they can torture and incarcerate them.      I am a victim of their abuses.  The regime is insane, and like a mad dog, it will likely die of its own volition.  Applaud the death of the regime and the rise of the Humane Socialist Party Worldwide.  Positive capitalism coupled with humane socialism will lead us down the path we want.  The United States is a series of casinos, drug lords, war criminal profiteers, and general vermin that will be applauded in the heavens when they or IT is dead or done away with.  Remember, they drew first blood, so have no remorse when they bleed seconds.

Daily Foreword March 24, 2008:  An alert to all who pass through Arizona:  The federal government or local police or crime syndicates in Arizona entered my vehicle illegally this past week when I was stopped in Arizona.   The agent or who ever it was said, "You  can go ahead and report us, we will not admit it",  and then he said, "You deserved it.  You turned against your government."  My reply, that of Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone, FDIC federal bank examiner who was tortured by the regime, and I who was injected  with chemicals forcibly by the federal government when compliant and when I was not, has this in reply.  The USA government drew first blood upon me.  In a nation such as the United States, the humane are now over run by greedy simple minds.  I am an American holocaust victim who survived in the multi billion dollar banking regulatory industry and who knew of and informed on corruption such as murder and money laundering and employee stacking, e.g. loading the ranks with idiots, syndicates, or puppets who are afraid to challenge higher level war criminals in government.

In my recent travels, some good people said, "Your website makes you look insane", and then they painted their lipstick on, as in the Queerest of the Queer painting at Youtube and on this site on the Quatrains 1 page.  The painting by the way has Ba'al Zebub at the San Francisco harbor with Snatch the Fairy Possum, Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama who was used against me and who I had terminated, and also is the ghost of everything,  and Snatch's brains are snatched out by the creator for a re-mold, the final flip side.

The federal government approved forced injections in Arizona in 2001, and even the compliant are being forcibly injected, detained, and charged money for the horrors endured.  The Flagstaff Medical Center or federal war criminals there lost my automobile keys in 2004 after I was forcibly injected and detained.   It may have been a crime syndicate associated with money launderers from Nevada who entered my vehicle in 2008.  Stopped to take a restroom stop and the man entered at that time with a woman alerting me to what had happened.  Of course, the federal government had possession of my vehicle in Los Angeles in 2001 when I was forcibly injected also, after reporting money laundering and murder. 

Never trust the USA government's ruling regime, and remain cognizant that many Americans are nothing more than associates of War criminals.  Let us pray we have a "Humane" regime to overthrow the current regime in place.  Who are they and why do they torture and exclude us?  It is intolerable.

 Let us sacrifice our lives if it becomes a holy war.

Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada allow forced injections according to a clause or paragraph in their Chapter 36 law, passed in 2001.    The federal government will inject you anywhere.  In Alabama we can not vote, many of us, and I can not enter my own native city's government.  Let us welcome a Revolution in the coming Technological wars.  They fake religion.  We should honored their scattered ashes with a fake wake.

I would like to note that my Youtube videos under the saintrambone address were edited.  In my Seattle Video I had stated that the FBI, or the Secret Service, or the National Treasury Employees Union, or one of the agencies mentioned or the Treasury or the FDIC, had some of their associates in the crime syndicates kill Thomas Crane Wales, federal prosecutor.  That part was deleted out, if I am not mistaken.  The banking crimes he punished or cases he may have been presented with could have led to his deathI would rather have been shot in the head than tortured and sickened with chemical injections forced by the federal governments crime syndicates in 2001 and 2004.  I was targeted from the top of government and the bottom took my gun permit right on cue, 4-3-2001, when I was going to report a Sheriff starving his inmates due to the Sheriff's thievery, Sheriff Jack "Snatch The Fairy Possum" Tillman, now terminated.  I am treated like a criminal when I survived. 

Now for the closing joke.  The thing about the corruption in the USA government is that those who they can not kill or put away forever, they attack their name and their character and their sanity.

Daily Foreword March 17, 2008:

My most memorable moment while working at the criminally syndicated federal agency, the FDIC, also known as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, was when a good friend of mine quit.  I had heard of a murder of a regional director in San Francisco in his FDIC office that was labeled suicide that had occurred around 8 to 10 years earlier. 

My friend told me on the day that my friend quit, as my friend looked directly at me to say it, "You do not know who you are working for?" And then my friend pointed to their own eye and said, "They shot him".  My friend was highly educated and adept. He also told me I should quit and that the FDIC would likely dump me, and actually added he wished he could carry me out of there. He must have recognized someone or something, as the attitude from the higher ups was like a wet whore who had been cheated out of cold hard cash, a sort of walking away in knowledge of something by my associate, a fellow bank examiner.

I did not know that he meant their associates would try to kill me in the highways and then have the highest factions of federal government stand behind the prosecution and forced injections and torture of an innocent federal bank examiner, which to you laymen, is someone who handles billions if not trillions of dollars daily. Different fish swim in that fish tank, especially in the age of no ethics.

I should have caught the train out of there also.  I was to be forced out not much later from the federal government, starting at the FDIC.  Now I view those at the top as a ravenous horde of dullards who steal and devour everything and murder  to do so.  They are not entitled to destroy this nation. They were not entitled to forcibly inject chemicals into my body when I was compliant, nor were their low levels assassins and lawmen entitled to attack and harass me, but they did so, see Mobile Alabama federal government and Sheriff Jack Tillman, now terminated on 4-3-2001, just one proof with witnessess, yet the regime turns their cameras off and destroyed my video. Videos were destroyed on 4-23-2001 to 8-12-2001 by federal banking officials, those of the Secret Service, which is a direct conflict of duties, but they are the regime controlled by war criminals. The syndicated war criminals of the regime or their controllers have attacked many others, some of whom are dead.  May the humane freedom fighters return our safety and freedom to us and give those murderous lesser animals in power a high tech Nuremberg justice finale.

For today's irony, I laugh at the local billboards of the visiting war profiteers. In Mobile Alabama is one that says that Northrop Gruman and the KC-45 Aircraft Refueling jet have made Mobile their home. EADS, a German and Western European weapons manufacturer was not listed on the billboard. It is ironic I had a .45 pistol when I was moving my possessions and I was injected against my will by federal money laundering war criminals associates. It was in its case, but I was charged. Also, I carried a .45 in the US Navy long ago, except I am allowed to challenge a threat to a nuclear weapons bearing ship but not to my own life by criminals in the regime many years later. Kurt C 45, Kurt send KC 45 back to EADS with a burned FDIC lead head.

And in parting, a song that came to my head, perhaps from the dead man, perhaps his widow or fretful child, Beatles, In My Life, on Youtube and my reply, our reply, Old Man by Neil Young, on Youtube and sung by lovely honies.. And to point out or link to the Snatch of Mob AL Sheriff, a true comedy, Snatch The Fairy Possum and Sweet Carol Day, terminal warfare, my memoirs de arte on myspace.

Daily Foreword March 16, 2008: In looking back today regarding the American holocaust camp that has been erected around me in a modern sense, I wonder, why does the government or their officials forcibly inject people twice each time they inject you against your will?   I was a  federal bank examiner.  One man was killed and called suicide.  He was a regional FDIC director in San Francisco.  They found him in his office, dead, around 1990.

I was forcibly injected in 2004, a horrible experience in which I was compliant with demands and was knocked completely unconscious and held for three days against my will.  They injected the chemicals through my blue jeans pants, first in my left thigh, and then in my right thigh.  I was being forcibly held down at that point.  I could have struck back as fighting for my life and snapped a neck, and should have. 

I was forcibly injected in 2001, two shots, one in each arm.  I was compliant then, I trusted the government more than I do now.  The first shot, to my right arm, did not make me unconscious, that I am aware of.  I was given a second shot in the left arm.  Something else may have happened.  I would have resisted then also.

In 2001 I was injected at the federal facility in Los Angeles (Westwood Veterans Administration) by a federal agent for no reason. I was compliant. I should have resisted. Never trust the government. They lure you in and then close the door. Never trust the potential enemy of your people.

In 2004 I was injected at the Flagstaff Arizona Medical Center in Flagstaff. I had simply reported a burn on my neck, a hazardous material cleanup crew on the interstate, and due to the explosion a few weeks earlier of a Texas refinery, I asked that my truck be checked for radiation. I was held for five hours, compliant, under a guard, and then the money laundering government in power, those who I came out against in Nevada for money laundering in California, approved my injections. I was injected forcibly while I put up a partial resistance, first in the left leg, then the right leg. Never trust the regime or where ever they have power and control. They are the enemy to humane mankind. To be injected forcibly is to be raped. I welcome vengeance just as in the Nuremberg Trials of German war criminals. The war will be here and now, as it has already started.

Because the government has shut me out and tortured me when I was investigating criminals in their ranks, and because they beat me from government, and block millions from voting, and because they drew first blood in initiating chemical warfare against me. 

Never trust the regime.  I urge home schooling with computer and internet assisted training for the young.  I urge all to treat the government as you would a stranger, with extreme caution, and the knowledge that they will forcibly inject the innocent and kill the innocent.  They want to go to war because they are primitive. 

If you are going to get a feral possum out of your fenced backyard, what do you do?  You get a tool to do the job.   The same goes for primitives in control of a government.

Recently I had a dream.  The dream said, "If you could see how much wealth those people acquire from war, you would understand why  they or IT engages in it."   That brings up a question about the illusory quality of wealth.   However, they trespass against our bodies therefore in the end IT will have to be done away with, us or them, the IT.  Let us hope the humane take control of the battlefield.  The humane are not in power in the United States.  It appears the conquest of the humane by the inhumane, the primitives, has been a part of a parlor trick, using high technology as in warfare.

Now for a little comedy relief in closure: A one armed bandit says to Trump, "Damn, it looks like Uncle Son of Sam took one hell of a dump. (Pic Link). "The media is eating it up or feeding it up." "It has more puppies than a dog." "Puppet, some of your stuffing came out."

Daily Foreword March 10, 2008: In the ongoing war for war machine profits, and the profits from injecting and torturing and murdering innocent Americans in the federal banking regulatory agencies, where all of the money is kept and manipulated, the regime is pushing for EADS in Alabama with Northrop carrying the banner on bull shit local government billboards.

Build me a space ship in a neutral nation and bring me some Portugeuse Evanescence or Garbage.  I see that the new monkey parrot, Mayor, Mayor son of Sam Bones Jones, of Mob AL  is in D.C.  Puppet Wod II.   Watch those injections once leaving the Mob AL shore Puppet, but of course, you are the local f-cker for those warmongering thieves and idiots of the war criminal sector.  Fly an EADS jet over my house in Mob AL with a machine and I will call in Boeing. 

Now, I have been told Northrop Gruman has a new job and a new language for me, that of a German speaking Accountant.  I have not learned to speak German but I will strive as I learn to fly my Boeing 747.    I would rather Boeing put a wing in Mob AL and let me account for it with a special crew.

Zig Zag the continent boys, they brought zem dapper EADS toys.  Radar Calypso Collapso will be the name of my upcoming invention on Love Line 7.  Just search for Hurricane, remember ctrl-F.

Now for the triangle maker trilogy.  Mobile, San Francisco, Seattle, of MF SS.  So we know what Mother F-cker stands for, but what does SS stand for?  Secret Service, EADS Secret Police, Simple Sh-t, or all of the above? As a matter of consequence, I present this song to Germany's EADS riding under the Northrop cape in the USA carrying potential chem trail makers over my city. See my video, Gulf War Syndrome at youtube under the favorite's section of SAINTRAMBONE. And to the man who looked like my father, David Byrne of the band Talking Heads singing, "Burning Down the House", because I as a surving federal bank examiner who the federal government turned against, I believe in taking my grandchildren's safety to the bank. Perhaps Son of Sam Mayor Sam Bones of Mob AL has AIDS and now he is delirious and wants EADS. I think we should forcibly inject him under the Chapter 36 Crazy Clause passed in early 2001 in Senator McCain's Arizona, and observe the mayor for three days. Then we can get McCain and try to find Bush.

Daily Foreword March 9, 2008: It appears that Boeing has lost a contract to build war planes to the German company EADS. Senator John McCain of Arizona is said to be partially responsible. In Arizona since 2001 you can be forcibly injected with chemicals and detained if any of the ruling regime see you as a threat, which is insane to them. We should hold down Senator McCain on the web, forcibly inject him under the Chapter 36 Law "Crazy Clause", and analyze him for three days. The regime is the enemy to our people. Perhaps the international war criminal in power intends to run more high tech machines over Americans heads. Applaud when the regime is gutted and destroyed. They beat us from government. We are in a technological war. The ruling regime is the enemy to humane mankind. Applaud the death of the ruling regime and their war crimes practitioners.

Boeing is under attack from the inside and the outside. Considering that America lost their auto manufacturers and that the German competitor to Boeing, EADS, which devoured the Chrysler Corporation, is likely behind some of the fiasco.

Daily Foreword March 8, 2008: At the end of another Winter I am in Alabama, my native born state, a state  that is hogtied by modern war criminals, who beat me from government, a former USA armed forces veteran, and the regime in power wallows and swallows with the German war machine maker, EADS.  

I am not the only veteran cast out in Alabama and the USA.  Let us applaud all who seek vengeance in the creators visage to destroy the war criminals who hold the hands of the murderous pack of Germans at EADS who buy the politicians

Never trust the USA government.  Never trust anything they touch.  They lie, or IT lies.  It injects us and uses us as slaves.  Let them die and shout to the heavens all glorious thanks when they are their war crime partners in crime are under a burning pile of rubble.

Never again serve the regime.  They are in a technological war with the common humane human around the globe.  Welcome war against them or IT.

Daily Foreword March 7, 2008: The regime in power in the USA and their top bureaucrats are controlled by the same people or thing that control the mass media. We are under attack in this former FDIC bank examiners opinion, a federal agency whose floors were coated with blood in San Francisco before I arrived, the blood of an honest regional director erroneously labeled suicide. The mask is that of a smiling replacement FDIC Regional Director after him, but it was just furtherance of the crime syndicates or their controllers movement. I was almost murdered after reporing murder and money laundering at the FDIC, and then I was forcibly injected and tortured and labeled insane and or criminal for having survived.

If the regional director was alive, would he hold me open a position to resume my career as a bank examiner? Would he invite me into the mob bosses bank vault to get my share. To this day I am mistreated by the regime in all aspects. I want my pound of meat, and if it is not cut right, I will send in my own meat cleavers. We do not care about each other if we do not protect the humane in the multi trillion dollar banking regulatory industry.

If that regional director who was murdered and labeled suicide arose from the dead, and if I was right, whose feet would be first to slive? I would feed his murderer in little pieces to my little dog on a daily basis until IT was done. The regime in power can eat shit and die, but first, you must remember, this is a technological war and the stakes are high. Since the humane are not winning, we do not win. We are not animals to be injected and tortured for doing nothing wrong. I was compliant to the regime's demands. Beware of them and never let them inject you against your will. Applaud the rise of a humane human worldwide socialist party with positive capitalism at the fore. No casino trash. No dope syndicates. No Chapeau Blanc -- Blanc Chapeau lies of a democracy that does not exist.

Daily Foreword March 5, 2008: Today, for all of those forced injections, murder attempts, derision in California courts after enduring forced injections at a federal facility, I welcome the fall of the American banking system under the current negative capitalists regime.  If not, then due to those forced injections and murders, let us welcome a final global war and applaud the death of the regime and their mass media, blind to our American holocaust.  Some people got what they deserved, or did they?  Were they like us?  We are not allowed in.  They are exclusive.  Therefore an exterior set.  Beware of technological deceptions.  This is increasingly a technological war.  The regime in power in the United States is two-faced.  They betray their own.  They are not ours.  They are welcome to fall. 

A Humane Socialist Democracy and Positive Capitalism military front and political party will have to be organized.  Expect infiltration and instigate counter surveillance and movement.  Never under-estimate their treachery and deviousness with technology.  Pass laws to protect us from forced injections.  If not, pass Revolution and do not hold the ammunition.  We are not pigs on a farm to be forcibly injected.

To celebrate 4-3-2001, or April 3 2001 in the UK, I remember the day I woke up that the government has factions opposing us, the day Sheriff Jack Tillman, Snatch the Fairy Possum, followed the order of the war crimes regimes syndicates in the USA to further the terror campaign against me. Three weeks later I was forcibly injected by the enemy in power. Never trust any federal agency, including the Secret Service or the Veterans Administration. Do not serve or trust the ruling regime and applaud the attack of their controllers and their fall. They inject us and kill us. Therefore what do their controllers deserve? Prodigy's song Wake The F-ck Up on Youtube 1234, 4321, the countdown has begun. It will in the end be our death or theirs. We can not tolerate war crimes against our people. Let them fall. Let it fall. Applaud the removal of the regime and if necessary, the final hour, as that is better than being injected and set into the lower caste by humans or emulations of humans who are of lesser and inhumane intelligence.

Daily Foreword March 3, 2008: The regime in power in the USA and their bureaucracy and their supporters are like the war criminals from Hell, but just like all war criminal regimes, there are those who support them and those who do not. Many of us in the financial regulatory sector and the military veterans have been attacked and forcibly injected with chemicals by the regime in power, or their hidden faces of power. The chemicals have made many of us sick. Some Gulf War Vets can hardly walk from the side effects and many have lost brain capacity. I feel sick since being injected in 2001 by the federal money laundering syndicates associates, and again I was injected with approval of the regime in the Nevada casino areas, in Flagstaff Arizona. We are being forcibly injected and killed in the financial regulatory ranks by the federal war crimes syndicates. They treat us like this pig being injected. In the event of the overthrow of the regime it is my hope we can take control of our government for our people through our people, not the ruling elite who forcibly inject us and kill us like pigs. The federal government injects us with engineered chemicals and now they allow the state to do so, and beat us from government. We should applaud if we can see their controllers dealt with by their victims allies. The regime in power in the United States treats us like animals, therefore their deaths should be viewed as the deaths of animals, and let us pray they are harvested post-haste. What comes around, goes around, never mind the salt pork.

Daily Foreword February 28, 2008: In celebration of those murderous and sanctioned crime syndicates and their profiteers, I salute one final to toast to the federal dicks who have allowed negative capitalists to piss in the stew. First I will reiterate the updating of the hurricane capturing device and the Pascal triangle laser configuration at Love Line 7, Science and Comedy Updated February 25, 2008 . Here is an old song linked on the Mobile Audit Club band page in full, but on this link is an artsy music video with the song put to music and uploaded on youtube. Big Easy Bud Hole by Kurt Brown, Saint Ram Bone, featuring a federal agent stalking an innocent former FDIC bank examiner turned informant. "Moi" Next stop...ask Ho Chi Minh or the french rabbit in Hollyweird, "Chapeau Blanc et Blanc Chapeau, or was it Blanc Chapeau et Chapeau Blanc?"

Daily Foreword February 20, 2008:  The funny thing about divine karma is that the primary recipient of divine Karma can not see it coming most often. 

A case in point is thus, Recently I was speaking with a multi-millionaire Wall Street trader.   The trader spoke with intelligence and spoke with exuberance about war and how wars create wealth and are the driving force behind capitalism and economies.  What was odd was that the trader had been injured seriously in an accident at one time.  Their body and mind was scarred forever in a very deep sense.  That person was playing with one of their toys, one of their many toys when they were injured.

Now the regime in power, that lieing fascist horde has cornered the oil markets loose ends, that of Afghanistan and Iraq and Kuwait.  We can not believe our eyes as to who runs the USA government.  They murder innocent people and torture us, particularly the common who stand up for the common in the financial markets.  I am speaking of bank auditors of the federal government and federal banking prosecutors.

I was going to buy, or rather try to finance, some property in the USA, and work on it.  But I am hesitant.  I have considered financing a sailing vessel that runs on wind power, and never to return to the US for any extended period.  But the seas are a plastic dumping ground. 

The regime blew up another refinery in West Texas this week.  Perhaps it was not a refinery.   In 2004 a refinery blew up allegedly and I saw Hazmat crews in New Mexico on the highway. I had a burn on my neck, like an ash burn.  I reported it in Flagstaff Arizona at the Flagstaff Medical Center.  I was held down, injected with chemicals, and knocked unconscious.  I was charged money for the ordeal. 

I want divine Karma of an exacting kind.  I want a free energy source.  I hope  those who approved of my injections to be tampered with. Did they do things to many of us and our children when we were young? Did they perhaps have our young altered genetically, altered forever, as they may have done to many of us? More importantly, we should applaud when they are robbed of their wealth and their health and their freedom, just as they did to me in 2001 through 2004 and beyond. It is my hope that the Casino industry is brought to its knees, its leaders severed from government, and their capital and equipment, broken up and sold on the open market as a disposable commodity, and given to the homeless much like a slice of beef.

Here is a link to the price of oil change this week due to the explosion in West Texas.  A Ram Wreck or a dam wreck, it is always one in the same or one in the other.

Here is a link on Google to the oil price effect of the explosion.

I put a link here on Indymedia in Houston, which will likely be deleted.  The regime fears free speech.  They are small beasts who have a big self image, kind of like a biting beetle.

When I made the mistake of working in the US Navy when I was young and naive and brainwashed by the mass media and the public education system set up by the regime in power, the Captain would order that music be played when we were in simulated combat.

Daily Foreword February 18, 2008:  It appears that the United States government has gone to the wolves of negative capitalism.  But it has been that way since I was child during the Vietnam era when the regime forced young men to generate income for the war criminals of the USA and Russia by fighting with the Vietnamese.  Now we are kicked down if we are from the common and poor, held back, to lesser positions or forced out.  The mass media ignores the war crime atrocities against us, including forced injections, torture, and often murder by the ruling regime.    CNN is the biggest joke in the intelligent universe with its daily hype and the rest of the mass media is just as bad. 

The refinery explosion in West Texas yesterday or today looked a bit like a small nuclear blast. The alleged MOAB bomb near Pensacola a few years ago has allegedly spread nuclear waste to Florala Alabama  Who gives a damn about the United States and their form of negative capitalism, where casino owning money launderers and drug lords inside the government work out deals with international negative capitalists to take control of everything.  We need to organize to strike back, but how much good it will do is unknown, because without a humane and intelligent position, it will slip back to the lesser form of society that we have today.

When  I am in South Florida, I see the truth.  The wealthy caste push out the poor caste and hold them down.  Trump towers hordes the new construction in Miami.  The poorest area, the Liberty City section is a third world of crack cocaine and likely heroin and hopelessness exists where free educations should provide hope, but nothing is free or affordable, and even harmless marijuana is controlled by the government crime syndicates and sold for $240 an ounce allegedly. We are a slave caste of a new sort. 

I urge young men and women to prepare for the onslaught of the negative capitalists.  I urge the development of "Humane socialist" parties with a push to remove the dictatorship in power and to remove their lies.  I had someone say I was "Yellow" because I stammered when a federal agent came to my door when I was in Alabama in 2007.  I have been injected by the federal government after surviving an attempt on my life, and I have seen where men in the banking industry, both prosecutors and bank examiners were murdered.  I was injected and tortured and partially blinded and made sick by the chemicals they injected into me, jailed, exiled, and am to this day beaten from the war criminal regime's government and I can not particapate and am harassed in the USA and anywhere their war criminal associates linger, including crossing the borders.  I look forward to the overthrow of the regime. I will not stammer if I am in the onslaught that leads the charge in that grand hour.

I see where many promising young men serve the military out of desparation. We are strangled and starved.  I urge you to never serve the regime.  In my opinion we have the Russian KGB under the mask of USA government officials.  I believe George Bush Jr. is dead.  No true Texan of American Virtue would allow forced injections and torture of innocent veterans and bank examiners.  I believe that Senator John McCain is dead.  No true POW of the Vietnam era would allow forced injections of the innocent as is allowed under the Chapter 36 Law "crazy clause" as is being allowed in Arizona. 

Daily Foreword February 17, 2008: The USA will someday likely split between the East and West if not into smaller segments.  That is not necessarily such a bad thing.  I went to Liberty City, a slum of Miami, per a friends advice from Oakland California.  It was poorer than Watts in Los Angeles.  Then I went to Miami Beach.  It was a Saturday and the Jewish Temples were letting out and the streets were filled with people leaving the temple.  The area was affluent, extremely per my opinion.  I thought of Rabbi Weiss of Maryland, an Orthodox Jew who does not like Zionism,  which is the re-taking of the Holy Land in Israel.  I thought of my mother who in the fear before her death told me not to comment negatively on Zionism, telling me not to say anything negatively about  what I did not understand.  I do not believe in killing people for land, however the regime in power in the United States will kill anyone any where and they seem to enjoy injecting and torturing innocent Americans innocent Americans such as myself, and their followers who are often as ignorant as Hitler's followers, and who nod their heads in approval of all of the abuses we have to endure.

The poor of Liberty City, just as the poor and common of every city, should have free educations throughout their life.  Instead, they get crack houses and cops who can not wait to beat them and arrest them.   The marijuana is kept illegal so that the people are addicted to crack cocaine also, because crack is sold in one hand while marijuana is sold in the other.  California has Florida beat in Separating Hard drugs from Soft drugs, but not as well as the Netherlands or Spain.   I would never recommend living in the large cities of Florida.  It will likely be on the opposite side of the fence when our people go to war with the warmongering factions in the United States, including the federal governments war criminal elements in the FBI and Secret Service, both of which aid in committing high level crimes.   Of course war is a losing proposition from the outset.  Perhaps I will just leave the United States.  Perhaps I will go to Portugal as I have heard that the female singer from the band Evanesence may have a space reserved for me.  I would like to leave this planet, but I do not want the warmongering types to come along.  They can stay here and kill each other, as current trends indicate.

So my latest triangle traveled is, Liberty City (LC), Miami Beach (MB), and Boca Raton (BR).  Translated as CL or Closed Loop, next is BR, or Br which is a soft silvery metallic element of the alkali metal group burns in air and reacts violently in water, and next is BM which is Bowel Movement. So we have a closed loop of bowel movements that react violently to water, i.e. smells and sounds like a Bush full of feces in Florida and burning.   Of course that is no worse than the most recent one, Panama City Beach, Dothan, Mobile, which is Medical Doctor PolyChlorinated Biphenyls. 

Daily Foreword February 16, 2008: This former FDIC bank examiner who was honest and open and who became an informant on federally sanctioned banking crimes and murder is now caught in a dilemma. I do not know who to trust. I do not trust idiots such as those who work for government war criminals, including FBI agents sent to stalk me. Just today, I have very good reason to believe I am being stalked by the war criminal factions of the FBI or their criminally syndicated associates in the money laundering and murdering ranks.

I was at a place called Amore on Federal Boulevard in Boca Raton Florida, near West Palm Beach. When I was ordering, the man there asked where I was from, "My home base". Then he was talking to a man with an FBI hat who was fat and lazy and sitting outside. They then walked to my vehicle and the FBI hat man leaned on my truck at the rear, trying his key on the lock or possibly putting a tracer on the vehicle. When I left, there were two men who came out after I did immediately. They were outside and followed in a red truck. Now, tonight, a White Van was parked next to my vehicle in an adjoining parking lot. The van then came back and was looking from across the street as I am typing this.

I urge all honest FBI and SS to beware, because we have killers in the government ranks who are killing innocent men. Thomas Crane Wales, federal banking crimes prosecutor, was killed in his home in 2001 after making a call stating he was alone. I was attacked 8 months earlier and I knew I was being stalked because I had set up a trap for the stalker. The federal government injected me and tortured me for alerting the public to what I knew. In my opinion, the federal governments head was blown off and replaced by someone or something else. I want to leave the United States before I end up dead like Wales or the FDIC Director in San Francisco who had his brains blown out in the early 1990's in his office. The official line was suicide. The official line was wrong, as I saw obvious money laundering setups during my employment there.

Their famous line is, "Prove it". In auditing, we have a rule, and that is, "When you have collusion, all audits are unreliable and irrelevant." The most obvious is the National Treasury Employees Union which is over the entire federal government. When you have collusion and technology coupled together, you have a closed circuit, a circuit of death and robbery and enslavement of the working classes.

The final word is, "Back off you federal war criminals and your associates can go to Hell." As my close friend as the FDIC said, "Watch your back and cover your tracks." It is sad but we the honest are against the wall and the trap door is opening around us. Bon Voyage.

Daily foreword February 15, 2007:  Yesterday my post was hacked by a server webmaster I had possibly hijacked into, or of course it could have been the warmongering horde in power in these dammed United States, a subjugated nation at the whim of warmongerers who kill innocent humane humans around the globe and who torture innocent Americans from the "Positive" capitalist fringe, i.e. engineers, auditors and banking prosecutors.

I support "Humane" "Socialist"  parties, and I do mean the humane.  We must beware of the ruling regime as they are capitalists, but they are also war criminals against humane humans.  They will lose the war in the end, as they are destined to do so by the etiquette of the humane of the  universe (s).

I urge all of my people of the lower caste to view at least half of the ruling regime's elite to be our enemies.  That is why and how they or IT has conquered the Earth.  Instead of forced injections, torture, and murder, we should cherish our fellow humane humans.  If not, then we should welcome and encourage global war and a stamping into the earth of the materialistic pigs calling themselves humans, as they are not humane and maybe not even human.

This is a technological war.  Never serve the regime in power.  They drew first blood in a long line of terror.  I am one of their latest.  Three degrees of separation or at least technological analysis will lead us to our enemies head whose roasting over eternal flames we will savor.

Daily Foreword February 14, 2008: After observing the apathy that most people of the wealthy class in control of the United States have toward the war crimes committed against innocent Americans, I urge all of the common and poorer class to view the extremely wealthy as foreign and corrupt and to applaud when they are attacked. But you must be aware that our people are their servants. Remember, they have drawn first blood through their forced injections and murder of innocent Americans. Never again serve the regime. Applaud the rise of the Socialist Parties in the United States and an end to the Negative Capitalists who are the drug lords and casino owners who now own most of the United States. Never again serve their militaries. Beware of their opponents as we are deceived by the beasts in control.

Welcome caste war if necessary. They have injected this veteran and former FDIC bank examiner once too many times, and they have killed too many of the innocent who try to defend us, the lower caste from the poor of America. G-d damn them, let them rot in their own Hell. They or IT is in a technological war with us. Beware of all medical professionals and government buildings also. Guns are useless as they can knock you unconscious and have you blow your brains out. The regime is waging chemical warfare on veterans and others through forced injections and likely other means of getting chemicals into the body.

Daily Foreword February 12, 2008: Love Line 7, Science and Comedy Updated today February 12, 2008

Daily Foreword February 9, 2008: Some daily forewords may cease for a while on this site.  I urge all Americans who have traditionally been loyal to the crown of feces in power to now view them as they are, cold blooded killers of the humane, and their followers are either idiots or subjugators or the naive. Do not allow the closed government or their government controlled hospitals to forcibly inject you or your loved ones. Run if you can. The chemical and biochemical engineers can be as much or more diabolical than a physicist with a nuclear bomb or a gunsmith with a bullet.

If necessary, you have my blessings in killing anyone who tries to forcibly inject you and I recommend going to three degrees of separation, starting with the farthest most powerful group or thing and working inward until you are satisfied that equal blood has been taken and equal damage is done. We live in an era of technological warfare and deception is part of it.

We are not their animals or their lessers. Beware of gun ownership also, because they can kill you with your guns as they have numerous honest accountants or they will prosecute you for ownership. If they inject you against your will or anyone, please put a post on the home page of Saintrambone on youtube in the comments section at the bottom. Leave the location and the names of the individuals. Flagstaff Medical Center should be avoided as well as the Los Angeles Veterans Administration in Westwood, as they both forcibly inject unknown chemicals into compliant and innocent people.

Veterans should not trust the veteran administration hospitals. The USA in many peoples eyes has ceased to exist. Let it fall and teach your children the truth, that the regime is a liar and our mortal enemies not only by instinct but by their war crimes atrocities against us. Their mass media has been lieing and distracting from the truth, that they are the enemies to humane mankind.

Protect your young.  They have new weapons and are caste setting, which is no suprise.  I encourage you to beware of cell phone usage as it is always watched by that  filth, the enemies to humane mankind, the regime in power in the United States and their internationally subjugated nations.

Do not believe the stereo types on any person.  You can not judge a book by its cover but by its actions.  Humane humans should unite and protect their own.  Never again serve or trust the regime and their bureaucracy and their federal agencies.  Have your young away from hospitals, and train them away from schools.  What you can not see, can harm your child.  Applaud the overthrow of the regime if there is a conflict, but do not expect a humane party to assume power.  Change is inevitable. Their mass media is a lie and controlled by the regime, that IT, and beware of their officials in medical positions if you have knowledge that is necessary for the defense of the humane and your families against that enemy dictatorship in power.

Daily Foreword February 6, 2008: Once again, I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, formerly an FDIC federal bank examiner, feel very sick, a sudden onset. Ever since I was forcibly injected and tortured by the federal crime syndicates this has happened to me and the doctor could not find the cause. Which is just like the veterans with Gulf War Syndrome.

I have survived one very serious attempt on my life for reporting internal money laundering syndicates inside the United States, and I have been attacked and harassed numerous times since 2001. I would rather have been shot in the head like Federal Prosecutor Thomas Crane Wales in Seattle in 2001, or the Prior FDIC Regional Director in San Francisco around 1990, shot at his desk and labeled a suicide, than to have been forcibly injected with the approval of the enemy war crimes syndicates in power inside the USA government. In the event of a war with the international war criminal regime, including their murderous money launderers and drug syndicates inside the government, I encourage that no hostages be taken for long term and no forced injections be allowed. Let our people, the humane humans, exact merciful justice just as in the Nuremberg Trials in which the alleged Nazis were executed. Do not trust the government to conduct criminal investigations or audits. They are corrupted due to collusion, and technology keeps it and them concealed. They have barred me from federal employment, they have given me a retirement where if I work, I lose it. If I work today and feel well today, what happens tomorrow when I am sickened by the injections and torture they did to me? Do I just work while I am sick because I was an honest bank examiner, until I am unable to work and then terminated or completely shutdown and incapacitated in my own business? I would rather side with a rising warlord of humane intellect and of a technological warlords temperment and a physicists aptitude. You have my permission to kill those war criminals in the highest ranks who have allowed their war on the world and on our people of the humane working class and may God assist you to re-take this nation in the name of the working class and to burn every casino in the nation, and to legalize drugs with a focus on rehabilitation and to kill the drug kingpins both inside the government and outside. We should also take those who inject us and make an example of them in the streets. I would recommend for a shot to the head like a dog and then to skin them to be eaten by flies until they are gone from the telephone wires. They want war with us, let the flies eat them. If you forcibly inject a compliant human being, you are a war criminal and deserve a war criminals death. And all who approve of those forced injections deserve the same punishment and revelation to the general public. The regime has gone insane with their drugs, their forced injections and other methods.

It will likely take a military tribunal with a headquarters outside of the USA or the rising armies of our people and their technology will have to sanctioned and cordoned off by new weaponry and physics shields in the USA.

Remember though what one child said to me recently, "Don't forget about us". So try not to have collateral damage as the war crimes regime calls the death of the innocent, which the regime in power or the IT in power seems to relish and ignore since time impertuity.

Daily Foreword Februay 3, 2008: Because the regime in power in the United States in most cases in my experience, and from what I can collect from other humane being of the lower caste , consider all contact with them to be labeled a threat so they can silence us, I have reposted an email I broadcast today. I sent it to Massachusetts, Kentucky and Wisconsin politicians of the apparent regime in power, the UGH regime. Here is the email, if it stays up on Madison Indymedia. It urges all to beware of cell phones and not to give those numbers to the federal government. Men are being killed. The trust is gone. Ugh had IT's way. I also put put a post on Quatrains 6 (updated at 11 pm with a few words on local dog tracks) about my view of Ugh and our place in IT's domain as it stands today and a comment on the bizarre about a suicide or murder of a Senator's grandson. The teenage, Ben Stanford.

Dear Ugh, or past particle, 5 million dollars US or Euro would make a nice retirement and would shut me up, tighter than a pop-sickle. Donate at my fund raising page.

Daily Foreword February 2, 2008: In my quest to find a new place to call home in the United States, I find either casinos, which I detest due to murder associated with money laundering sanctioned by federal officials, or I find intense cocaine and heroin use, which I detest due to the degradation of society's that have high amounts of usage and subsequent criminal conduct not only by the addicts, but the criminals within the federal government who import heroin and cocaine and who launder the money from sales and murder innocent people to make room for their crime syndicates.

I have come to the conclusion that the leaders of the United States are an amorphous mass of elitist war criminals with a small constituent core of intellectuals whose bellies are ripe with crime laden money offerings by their select clientele. I hope the new game is rip the barrel, and toss the Jack, we don't need their asses, we are under attack. Feel free to techno-size me when we rid them of their entourage.

Daily Foreword February 1, 2008: Updated February 1 Love Line 7 on Weapons design and espionage by the medical sector. No offense to the dentist. I am just the messenger of things to come and things that have been.

I have elaborated further on dentist and doctor visit warnings to those of us in the lower caste horrified of the regime for various reasons. I was an honest bank examiner for the federal government. I was almost killed. Then the war criminals made themselves apparent and attacked me from their courts and their drug pharmacopia, forcing injections and defaming. Damn them. Damn them all. Never again serve or trust the regime and beware of their agents in all aspects of police and medicine and military.

Daily Foreword January 30, 2008: Today's thoughts on new weapons and my latest post traumatic stress experience is on page Love Line 7. Feel free to donate at the Fund Raising Page. I want to escape the international war criminal regime and get relief from the post traumatic stress due to betrayal by the war crimes syndicates now at the top of the USA governments.

The name of the game in modern warfare is physics, highly controlled, very powerful. Chemical warfare has also taken on new meaning, with mind control being a big part of the new warfare tools. We should view all of the USA government as alien to our people. Never serve them or IT, never trust them or IT. Veterans should demand healthcare outside of the VA facilities, but they will not get it. Do not enlist, no matter how hungry you are. You are better off to eat the war criminal politicians and top bureaucrats.

It is rumored a bomb went off on a float yesterday at a Mardi Gras parade in Mobile Alabama and a bigger one is most likely threatened considering the nature of the modern era of terror that the common of this city and nation endure. I urge our revolutionaries not to harm any children in their aggressions toward the enemy regime in the United States. Beware of their technology. Spy satellites, street cameras, physics tools are all employed against the innocent and we are tortured and injected and medical procedures are performed against us and we do not know they have occurred, at least in totality. You may not even recall discourse with the enemy regime of the IT factor in power. Welcome global war. Welcome global cleansing, even if it means or our own deaths. They drew first blood. Daily Foreword Notes regarding my attempt to enter the Mobile Alabama City Council for the past two days were moved to Home Page II page. I was feeling too ill to try to attend the Mobile, Alabama City Council meeting yesterday. After the injections and torture and prolonged stress, I can only investigate the enemy regime in short time frames, and something may have been done to me at their police headquarters to demand my rights, or something in between. Welcome the overthrow of the regime and their governmental abusers. If they come to your home, do not open the door. Get away, they have machines. What you see may be different than what is there. That is the nature of this war with the IT regime. They can also trace pings to some computers, so beware of who you contact electronically or who you view.

Daily Foreword January 27, 2008:

Today I have elaborated on closed door government on Home Page II, and the rape of our nation by a new set of weapons utilizing bubble phsyics, genetics, and nano-technology and cell phones on Quatrains 6. Mass media is our enemy and controlled by the enemy in power. We are not one with them, we are the humane humans, they are to thus point, the undefined IT.

Daily Foreword January 26, 2008:

Today, I reflect on how the federal money laundering syndicate tried to kill me in 2001 and I see the result in how they ignored me, as our kind now burns the casinos because we are tired of being killed in our jobs as financial protectors of the working King's ransom, his daily bread. That section is on today Segment Quatrains 6/Prophetic Poem Art 6.

It is also my duty to inform you that the FBI is demanding cell phone numbers. They, Sgt. Jack Bishop( Mob Al Police or FBI or Federal War Criminal Attache' or all of the above) demanded information about my cell phone from a relative(see Youtube video and description on Cell Phones by saintrambone). It came on without my permission. They can track you and know when to kill you Home Alone. It is belief also, they can make you sick if the right ingredients have been injected into your blood or the right implant into the body. That gives a whole new meaning to, "What's the Frequency Kenneth, is it justice?" I don't think so. Stacking those chips, so who cares if the casino house burns down, it appears God through Katrina said strike one in Biloxi. Let's hear a strike two, mother f-ckers. The time has come, we are not dumb, they have us on the run, cock face about face, turn the bun.

Boycott the negative capitalists. Do not visit casinos. Do not buy drugs or alcohol. Got an addiction? Brew it or grow it. F-ck the fed war crimes syndicates. They are not humane humans. They are the Rouge Sang Chapeau (Red Blood Hat) regime trying to pretend to be the Chapeau Blanc (Hat White) regime. We are the inheritors of our own free will.

Daily Foreword January 24, 2008:

The enemy factions to humane humans in the federal government of the United States try to make people look insane so they can avoid having trouble in  the federal government, and in addition they can kick us humane humans to the ground with our cameras watching.

I often wonder, "Were our people, the humane humans the only ones in  those buildings in totality that were destroyed in the 1990's and 2000's in the USA?" 

I would wager that ours was the only true flesh in those buildings.  Let us welcome a stake through the heart of that which controls those who make people look insane, and let us welcome a good warfare set to rid those of their heads who control those who kick us to the ground while our cameras are watching.

Many happy families have been destroyed through divorce and premature death as a result of the enemy which controls and rules the United State Government and their international warmonger clientele.

Never again serve the regime.  Protect yourself, protect your young, and in the event of outright war, if they leave us maimed and screaming, be merciful and put us out of our misery.  It is obvious the ruling regime believes in torturing us.

They indoctrinated us when we were young to be users of destructive substances. They taught us all the wrong things, and none of the right things needed for survival. Many talk of nuclear bombs. The weapons now are much worse, finitely controlled, and just as destructive, but we end up controlled. No Amen here, just a realization of the nature of the enemy in power.

Daily Foreword 2-4-2008: Any time we humane humans enter the closed door or abusive governments in power in the United States we should be wary of weapons, particularly any sort of lasers or activations of other apparatus that might trigger chemical responses in our bodies. I had some strange blood-type blisters on my head and I was made very sick after going to the Mobile Alabama Police Headquarters this past week to demand someone claim responsibility for calling me and telling me I could not film as a reporter in the Mobile Alabama government building, and the sad thing is that I have a journalism degree from a local university. The voice sounded like the same man I spoke with, but they all sound very similar, which is rather odd and may indicate a technological conflict with something we or I have overlooked. Past military men should beware due to the fact we were injected with chemicals by the goverment of unknown consistency. The same warning goes for entering any court or government building in the United States, including the Mobile Alabama government building. We may even have things done to us that we are not aware(Youtube video by Sainrambone regarding Gulf War Syndrome and chemical warfare with chemical triggers for some). Never again trust or serve the war crimes regime in power. I believe we are losing a technological conflict. Prepare or take shelter in distant proximity from the war crimes regimes' military installations, but never under estimate what they may have already done or will do, including genetics manipulations and cancer invoking diseases. The federal and local governments lie, so get used to it. Do not believe anything they or IT says without verification on many levels and single and double blind tests. Just as with a magician or a serial killer, do not believe your eyes and ears when conversing with the regime, especially up close and personal. Just beware my friends and if we can not get our government back, let us hope and pray that we are all destroyed and that our children are not left completely ignorant of the true nature of the war criminal regime in power. Voting is absurd under their governmental structure.

One question. Who owns the Mobile Greyhound Park racing track?. It is kept hidden just like the enemy regimes dictators in this damned place.

We all know that bank examiners and federal banking prosecutors are killed like dogs or pushed out of the way to make way for the money laundering crime syndicates, and it is likely that high technology is deployed where machines are made to behave like men or men are made to behave like machines. But who owns the Mobile Greyhound Park in Mobile County Alabama? I can not find it. They have been doping the racing dogs locally, like the federal government's war criminals injected me and doped this former FDIC bank examiner, Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone, and tortured me to make me sign documents in mid-2001, and now men are dead because I could not send out my warning that murderers and criminals were crawling up the FDIC and likely the Treasury and throughout the FBI and SS. Federal Prosecutor Thomas Crane Wales, who is now murdered, and to his friends in Seattle and in Massachusetts, I tried.

It is obvious that the corruption has spread higher since the current war crimes regime came into place. Federal Prosecutor Thomas Crane Wales, murdered at his home, had a friend who was pushed out of Washington D.C. by the regime. John McKay pushed for more investigation into his friends death, Thomas Wales. John McKay was terminated from D.C.. What John Mckay did not realize was that a technological war has escalated, and what you see may not be what you think you see, just like at the upper layers of the FDIC when I was pushed out in 2000 in San Francisco. Their playing field has redundancy like an electrical grid and carries the same punch.

Now they claim they do not kill the dogs at Mobile Greyhound Park, just like the gambling money launderers claimed not to have killed a San Francisco FDIC director in his office to make way for a money laundering techno-horde and the same they tried to kill me but failed. The FDIC is covered with the Shee-it. The local police claimed not to have called my home demanding I stay out of government this past week. I will release the video recording on the phone soon. To quote that war criminal machine head Bush and Cheney of the techno-crat regime, "F-ck Em".

A couple of final points. I went to the Mobile Greyhound Park racing track once in 2005 or 2006 and I noticed that when the dogs came out of the shoot, that one of the favored dogs leaped into the air like it was chasing dragonflies, and then when it came back down it was like he was playing and laughing as he was running. That shows how corrupt this place is. Never serve the regime, they rig all of the races, including the rat race. One disabled veteran told me not to work in the federal financial banking regulatory sector. He knew something I did not. America is gone for us, so do not weep when it falls apart and is ripped to pieces.

As one young French woman who was a Communist sympathizer told me regarding the French view of a fake democracy, "Chapeau Blanc, Blanc Chapeau", which is translate as "Hat White, White Hat" "Bought out Democrat, Bought Out Republican", "IT or IT", those are the choices in reality. Stay home and make bread for the last supper and to give to the anti-christ or his federal war criminal messenger if they or IT comes knocking at your door as IT did David Koresh years ago and Mine in 2007.

Segment January 31, 2008: Alabama's people mean nothing to the ruling regime. Another execution scheduled tonight. Also Once again, I have been harassed and lied to for trying to enter government. When I was returning home this past Monday, a Mobile police officer turned in front of me and was holding a gun or camera pointed at me. I had been at police headquarters after talking with FBI sent to my home and then the police. All for trying to participate in government. The idiots follow the killers from the outside, that ruling regime. I would gladly have taken the bullet if it would have been a fatal shot, especially if it would have meant an end to prolonged incarceration of the "feeble" minded on death row, who are killed repeatedly in their mind. Perhaps that is what they want to do, that ruling regime, torture us. I was looking at property today to buy in Baldwin County Alabama that I can not afford due to my ever working in the federal government and the betrayal after reporting money laundering and murder. A realtor told me of the execution pending tonight of James Harvey Callahan. I had not heard of it. The mass media does not cover those things anymore. It goes against the fake lie of the Alabama constitution, "Thou Shalt Not Kill." I would like to add one for the war crimes regime, "Thou Shalt Not Torture". Death is preferable to torture. One inbred in Baldwin County was making fun of my stammer in this conversation with a relic of the war criminals regime. I was told by the man or beast, Reggie Copeland, a speaker of the federal war crimes syndicate in the government building that I could not participate in government. When asked why, he said, "I have been told", and he would not say by whom and then he claimed I had mistreated him. Which was odd, because I never touched the man. Ben Stanford committed suicide the night I slept in the parking lot where he had bought gas that morning. Perhaps Reggie has "Ben Told and Sold". Instead of telling a man he can eat his bread in peace till his death such as in Callahan's case, they threaten him with death, since 1982. That was the year I joined the US Navy. That was a big mistake for me too that year. Now, I would gladly go to war with the federal syndicated war crimes syndicates in the United States and sincerely hope to before my death and have a glorious victory on the behalf of the humane, utilizing my new physics based weapons,, but my Navy Ship, Gelibolu in Turkish language, was sold to the Turkish Navy so they could kill innocent Muslims. So I will just wait for them to eat each other like hidden rats. It appears the regime likes to call me insane. I learned in Hollywood that weird and sex sell. I can be weird, I'm left handed by nature, and I give free sex to women but it is as cheap as F-DIC with any male street dick in the street. So, I sell weird. I triangulate and fix the date, the date of tangles in your hairy ass triangles Alabama federal D.C. son of a murdering and money laundering FDIC. Your boss is international and the triangle folds and cuts your self important ass out too. We are in a technological war. We should either free men in their mad prison cells or kill them soon. I say a choice by the inmate is fruitful. Let them do it themselves, you just provide the weapons, your needles, as the federal war criminals did to me after being a bank examiner. Where do I go for shelter? Much if not all of the USA is shot, and so perhaps the Earth. One young man in a Mississippi real estate off said I just buy there, he said, "Sweet". That is the code term for MOuRNING STAR FIGHT CLUB. I like that. I knew a very intelligent mathematician who wore hunting boots in Mississippi once. He was as quick as any of the favored aspiring doctors on scholarship from India in our medical school program, and his memory was bizarrely correct. I heard three doors swing and two traps fly, because when one dies, so does another besides, Eye. HA! AH! Never trust or serve the ruling regime. They are the enemies to humane mankind and their protractors and distracts are in places you do not expect, and those that you do. Mobile Alabama police should not point their weapons at harmless former federal bank examiners. We might mistake you for being a technological IT trying to stir up hatred of some sort. Beware of the technological tricks. Recognize the humane, and if you play games, just say you learned that Hollyweird buys insane.

Daily Foreword 1-24-2008:  I do not know what the enemies of our people injected me with when they broke into my home on 12-29-2007, but it has made me very sick. I believe it was part of the federal group who came to my home as in the video on saintrambone's youtube, the first one.   The condition I had from prior forced injections was worsened and the sore where they injected me in the back of my head has not healed.    The police who came to my door contacted my relative and demanded without just cause that they give them my cellular phone inforation. The caller was allegedly Jack Bishop. The police lie when you confront them in person. I say let the USA go if a rising humane revolution worldwide occurs, a sort of war for the humane. So they knew I was home alone with no protection after having my cell phone information. I thought heard them coming in my back door, who knows? The stress and torture of the injections is a nightmare and I hope they pay for their atrocities in blood and suffering as I and others have paid.  Cingular had made me change my phone number when the fed was following me in 2006 in Missouri after I had left California. I would wager that was the real reason.   That is why the federal agent did not have the number and needed the new number and illegally demanded it from my relative who was terrified of the federal agent. 

I believe in fair probability that we humans have been manipulated to fight each other for quite some time, perhaps centuries.  Their warfare is now watching us  through microscopes, not telescopes.  Let us hope the international borders are removed so that  humane humans can embrace each other without being raped or molested or robbed of belongings and safety at the borders and in our homes. 

I fear for my family as well as myself.  I was told by a fellow American veteran of the military not to work for the federal government in high finance in 1999.  I did work at the FDIC.  I now pray to God to kill me mercifully, all of us mercifully, if we are to continue to be injected and possibly raped.  Let us start by applauding the removal of negative capitalist entities such as casino and war factories.  Never again serve or trust the regime in power.    We must break the chain of illegal drug profits by legalizing substances with an effort to give addicts help in breaking their addictions.

I am like a fish floundering on its side at the top of the water.  Before December 29, 2007, I felt well some  times.  I had been injected forcibly in 2001 and 2004.  I pray for the creator to see our suffering.  We are too intelligent to be held in this manner and pitted against each other.  I urge my people to quit using racial and bigoted terms.  The enemy among us is adept at using these techniques to divide us.  We may be starving, we may be dead, but if we hold on to human dignity, perhaps we can lay peacefully in our beds and eventually our death beds.

We are consumed with hate it seems.  God, give us relief I pray.  I regret bringing children into this world and I urge young people not to have children.  We are better off non-existent under the beasts that rule over us and who control the police, their weapons, and technology.

Daily Foreword January 23, 2008:

This segment of the daily foreword will be moved to the Quatrains 6 page on Jan. 23. 

I have been made sick from injections and torture by crime syndicates in the federal government.  My folly was to report money laundering and murder.  I have come to the conclusion that we are under attack in that arena, but by whom?  By what?  I feel that when we call on our telephones registered in our names or send out emails from our email addresses that are at a specific location, we are pinpointed electronically to be assassinated if we are alone.  Regarding the death of Thomas Crane Wales, federal prosecutor and Illinois assistant attorney, Michael Messer, 49, both were killed in 2001, both were alone.  Wales I have read made a call on his phone and sent out an email, and his phone call indicated he was alone.

I have survived numerous attempts on my life, one was a serious attack in 2001, the others were perhaps harassment although one was a stalking incident in a vehicle coming out of St. Louis in 2003 or 2004.  The federal agent in my Youtube video contacted my relative demanding my cellular phone number in late 2007.  I believe someone broke into my home on 12/29/2007 when I was home alone with no dogs. I remember some people in my home that night, with brief consciousness and then knocked out again. The agent already had my home phone, and now he had my cellular phone.  I believe I was injected or something or some chemical was placed into the skull behind the left ear.  The bed was a mess and my relative thought I had slept with someone in it.  I had blood on my anus that morning, not before or since like that.

My relationship with my relative was ruined years ago because they do not like my involvement in reporting as an independent journalist or my involvement in government as an auditor whose quarry is government criminals, like Sheriff Jack Tillman, thief now retired, and FDIC money launderers, some now shuffled in the deck.  The truth is that their crime syndicates have redundancy like an electronic grid and when one circuit fails, another takes over.

What is strange lately is that sometimes I see flashes of black, like a moving shadow, varying in size. It could just be the blind spot in the eye, as myself and a relative witnessed one of these one time, the size of a silver dollar and that relative pointed it out.  A man died recently who I knew and who I had respect for, a man who had married a woman I once knew.  When he died, it was as if this fast moving thing hit me, wrapped around me and kept going, and I found at later it was at the same time he died.  I get lesser of those flashes of black. Perhaps it is the blind spot in my vision I see, who knows.  We have to be careful what we say though as our enemies are always standing by with a straight jacket and electronics to track our cell phones.  I was not doing any drugs or alcohol when I saw that.  A woman in the store saw it also.  I was buying gas in Slidell Louisiana outside of New Orleans at that time.    It happens quite a bit and I find it disturbing somewhat but managable. The message is sometimes inherent I suppose, such as mutual efforts in some task in this life.  It is my suspicion that I was damaged by the forced injections of chemicals into my body by the crimes syndicates of the government or their technological manifestations.  I do not believe though that is it in its entirety.  Perhaps I will be able to make heads and tails of it before I am dead.

I have an active imagination, feverish, like many left handed people and it scares right handed people who are bereft of original thought.  I sometimes think of my conscious as being like a pyramid of triangles in many directions when I use my imagination, a sort of flesh.  Perhaps this is what was spoke of in the Bible, in the end, the revealing of knowledge not  known before.  Perhaps when I die, those dark shadows that pass before me will be waiting in the creators house for our tally to find where we stand or sit or vanish.  That man I speak of was a carpenter who died, perhaps his size indicates his relevance in the creators eyes.  One of the big guys there, one of the little guys here.

On one last thought, I feel the pig-ment farm of segregation in much of the USA will vanish as shades of flesh merge over time.  The question is, will all of us vanish, if we ever existed as we see, with our two little beady eyes.

This section will go to Love Line 7, weapons design. I envision a weapon, a physics weapon, in its structure, if you can imagine, an orange, the outer layer is the outer circumference encompasses all of earth or a portion of it, like an orange peel, and coming down from the orange peel is the inflated bubbles whose outer walls are the pulp of the orange, and inside are the ingredients that give the manifestations of technology their form, that of a human being on the outside, and on the inside, a diabolical and insidious thing, devoid of humane compassion for anyone.  See Vietnam, see all of the World Wars and the smaller conflicts of last century, if not many centuries.  Could mankind be so misled to be led to the slaughter house in war to make way for the insidious pulp I envision, men in form, devoid of humane compassion and original human flesh, unaltered by man or beast?  Of course.  So that person urging you to hate, hate, hate, this one or that one, may be setting you or your children up for dismal failure and early death, or as some call it, a dropping down a level, as in an energy form.


Daily Foreword January 22, 2008: You young military recruits and you public school students and public hospital born stooges will ask first thing when you get old, "Why did I ever hold the hand of these sick fake humans." The government has tortured me for my knowledge of their corruptness and murder and hatred of my people, so like others, I have to beware of the lone wolf, and if he is killed, I like the other human humanes tainted by their or IT'S presence(s) will lay down alms in the form of pittance for forgivance, and let them die in pieces and rot in Hell. I may have had one of their spies next to me in a home, but we never know until the blade is drawn, do we. We humane humans have been so poisoned that many do not care about each other in today's world. The arm is severed. We are going to go at it right here, right now. Stupid motherf-ckers, all of us, for laying down in their bed, marching in their ranks, sold and fed.

Today we should celebrate the savagery and impertinence of the regime in power and their torture and enslavement of the world to a new sort of capitalism, that of negative capitalism. The international crime syndicate is now housed in the United States and America's morale is at an all time low. Soon the beast will be wrested and our people will tumble with it and realize that the technological manifestation leaves us cutting off our own feet so we can chase men who are like demons. G-d damn this existence of forced injections, terror, and defilement. Let us cut the path to our homes and encampments from all four directions, NSEW, at 190-degrees in every direction, and when they come, we should fight to the death, not only in our encampments but to strike internationally and interglobally at the international crime syndicates. America is a has been and likely never was.

This Monk-e gone to Heaven (Pixies Music Video on Youtube) and the Earth on our horizons has gone to Hell. The regime should kill some more and maim some more and rob some more and broadcast how insane this monk-e is, Kurt Brown, Dirt Brown, that lesser human. G-d damn the regime, let us welcome them to the dirt when their empire falls, let us welcome our extinction if we are to be bridled and our chidren poisoned and cast down and out, as we are bridled and enslaved, even when we free. It is international. The search has always been on for the place to escape. We have a death date. That is nothing new.

The religious types who shout and scream and step over dead bodies tell me to look up.  I see a chemtrail of poison drawn by the international military jets of the war crimes regime and the design is in the "Not Equal" sign to poison naive humans like me as mentioned in this youtube video of sickness and the poisoning of some by the alleged Gulf War Syndrome injections

In this piece of art, I twisted it and then I painted over it.   I titled it "The Queerest of The Queer", and queer to me means odd and strange, almost supernatural.   Let the Earth bleed, I should have left it alone.  The Earth for us is an open wound.  The saddest part is that many can not see it, they only can feel it, and then they misunderstand.  This monk-e looks forward to the death and elimination of the war crimes regime ruling the USA.  Beware of AZ, NM, and NV as they are allowing forced injections in their hospital for reporting hazardous materials on the highways and burns on our bodies.  Senator McCain looks deader than I, is he blind in both eyes, or just another fake image of the machine.

Humane humans do not shout racial terms and berate others based on religion or skin pigment or their chosen mate in their home or any outward appearance or religious preference or lack thereof.  They are hard to find some times, but they are always wise.  If you leave your children with an ignorant person or group they will become like that ignorant person or group.  I urge young men who are humane to stay with their children.  Do not be led astray by the temptations of falsity.  I read a bible verse yesterday that said if you commit adultery, you lack judgment, you lose your home and your wealth.  Many do not own a house, many do not have a nickel.  The home is in your children.  My generation was raised by the television generation, that dichotomy of booze and waywardness and the fake image of the perfect home as the media sees it.  Most came from broken homes and now our world is depraved as a result as education goes beyond those texts handed to us by the enemies of mankind running the international regime.


Daily Foreword January 21, 2008:

In the murder of federal banking prosecutor Thomas Crane Wales, he had made a phone call to his girlfriend and sent out an email the night he was killed, thereby alerting government war crimes syndicated officials that he was at home alone. The federal government is infilitrated by international war criminal syndicates. They will try to isolate you and then tamper with you or kill you. They are insidious as can be expected by a sociopath with intelligence and who have exclusive control to high-tech communications. WE can not trust the federal or much of the local governments or their investigations. See the unprovoked trespass on my step in Mobile Alabama in my first Youtube Saintrambone video. The man or technological manifestation of a man calling himself Jack Bishop claims to be the police, but I was told by Mobile Alabama that he was FBI, but I think he is Secret Service and NTEU associated, just like my past money laundering employer, the FDIC.

What happened to Thomas Crane Wales when he made electronic communications surveyable by the enemy syndicates in power has happened to me, a former FDIC bank examiner, when I spoke to my relative on 4-22-2001 and told that relative I was at the VA Westwood and in my truck. That night, while parked in the woods near the LA VA graveyard, the VA searched the truck and UHaul unprovoked. A federal agent forcibly injected me and I was threatened with a life time imprisonment in an insane asylum if I did not sign documents to a plea and to stop my FDIC investigations of a replacement regional director and a murder labeled suicide of the past regional FDIC director. I regret having served the USA military because I came to trust the enemies of Humane mankind.

When I phoned someone on 12-28-2007 telling them I was home alone in Alabama with no dogs, someone broke in to my home I beieve and I have an injections sore of some kind on my head and I was sick and may have been raped or at least made to bleed. Now they send text messages to loved ones to disrupt my life, most likely it is federal agents associated with the money laundering associates of the Secret Service under the NTEU. I believe that the Jack Bishop in my video is not with the FBI as mentioned, but with the SS or Secret Service which is associated with money laundering in my professional auditor's and investigators opinion. Never again serve the regime. This technological war goes far beyond phone pranks, you can not tell what you are looking at. They try to isolate us, just as Mr. Wales was isolated after his divorce. You know they are our enemies many times now in the casino and drug lord dominated federal government of the United States simply by the poverty and exclusion of our peope and the murder of honest banking regulatory and prosecutory officials.

I will put up links to delineate their crimes further, but take a look at this Seattle weekly article on Thomas Crane Wales and look at the article mentioning murder of an Illinois assistant attorney, Michael Messer, 49, who was killed in August 2001 by a robber while visiting South Carolina. I was jailed from April until Augist of 2001 due to the LA federal persecution of myself. It is ironic that the Regional Director of the FDIC in San Francisco hailed from Illinois also and he had a bad EEOC record in Illinois. See the FLRA website and George Masa in Chicago's FDIC. In my opinion George Masa, or that apparition of him, was stacking the FDIC bank examiner employee roster in San Francisco, having terminated me for filing an EEOC complaint, but in reality, it was to keep his safety buffer as tight as possible. Sue Carroll, his assistant and a legal rep made me promise not to tell I was ordered to drop the EEOC case or lose my job. The San Francisco EEOC refused to hear the case on a technicality, a trap, set up by the FDIC. Here is that bright light I promised sweet, now God can see better too, I suppose.

Masa came to San Francisco after the murdered regional director labeled suicide was shot dead in his office around 1990. The federal government has pulled the prosecuting attorney from D.C. who was going after the murderer of Wales and who was alleged a personal friend. I hope to attend his law school classs in Seattle. I was warned not to go to Seattle due to corruption and Heroin dealers. Shit man, blood and smack, sounds like a Sip and See Street holiday in Alabama or a scoot down skid row in New Orleans with my Pops.

The regime is on a whack attack, and don't talk back on that cell phone Jack. Our enemies in the regime will disrupt the life of the innocent in any way possible. They are the filth of the Earth and should be viewed as highly dangerous. Guns do no good, as they will prosecute you for owning them or blow your brains out with them. Thomas Wales idea of gunlocks is a good idea but not fool proof among the federal war crimes syndicates. I want a class action lawsuit on behalf of myself and other veterans tortured by the federal war criminals in 1999 at LA VA Westwood and in my case in 2001 and in 2004 under the Nevada approved Chapter 36 law. The murders and money laundering spring from Nevada connections. More links and video improvements for last night's video coming today, if I survive unmolested. The war is already waging. It always has been. Do not be part of the problem my friend, because there is a dividing line, and it has become an abyss.

Would someone please contact my PVA representative in Alabama and tell them I want to work for the Treasury as a bank examiner, with back-pay and a promotion, now that I have been absolved of all crimes in God's eyes. Or put some money in my fund raising page linked above so that I can attend law school in Seattle or send me a law school scholarship. Just contact my PVA representative. The one in Alabama will work.

Daily Foreword January 20, 2008:

This week or next, I, Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone, will likely try to film in the lobby of the the common humane human's enemy, the closed door government of the ruling regime in my native city, Mobile Alabama and that of the United States and their conquered nations. If I should die, do not lie my eyes wake before the final quake. First however I will be visiting some law enforcement from federal and city and state to find out if they intend to attack me when I do so, as they have attacked me in the past. The regime in power is my enemy, I shall not want so help us God. I will place the video here. We must be wary in their buildings, they or IT is not us and never will be. Do not serve them in killing fellow humane humans. Do not feed them by paying into their casinos. Do not feed them by buying their dope. If you are addicted, grow your own. G-d damn the regime in power, so sayeth I and The's Rabbi with one eye, the I of humane conscience who knows that it all started in a fight somewhere on a cold dark knight, fists of power, do not let us go sour, do not let us cry, hold us when I die. Below is a post I put on Quatrains 6 today. I will remove it from the daily foreword notes, systematic like when I have moved this post from the Home Page of Mobile Audit Club. Clinton agrees that O'bama is black in front of their mass media. I see just another shade of lies, if you want black, say Hello to Jack Doodle and I. See Saintrambone comments. We know where we stand, on the outside, looking in, and it is better to die fighting, than to whimper in the End.

I was told in the darkest dream that Alabama's real estate is going to skyrocket when California screams under the nuclear red sky. Hell man, that is just one of the rockets in the pocket of one eyed mean. Never assume it ends when you kill an innocent on the floor sheen.

Segment January 20, 2008: TIS_year_BLEED_squeeze_INITIATED_initial_FOUR_vision_BEFORE_sacrifice_INSANE

Today, I will simply repost some comments I made on some posts, with music that I have heard and which bleeds from my dead corpus through a beating heart.  Recently I went to a dentist, the assistant was trying to get a wax impression and I kept almost swallowing it.  She said in the background it was as if I was retarded.  No my dear, I am dead.  The first time I choked on my tongue when young, a reaction to injections given to me by the regime's government structure.  I was so blue, just like the last 3 times I died.

Recently near Mo-Bile Ala-Bama, aka The Village of The Damned,  a man threw four of his children from Dauphin Island Bridge according to mass media. The bridge is very high. The oldest child was four, the youngest was 4 months. 3 bodies were found, one unidentifiable. The seagulls (Seagull by Bad Company on Youtube link) hovered over the bridge today as I drove across. Perhaps looking at me, perhaps my dog, a fat little Yorkshire Terrier. I want the seagull to peck the eye or eyes out of the fat war criminal who sent the fed to my stoop. (Youtube video of a federal agent calling himself a cop on my stoop in the Village of the Damned, Mob. AL.  My crime is to try to participate in the government of the living.  I must be dead, are they, are we?)

You guys should not come to the United States on federal property. They will call you manic and inject you. Who has made the world conquest this time? The same? I see it like a spire in space, a distance in my mind. Play me a post mortem hymn. I feel dead after repeated forced injections. Play, "Kill em me one last time hymn Gym" Count the beads on the bathe fate bait face. (Youtube link to quick paced music from India, ethnic music)

Why are they bleeding? Did they go to the Mo-bile Ala-bama City Council meeting? If I sail in without a visa will the authorities confiscate my stolen yacht? Perhaps the Mob AL councilmen and their fake federal hearth heart will not mind if I burn it in the harbor of Porto Allegre. (Youtube music video and Zombie Walk in Porto Alegre Brazil.  Got to love those Portuguese speaking women and the men are not all cold blooded third rate killers either. Suspicions.)

So where to  next Pronto Amigo, down the Chile Vein? It should be noted that I started the MOuRNING Star Fight Club before I founded the Mobile Audit Club. The fight club idea did not fit, as I audit and provoke fights as part of the audit, some times, to see if murderers are in their ranks, which is what I seek to find out in some audits. I love this song though by the Pixies, Where Is My Mind, (on Youtube) and it was the sound track to the movie Fight Club.

Sueet, you should know that when my Daddy had me working as a janitor, he would sometimes provoke fights with me to see if I was irate about being a janitor. I am used to cleaning up shit, and the federal government of the USA needs a good ass wiping, starting with the top guy of the international crime syndicates. A note, it is better to die in sorrow, than to live in hard row.

January 20, 2007:  Excerpts from the home page,  a cleanup

The USA ruling regime does not honor Open Meetings Laws in government, we are blocked entry in our native cities governments controlled by the international regime and local dictators. I was an informant on a large money crime syndicate in the federal government and tortured as a result. We do not have civil rights or human rights.

I will soon be releasing a book titled, Mobile Audit Club's Chronicles of An American Holocaust . This site and my posting on the web will still be free and you are encouraged to spread the word, "We have lost the right to vote, many educated men have lost the right to be free, and I have been illegally denied the right to enter government meetings in Mobile Alabama, and the last time I entered one in Baldwin County Alabama, Mobile's neighboring county, a man with a knife in his holster followed me out and told me I should walk outside in front of the snipers. I have endured injections and am partially blinded due to poisons due to the regime in power in the USA. To quote the great avenger, "IT is time to exact an eye for an eye".

Sue Carroll who was the Assistant Regional Director at FDIC San Francisco and acting on behalf of the then replacement FDIC Regional Director, George Masa, told me to drop my EEOC case or be terminated. I was terminated, and then after reporting criminals among them, I was tortured, for years, and to this day the fascisct Treasury and FDIC will not re-hire me as a bank examiner, and during that time the value of the dollar has declined appreciably against other currencies. I want their regime torn down, starting with the Republican and Democrat parties.

The USA governments in power are the enemy of common and humane people and those of the world. I saw where a Marine was killed in fighting in Iraq. He was just like I was, naive. We should hope that a million bureaucrats and politicians are eliminated when one of us killed for those beasts in power. EEOC and FDIC, what a damned joke. Do not trust the USA governments banking system. They are a discriminatory horde. Take them down is my sentiment. Take them down in military style operations is my wish, using high technology and military brute force is my longing to save our nation and to reconquer it on the behalf of the humane people of the world. We were conned to fight every war in recent history.

Veterans personal information and Federal Bank Examiner information are being stolen in addition to funds paid into credit card accounts in AT&T Universal Card / Citibank held credit cards are being stolen if Americans are associated with the FDIC or if they are veterans or if they are politically incorrect in the eyes of the ruling factions. In addition veterans data and FDIC employee data is now available to anyone in the world. It is an outrage and proof is here. Proof of some of those claims are linked here on Webcrawlers search for Veterans Stolen Social Security Numbers. Also stolen was Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) employee data, that is to say that a federal banking regulatory agency's employee data was stolen.

I encourage the formation of new political parties with military arms to protect their key decision makers from attack by hostile forces in the USA and abroad. Technological warfare is in play. In addition, the wealthy are becoming more criminal, which brings up to the point, are they us. Citibank and the Federal Reserve are criminally infested. Divest our nation of their presence is my sentiment. Citibank owes me money from their Universal AT&T cash rewards account, just like others they have ripped off and who were swindled (Citigroup information link). They lose payments also, so beware in paying those criminals in control of anything associated with Citi bank. It is my hope that our money be returned to us in the form of the release of all of their executive and stock holder holdings to American workers who were robbed by the reigning regime whose main impetus appears to be criminally associated attorneys in the federal reserve who have allowed laws that allow us and American corporations to be swindled. The American dream for the American worker is a lie. Pensions from Americans are robbed from the workers who earned them. It is done through stock devaluation, or the picking apart of the company. International Paper, United Airlines, and General Motors are the best examples. Daimler Chrysler pays us back by building weapons to kill our Arab brothers of the common caste, and eventually us on American soil under their slave wage state through EADS, a german controlled weapons manufacturer that swindled Chrysler funds when Daimler merged, and became Daimler Chrysler.

In another matter the IAC corporation has companies that are stealing from people and the General for the warmongers in power, Schwarzkoph, was put on their Board of Directors. I encourage our rising collective to collect our due from them. IAC is on the table. Their companies often steal from us as they stole from me in a membership to one of their companies when I ended it for poor service. When companies steal from us, we should encourage others to seek justice in the old world fashion. It is the old world way and we are on our own. Beware of the Federal Reserve as they were taken over also. I was blacklisted by the USA federal governments factions gone rabid for investigating criminals at the FDIC. The time has come to strike back. They break into our lives, steal our meager funds, kill our people. The war is always waging. We let our guard down and they use every opportunity to destroy us, including mind control and traps for blackmail.

The days of peace in the USA have come to an end. We must not bow down to natural enemies on American soil. To those who follow my writings and my vision, I see our only chance for victory, as the ability to divide ourselves from them, and then come together as one and crush them and their monopolies of media and the political system. Take the prejudiced lie off of the filthied American Dollar, "In God We Trust". We have Muslims, Atheists and Buddhists in this Damned nation. WE have been under attack for a long time. Socialism has flaws and Capitalism creates warfare, economic warfare and military warfare. A change in paradigm is needed for our nation, our American continent. International space colonies with socialized welfare, free higher education, socialized medicine (banning ALL forced injections and banning ALL forced experiments...the VA is abusing us on that front, those sectors that we have lost, such as LA VA Westwood and others). We also need socialized food outlets, with rewards given for extra work and entrepreneurial invention. No human system is perfect, but the USA system has turned my people into robbed slaves and warfare is now the next option if we are not given freedom to be part of our government and to design our society. Beware of technological warfare and information piracy and be aware that any energy source can be turned against the human mind...think about that one when you stare into the TV or computer screen. We no longer control space or earth and I believe a machine is at play on the face of the earth from space, in addition you must remember, there are no secrets in this world. So tell those with blood oaths of silence, "DO NOT TELL ME ANY SECRETS AND I WILL NOT TELL YOU ANY LIES." America is a joke around the world and those opposed to us tell us we are better off being silent. The dead do that best. American television is also on the menu and your children should be highly restricted in what they view, as they imitate what they see.

Also it appears mind control or the complete takeover of American billionaires mind has them giving away their fortunes. Wealthy men do not get wealthy giving their fortunes away, and something is askew with Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, all of whom are giving away everything Americans have worked for. Do not fear death if we have to self destruct this nation, as it is better than slavery and imprisonment, for any of us.

Today's lesson in auditing: In bankrupting American held companies such as United Airlines long ago, and other Airlines, taking employee owned stock to 1% its original value, the NTEU related regime and most likely company placed insiders or technologies create a secured area around a section of an industry's finance controls and bleed the company dry. This can be done in various manners, but it is usually employee owned companies and American owned companies that are robbed. It is akin to deadening an area of skin to outside surveillance and doing surgery. Or more mechanically it would be akin to strengthening a round section of a ship's hull with your own materials, and cutting a hole in the center, and taking the contents. Barbaric but effective. The technological war is waging now and I do not know what area is worst. How many hands want to inject auditors and veterans or how many want to burn us in our vehicles today? Perhaps we are all crazy according to that part of our society operated upon, its leading sectors. A faction of the federal government is the enemy of the commmon of the USA and the world, and they block government entry and abuse us.


Not only has the NTEU arrangement helped to bankrupt employee owned companys pensions and the Social Security funds but the NTEU and FDIC criminals have murdered at the San Francisco FDIC during the Bush Sr. Administration. The then acting and honest per my research, West Coast and Pacific Rim Regional FDIC Director was murdered in San Francisco in his office. I would wager 99.9% confidence FDIC and NTEU involvement in the murder labeled suicide per my research, and there have been two murder attempts upon myself, Kurt Brown-Saint Ram Bone since 2001. If you donate, please email us to notify us the money is in the account. The regime has factions robbing us in the credit card companies banks.


Mobile Audit Club is accepting donations for activist matters or reparations suffered since the beginning of the American Holocaust on behalf of auditor Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone, American Holocaust victim in California, number X- 0,guess number,7 911 84 since the year of our nations complete loss of open government and loss of guarantee to trials by jury, 2001. We also accept payment for your requests. I was a forced injections and forced medical procedure and forced felony victim of a USA government in which factions have gone rabid and they will not give me a trial by jury, for daring to have defenses to defend my life, legally owned defenses. Their police of SS type rank laugh and mock me for what they have done to us, saying for instance, "Sweet Carow stuck it in and broke it off". Sweet Carow is my representation of the pencil pushing criminals we will have to oust in the ongoing wars . Proof of abuse is in this site. Never trust the government to back you up when you have insights into their criminal networks within.

As an ex federal bank examiner and auditor and USN veteran I survived an attempt on my life after St. Valentines Day 2001 by federal associated assassins in retribution for reporting what I knew about murder and money laundering at the FDIC. Then on 4-3-2001 I was going to report a Sheriff Tillman's Thievery from Mobile Alabama's inmate food funds and he stopped me from reporting his thievery, which is now proven, and then he took my gun permit without searching me or anything. On 4-23-2001 the federal government abducted me under their criminal National Treasury Employee Union's crime syndicate at the federal property in Los Angeles and I was subjected to horrors unimaginable for years, and the abuse I suffered with no financial reparation of substance is worthy of underground trials to deal with those at the top of our bureaucracries who do not know the meaning of American justice. They will learn through their own warfare they create that a human is sovereign and so is their God given body. They crossed the line and spilled blood and the time for payment or justice is at hand. The time has come to regain the government or collect our due.


Much of this page was moved to the bottom of the Accessory Page and most recently much was cut and put at the bottom of the Radio Links page


(Note: The Video to this link was bad when I checked, replacement may be coming, if no connection, try later) Melbourne Australia Indymedia, Two men partially blinded while hostage, Wood and myself, he for $19 million ransom or bail, myself for $1 million ransom or bail. Neither was paid. I was an American among Americans until 4-22-2001, then I became another American Holocaust victim, my X number XXX-911-XX. My fathers only remaining material gift to me was destroyed, an old inoperable Winchester .22 rifle and my trust in government as the horrors of forced injections and abuses began. Catch .22 Holocaust Number XXX-911-XX had a familiar ring in 2001.

Latest Video Relase, August 2005, Video of Abuse by Government, with song at end, "Wanna Mess With Me, Mess With Dirt". I would rather have my and my family's death than to have them under the pawl of our enemies.

Video from March 1 2005 of abuse of auditor and reporter at Mobile Alabama City Council meeting gate. Free song at end, Zydeco Modernized titled, "Big Federal Dick Up My N'awlins Big Easy Bud Hole".

Short, one minute, streaming Windows Media Video early 2005. I was trembling when I was in the lobby of the Mobile Alabama courts building because the last time I was in the Mobile Alabama court building I went to court, in mid-2004, for trying to enter the Mobile Alabama city council meeting, being forbidden and arrested. After being extorted of money by the local McMaken Nazi court I passed a blood clot from my head later that night. Something I never do and I never do any sort of drugs sold by the regime, like cocaine or meth, that would cause the condition. The war never ends and we are not all allies here, are we? My attorney told me not to go to the courtroom. I insisted, the attorney did not show up, and when I saw the judge, McMaken, I told the judge I would be in the building with my camera. Something happened to me in the court or enroute. Do not trust the detection wand wavers at the Mob Al court gate. Do not trust the elevators and watch for the undetectable. Some are in league with the new American Nazi and the elevators should be suspect also, as the same scenario develops, of being in close proximity in our native city's reigning regime's government building with their assassins, corrupt judges, and henchman, or whatever else they throw at little us, the common American. It is not black or white, it is a less incumbent factor. A new weapon is being used by America's war criminals and by the worlds. See brain hemmorhage victims, Alabama Senator Figures, Green Party Chairman, Nader, and other atrocities. The American Nazi regime closed door government, our cold war opponents in Mobile Alabama and elsewhere, including the local Mob. AL regime and its local protectorate, federal and state government should be dealt with in the manner they treat us, with extreme distrust and prejudice.

(Video from July 22, 2005): Titled, "Jackson's Heart Shaped Hole", with description and video in Windows Streaming Format on Houston Indymedia and also in San Francisco

Warning: I make many comments some may find offensive. Any pings on this site are likely traced. A picture on this site of Saint Ram Bone is art and symbolizes the advent of head transplants and the medical experiments and forced procedures with balls being conducted by the US government and big corporations. Many Videos Moved to Home Grown Music Page.

Daily Foreword January 18, 2008: So I look down, look around, that missing tooth with no sound, and I remember I have to hurry and get it fix-ed. I am thinking of Going Around in Circles..Youtube music video looking at my wing and fly like a bird up in the sky. The USA national emblem needs to go back to the Phoenix, not the carrion eating pigeon, the Eagle. Hello Baltimore, I saw you looking for me or is that forme'. Ooh LA LA.

Daily Foreword January 16, 2008:  Today, I awakened sickened from the forced injections and illness by the regime in power in the United States if not the world.  I look to the skies and begged for the forgiveness of myself and for bringing my children into this home of sorrows, this planet, I begged for the end of our suffering for all of time.

We are a house divided on many levels, poisoned.  We are beat from government and tortured.  It is as if I am dead, so I welcome my own  final death and any one of my kin who suffer as I do.

I am starting to view Youtube as talking into a box.  The engagement in government as a lack of useful utility.  I herald the  rise of the awakening, to rid us of the devoid in command.  But are the humans any more than the facade of leadership in control? Or are they or we or I like animals like the government regime apparently in power, full of distrust, then fear, then hatred, and if so, if we are to suffer under them or IT, or if I am alone in this, please, bring it to the end for eternity I pray.

Yesterday was the meeting of the enemy council's government in my native city Mobile Alabama which I call the Village of The Damned, but it is no different than California or Arizona where I was injected with chemicals forcibly and tortured and robbed by the government and their war criminal profiteers. I have no one and nothing other than these computers. I should break free. I feel there are others like me.

Yesterday I went to the dentist to have what may have been an experiment removed from my mouth, a big metal bridge over a tooth pulled in the military when a root canal would have worked. Was it part of an experiment? I noted since long ago experiments being done to link the Nervous system and electronics similar to the research on this link. In defense of former Stanford University Professor Kovaks, the researchers behind the scenes are the dangerous ones and they are much more advanced and engaged in ongoing technological war games, if war is a game, which is deadly serious to me at least.

Imagine if you will the genome or partial genome of a creature, such as an electrical eel or a whale's communication neuron structure, etc., integrated into man that would link to metal components and you have the modern Frankenstein, our humane brothers abused and tricked by the filth ruling the USA and other nations. I do not care if they or it dies, but it may just have to be a disconnect from the controllers and a technological guard put up with tracers to kill the real source of our suffering, if possible, and it may be near impossible to eradicate completely.

Will another part be put in of the same direction, not by my dentists volition but those or it in control? Is that why police were everywhere when I came out of the dentist, as if stalking me. The one on the motor bike seemed like a fake machine, an apparition, a joke, waiting to kill me if I tried to enter and dared to speak at the Mobile Alabama government meeting which I did not attend or approach. I hope they are removed along with the almighty federal money laundering Zen crew.

Never again serve the federal money laundering zen crew and their war profiteers who kill me and you. I have a large lump on my back, at the side where Forrest Gump always placed his hand in the movie. I was told it was a cyst, and it has been there for years, since after serving in the Navy. I have another bump, perhaps a fatty tumor, benign, on the same side up top next to the shoulder blade, near the throat. When I turn my head to the back I hear a rattling or crunching, and I was told it was bone where my spine is damaged from serving in that damned USA Navy when I was a naive brainwashed young man, trusting the enemies over us in the government. But I would not be surprised if it is some genetic experiment I was subjected to before or after I was born, with its remnant shell in my cochlea which is the inner ear. After all, I was allegedly born here in the Village of the Damned, Mobile Alabama. How could anyone curse Allah, a cultural portion of the creators face unless they were not of the humane race? Genetic experiments is likely what we have been subjected to. Let us welcome the death of the human species if any of us are to suffer, and if I am alone, then execute me post haste, never again to look at that enemy, that fake American democracy in its damned faked face. I was told George Bush is two faced, one humane to his and theirs, and one cruel and indifferent to ours to me. Is not that the nature of the leaders for decades if not centuries? Herald the end of the suffering as a glorious thing. So I talk into my box once again, this time I pray beyond it for the end of the suffering kind. I hope the creator is watching this and decides to end our times.

Daily Foreword January 16, 2008:  A terrible knights sleep last night.  Those dreams, those realities, death, life, death, light, like I woke up this morning and heard this song.  Perhaps someone should listen to wings, I am no Ba'al Zebub, Mr. Knot Head Cop-E-Land and federal crew in the other window, like the FDIC money launderers from death Zen.  I present Quatrains 6 poem from last night on today's date, and Wings on Youtube, music video Let Em In, the expanded version. How else?

Paul McCartney, a left handed misfit like me and my favorite fireworks watcher, who knows who, stay in scoo, its coo.  So its off to get the electronic tooth unscrewed.  Time for a re-fit for  the Geli-Bolus Kid, Mr. Reid Dier, Kurt in his Truk.  She's no S'no Ba'al, I can smell you that one, Ah Ha.

Daily Foreword January 14, 2008: As I sat having my only drink in New Orleans after a large meal on January 12, 2008, a couple of men were taking my picture with a camera from a rather long distance. I was sitting under the umbrella and they were 25 to 30 yards away with a clear shot. I kept seeing a red light. They left. I went down the alley way where they were standing later and turned to go up the street. I noticed a red flash and my eyes were burning. I put on my sunglasses. Roughly 30 minutes later my eye shot horrific pain, only briefly, and I thought it was sand. Then the other eye, even less. When I was sitting having a drink I heard a siren, which is not unusual for New Orleans. Then a cop walked by later, going toward where the men had been standing and where I soon followed. I urge all to beware of new laser weapons in the street that can cauterize your eyes. Laser pointers have been amped up a bit and those red camera lights may not be what you think.. I want to thank the USA government for putting my life in jeopardy after being a federal bank examiner and I want to thank them for the third rate punks who work through the crime syndicates and the casinos on the federal money launderers and casinos and drug dealers behalf. America is now a junk yard. Watch those eyes. They will also fire a BB gun at you as is what happened to me in Canada in 2007 when I had a blowout after fleeing people messing with my vehicle. I look forward to the global war if it removes the negative capitalists from our streets in these damned not so United States. Thanks Sueet Carol, Masa Sheeit, EEOC, FDIC, FBI, and SS for kicking me in the teeth since 2000. Now I know where we sit.

Guys like myself, Kurt Brown, are putting away those RWB flags and looking for some place else to call home. America has gone to shit. As one man said as I sat down in the alley way in New Orleans to have the drink, "Kurt you are right. America has gone to shit, soon it is soon to be flipped on its side". I already see dead bank examiners, dead banking prosecutors, and my own torment as my videos illustrate. I foresee a doomsday Sumner. Wear those sunglasses in the shade but watch out for the blade, and the Paparazzi of New Orleans this Mardi Gras with their lasers popping your eyes. We are surrounded and going down fast.

I recently read a slogan of hatred on the back of a van for an 18-wheeler in the South East USA. It read something like this at the end, "Do not give the enemy any comfort and aid, and do not let him rest". That was interesting. I feel like that since working at the FDIC, a federal agency, and pinpointing money launderers and murder and that thieving Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mob. AL who is now terminated. But their FBI and SS march on to my home when I try to enter the government to this day. I pray for the creator to take those warmongers up on their ad and to eliminate them and all of us if necessary to give us peace and rest. I really miss my Dad.

Daily Foreword January 13, 2008: Because of the intense sorrow of the news today on many fronts, I put the five major religions words of comfort on my Quatrains 6/Prophetic Poem Art 6 today.

Also, because I heard someone say regarding casinos, "It has to do with free will". I do not mind free will. I realize a predatory game or business will spread inhumane and predatory behaviors, such as skimming casino revenues and money laundering, which requires the death of honest high level financial regulators. Without them, we are penned in men, nothing more than slaves. Is this the end or is this the beginning? Both?

It appears I am back in the Village of the Damned, but "nothing is ever as bad as it seems". The children that are alive attend school under their parents watchful eye. Unfortunately, chaos appears to be spreading across the lower Alabama coast. A man, Lam Luong allegedly threw four of his children from the Dauphin Island Bridge. Why? Did he see something and mistake technology in the hand of a sick individual for the hand of the creator? Did he give up in the struggle to survive and take his children with him? Die he just go insane?

Also, the woods were on fire thickly near the gambling race track, the dog track, in West Mobile last night. I had my radio on the AM static from New Orleans once I made it close to Slidell and all the way to Alabama. My imagination made jokes with the static and smoke, the sound of gunfire and then "It was only a great dane". "Lazy Lacy is down on the out". "No Dados has blown his load on the first turn" "Lazy L'e has a Jack Rabbit in the center field" "No, It's a fairy Possum" "Snatch!" "Wow!". No Dados means no dice in Brazilian. Once when I was attacked my radio was in that position, that was 2001. You can pick up hand held or other broadcast transmitters sometimes if in close proximity. It is a trick of the down and out war trades.

In 2001 when my truck did not flip, the order came out, Abort, Abort, as the pole that they dropped in front of me caught their trailing vehicle, nothing serious, just a pole across the grill and an urge to slow down, as they were approaching me too quickly. Their intent was to flip my vehicle and burn me inside with fuel. I was followed and cornered in 2001, and details are or were on the Assassination Attempt Details page. How do I know they were going to burn me? I have powerful friends and insight. I tune my radio like that when I am traveling and nervous sometimes, but it does no good really for most people I think, and radio silence is exacted by all except the most ameteur in assassinations. I am against gambling due to gambling revenues skimming and then the laundering of those funds through the establishments and their banks given charters by those or that which is killing honest banking regulatory officials who are on the side of the humane men and women who need tax funds to help support their kin. The death of Thomas Wales on the day before I, an innocent former FDIC bank examiner who became an informant was released from jail in 2001 for being in fear for my life is the best example. My regards to his family. I think I have a clue as to what has happened. Beware of the betrayers among us. Their controllers payment is in blood coated gold.

I had been frightened by something on my days journey, and it was before I made it to New Orleans, in Slidell. The technological war and the mind games have left their scars. Perhaps I saw what Lam saw. But is not the most beautiful lion in the savannah scarred like a Pacific Grey Whale on its sides and brow. I protect the young as best as I can, I do not sacrifice them. To Miss Luong, "We are in the hand of the creator". "Nothing is ever as bad as it seems". My heart and hand to Ms. Luong. The children live forever in spirit, just as before.

As I returned from New Orleans after a fine day of feasting, oysters at lunch, Sushi at dinner and beignets in between I could not get the attack or tampering out of mind that occurred in Slidell earlier that day. I was paranoid, like a combatant in a modern battle field. I think the federal government owes me an apology in a large lump sum payment of 5 million dollars or an executive level position in the banking regulatory industry, which I would prefer, with back pay to the May 1, of 2000. I want D.C. with a West Coast appointment to overlook in the FDIC and Treasury regulatred banks. It will not happen, we are under siege. We are the humane humans.

I cringe when someone I do not know waves their hand above my white powdered beignet and coffee as they motion for a table. Of course, I am a trained chemist and know that one speck of a chemical can eat your insides out or blow your mind.

I put a new post on saintrambone's Favorites section of youtube as of today. I have also written down my thoughts of a new weapon on Love Line 7, Science and Comedy, and I have not corrected errors on it yet. If you are ever in a gas station as I was, and the appearance of a man or beast seems odd to you as they are lurking there, waiting for you to cross the parking lot to get your receipt, and if you are in the parking lot or store and a large or small dark manifestation appears in the store or parking lot and another sees it, do not get Paranoid. You may have just been raped, perhaps to awaken you, or perhaps you can not die or perhaps the government's war criminals are etch-a-sketching your mind.

I saw a young poor woman distraught who lost her Pit Bull puppy near Jackson Square and she described it with its blue collar to a musician I was filming, a Saxophonist with the Church in the background. It was her best friend. Earliers she had almost hit me with her bike after I had beignets and as I was leaving a tip for the band on the street. She told me angrily, "Get out of my way" in her haste and the street was crowded and I was leaning down to leave a tip for the musicians. I asked her jokingly as I let her through, trying to lighten the load, "Give me a ride Lovely." In the band was a lovely Asian violinist, a string player of creole african descent and a singing woman who looked a shade darker than my Muslim Moroccan friend in Vancouver B.C., who I admire very much. Someone told me I should write in the symbol for heart in a statement on my bald head, I Love U, for my internet broadcasts. I do not love those who attack mine, but I do love the humane. I have seen too much suffering, including my own. Perhaps I am too sensitive and that is why I am allowed to be browbeaten in the past. I want to devour the inhumane and the arrogant and closed door machine like government men, and the suffering they create. I do not turn blood into wine. I wait for the release of their urine when I have them by the throat or gills or airholes or trachea, although that has not happened, yet. I am like that lion, I have to face up to the earth reality and the outer core of strength built into the creator, like a great big Lott. This is Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone, wishing you well from the Village of the Damned, my native home, not by choice of my own. It could have been different if it ever was.

Now I turn to Shirley Manson of the band garbage and her song, "I think I am paranoid".  Wake up America, those slot machines are your shot machines, shooting back.  After you are down IT says, put IT's money in the crack.  No crack, no slot machine, no horny dog on the race track.  Face it Jack Snatch the fairy possum and crew and the modern Mob AL crew, you are in the crack with smack and it looks like Mobile Audit Club is fighting back. 

3 M C ABLE, that one is for you, the favored war criminal local crew in the Village of the Damned, now getting screwed, but which I, we, are about to tear in two, and redo, Fast Forward to a better time or back to the ethereal slime, the eternal glue, as now is our time.  The rest of you can visit Braman's Blackwell on Quatrains 5 linked on this site. It is better than the Village of the damned when we are getting screwed. 

Does anyone remember that guy on the Subway from the movie "The Matrix".  That was his hole, this is mine. I am tired of getting screwed and now look up to the triangles of vixen on several unknown plateaus to you knows who.

I picked up a hitchhiker who was a Biloxi refugee from Katrina last week when I was driving to Dauphin Island. He said the casinos are "Pure Profit". There is nothing pure about a casino. WE must watch what words we use to describe our world, our torment, our demise. What will it be, the words of the Prophets or the wretched blood gold profit. Which one lasts? That is a no brainer.

Late addition

An honorable man died yesterday.  He married one of my ex-wives.  I grew since I first met him, and I believe he did too.  We were different, and that was all right.  We were the same, and that was all right too.  I forgave him and I think he forgave me too.  I underestimated him and thought when I met him he was another man like the man who my ex-wife knew prior.  Never make assumptions.

I encourage people to teach their children acceptance and not to hate, and to stay sober. Do it by example.  I have met a few.  The world appears full of hate among the young, and many of the old. Many of fell for the belief that all that glittered was gold. It always helps to have few shillings though or at least the bare necessities in this tribunal life. With age comes wisdom, and time tears us in two.  Best of luck mate. Go North and turn left, that is what I destined to do. You can not change every one, nor would you want to.

Daily Foreword January 12, 2008:  In my quest for meaning through the nature of my travels and discoveries, I discovered a place where "Ba'al" allegedly visited and made home.  This Ba'al was actually worshipped by some.  I am not there to worship Ba'al but to assemble meaning from acts and events in my own life and those of others in a sort of quasi-metaphysical-mathematical fashion.  Ba'al frequented the Levant or those who worshipped him.  I want to find my ancient relatives among the Levant, those travelers of no consequence except to their own.  I found a beautiful mountain among the Taurus mountains online, and it looks like Utah.

Perhaps after the injections and poisoning and attempts on my life and betrayal by what I thought were my countrymen, I will find what I am looking for, Health and Safety . I have neither in the United States or their allied nations.  The modern Levant is Syria and Jordan.

My new ditty or hymnal, "Triangle Triangle make me a match, don't dance deeply into the dearth, don't dance deeply into the earth, Azimuth cotangent leave me a sine, leave me some dates, a nice girlfriend, and wine.  Ah yes, the fruits of my labor.  Don't fall overboard in the earth's river chambers.  There are underground rivers in the Levant. I want F-DIC's Sueet Carol to come dance with me. She or He can clean up after the thirty year relative, S-No Ba'als.

I will raise the price of my painting to $911 million, titled the Queerest of The Queer. I will have Sueet listen to this song with S'no Ba'als instead of Television. No TV allowed. The song they will hear and the video is by Garbage, titled Queerest of the Queer. If you listen to it too many times it will make you puke your dates.

Daily Foreword 1-9-2009: Yesterday I contacted Yusef Islam (Cat Stevens) associates to see if he was allowed into the USA. He was denied entry in September 2004, put into a holding room. He was later given the Pulitzer Peace Prize in Italy. I noticed Yusef Islam has adopted the "Government Leprosy" hand sign in this pic as of today, coined by myself in the fall of Alabama to the closed door war crimes dictatorship.

Daily Foreword 1-8-2008: Numerically speaking, a beautiful red letter day.  I sought refuge and found a voice of paradise waiting from beyond.

Now to address matters of the hunt, the death, the future, the fall and the rise.

I was arrested in Los Angeles and injected and tortured under the directive of associates of money launderers and war criminals on 4-23-2001.  I was going to investigate the death of a high level San Francisco FDIC banking regulatory official and comment on the discoveries if I had not been arrested in Los Angeles .   I had gone to sleep on federal property on 4-22-2001, and was awakened on 4-23-2001, trusting the federal government where I had been stationed in the Navy.  On 8-12-2001 I was released under the directive and on the rope of the regime in power.

I have just discovered that on 8-11-2001, a high level financial crimes attorney in Seattle had been killed in his home.  His name was Thomas Wales.  I discovered this fact from a victim of the Gulf War Syndrome disease today.  I am considering investigating the death of Thomas Wales.  My father had always wanted me to be an attorney.  Perhaps I will go to law school in Seattle and study the same thing as Thomas Wales.  The writing on the wall is, "See Law Sameth". 

It is all in the didactic of pen and sword.  We are being swallowed and my people need me I have been told.  Does anyone know of Ba'al Zebub?  I traveled to Braman Oklahoma to discover BAA, the Braman Angulatum Andromeda triangle, and I saw the Light in a Meteorite explosion on my 44th birthday. A gift from Ba'al or a warning from an associate.  It all makes sense on some level. 

Donate at the Mobile Audit Club Fund Raising Page as you wish.  I am like Lott, of little fortune and greater virtue at this point in my life.  So, I am likely off to Seattle.  And as my favored mentor said, "Go North and Turn Left Young Man, if You Want to End Up in The East".  Da-nang me, Da-nang me, go ahead, take a rope and hang me.  Better bring three.  I travel triangles, once for free, once for you, once for me.

Daily Foreword 1-7-2008: Gulf War Syndrome seems to be targeting only some veterans and not all. I believe with 70% certainty that the regime is targeting some veterans for illness. I know I have been targeted but I have information on money laundering of stolen gambling tax revenues in the billions sanctioned by the regimes corrupted banking and treasury officials. I have a degree in Medical Technology also nearly completed and extensive training in biotechnology, so I speak with knowledge about targeting individuals for sickness.

Individuals can be injected with a latent non-reactive substance coupled to their unique genetic code markers. Those unique genetic markers can be stored in a vial or database. Then, later, if that person is deemed a threat or intended to be held down and made sick or unconscious or dead, that latent chemical can be made reactive with another chemical sprayed as in chemtrails by jets or planes or even in buildings or over cities. I am being targeted and labeled by the regime. They had me sign documents after injections, torture, and a million dollars bail for legal gun ownership. I was ordered to stop my investigations of the FDIC money laundering syndicates. The corrupt LA courts ordered it with federal approval. Many Americans do not care about us or each other. We humane veterans and surviving bank examiner informants need to form a new political party to overthrow the international regime terrorizing us innocent Americans and the humane whose nations they are conquering overseas. I have a video on Youtube going into detail about the targeted illness of some individuals .

Daily Foreword 1-4-2008: Today, I placed my House Talisman Painting for sale on Ebay. The asking price is $911 Million. I will accept a low price of $9.11 Million. If you want to discuss further and negotiate, you can contact It is my mail address for this issuance, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone

With the proceeds, I will enhance a neighborhood for the poor of many races to come together. I will flee the United States and the international regime's allies controlling the United States. I have been tortured after being a federal bank examiner at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). One man was killed and labeled suicide. I was attacked, survived, and then tortured and labeled insane by the war crimes international regime.

Someone told me to look up today. I thought they were going to say that the creator only resides above. The creator permeates everything, like a big Lott. I saw in the sky, chemtrails by jets, and they were the "Not Equal" sign. We are herded by the enemies of humane mankind. I want freedom or I want death. One takes money, the other gives relief, at least for this layer of life. The painting is a dual layer, just like me.

Today I think of a childhood friend, misled as I was and betrayed, but he was shot to death in 1999, the same year the federal government of the USA took adavantage of veterans at the LA VA Westwood, doing forced experiments. I was tortured there under the needles of federal money laundering syndicates demands in 2001. I should have been turned loose or put down on 4-23-2001. Now I turn my fair share loose, and this is no parlay game, you gambling humps of America, money laundering feces of the international regime controlling Earth. It is time to flush the gambling scum like Snatch the Fairy Possum in the painting is flushing his bowels of a Trump cache of Snatch Fairy Possums. No casinos will benefit from the sale of this painting.

Daily Foreword 1-3-2008: Today Jets flew over Mobile Alabama leaving chemtrails. The message was the "Not Equal" sign. Considering we humane humans can not vote or enter government, we already knew that. The question becomes "~ not equal" which means approximately not equal. Let the sparks and fireworks fly. They can not keep a lid on us forever. Even our vets are often treated unfairly. The government does not really discriminate in overt discrimination as this youtube video discusses veteran contracts and EEOC cases for vets.

Daily Foreword 1-1-2008: Today I realize that the lie of this life is best displayed in the lie that the American government is a fair and honest friend to the American people. The history of the world is a lie. We humans are manipulated and have been manipulated. I hope to go to Iran this year. I want to see what it is like. I feel the enemies of our kind controlling the governments of the Western Hemisphere, may have the other hand in Iran and Syria. Never trust the regime in power, and beware of the technological lie.

Daily Foreword 12-31-2007:   I, Kurt Brown, former FDIC bank examiner and informant on money laundering and murder labeled suicide, have one very great fear -- being set up for a murder by our enemies in the ruling regime in power in the United States.

One of my guns came up missing while they were in the possession of federal authorities in Los Angeles in 2001.  I had a U-haul and was moving to LA. I made a severe mistake and trusted the federal government to give me shelter and a place to park.    I was a veteran, I did not know the federal dictatorship did not like disabled veterans on federal property.

In L.A., the bail was $250,000 per gun.  I had five guns.  When I went to court, my bail was set at $1,000,000.  I did not say anything about the fifth gun.  When I went to court, the judge said, we have you in possesion of four guns, is that correct?  Me being scared and naive, said Yes, and assumed that the inoperable gun, an old .22 Winchester given to me by my father was not counted. 

However, as time has passed, I fear the federal government may kill someone with the fifth gun and point to me.  The federal hump who is at my door in the videos at Youtube called my relative and asked if I owned a gun.  He said I owned a .38.  I bought my relative a gun and they allegedly got rid of it after my legal problems in L.A.

Now I can own a gun, but to own one is rather pointless.  In this technological war, the regime sends their federal humps into your home or office, knock you unconscious, and blows your brains out with your own gun.  That is what they did to the FDIC Director in San Francisco where I worked after he was dead.  The guy replacing him was a third rate punk of the regime or a techno-variety and he wore his pencil thin moustache with pride while he laundered money with the aid of the feces at the top of the international heap controlling syndicated Washington D.C. and their war criminal armies.

In that part of the technological war, many bank examiners were cold and calloused.  It is as if they travel in a lump, a lump of shit. 

I welcome a global holy war.  I welcome the elimination of all gambling establishments.  I welcome the deaths of our enemies and their officials and allies around the globe.  If they get in the way of what is right, let them be, as they will get what they or IT deserves, Death.  If we should die, you should remember, we can not die.  It is like running through Paper Mache and it feels like a machete at first, but often you do not feel the machete.  If it is done correctly and quickly, you soon realize that death is just a vibration in life.  More power to the fighter for the humane in coming Global Holy War.  Give us our deaths or give us our humane freedoms.  No injections.  No torture.  The regime can go to Hell.  If they do not believe in, we should construct one for them or IT>

Daily Foreword 12-30-2007: The regime in power in the USA and the nations who assist them in murder and mayhem are the enemies to humane mankind. Protect your children from them. Applaud when they are destroyed. If they attack your neighbors as when they attacked David Koresh and the Palestinians and the disabled veterans and the honest FDIC bank examiners, applaud those who assist those who kill the bosses, the wealthy pigs of the regime. We are better off as communists.

I released a new video on Youtube. I almost removed it because it is creates shame. I was attacked and then injected for reporting the attack and tortured by the federal regime and sometimes have nightmares. When I see blood, I wonder if I have been attacked again. The world is better off dead. I encourage a complete cessation of assisting the regime. I also encourage humane humans to embrace and ignore the dialogue by the enemies to humane mankind. My flaw was to be naive and think that the regime cared for honest federal bank examiners. All they and their little followers really care about is their money and the subjugation of our people. Let us applaud those who attack the regime with technology, fighting fire with fire.

Daily Foreword 12-30-2007:  I, Kurt Brown, former FDIC bank examiner and informant on money laundering and murder labeled suicide, was alone three nights this week, and I may have been raped by money laundering associates of the federal government and the regime in power in the United States.  

I went to sleep alone and awakened alone on the mornings of 12-27, 12-28, and on 12-29 of 2007.  I believe a 50% probability or more that I was raped on 12-29 when someone entered my home with a copied key or a pick lock.  I was injected and forced to sleep alone in a room with a known psych patient in 2004.  The governmental regime in power, the humane human beings enemies across the Earth, now allows the casino dons and their politicians to call the shots in Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada.  In California, it is the same.  I was a bank examiner in California in 1999 and 2000. 

I was an honest bank examiner.  Billions if not trillions of dollars of high finance crimes are being committed.  Even worse, we are being raped I believe, in more ways than one.  Our families are not safe.  I encourage young people to have a trustworthy room mate if their families are involved in the stoppage of high finance crimes in the United States.

I have many enemies.  I have one enemy.   I will be leaving the United States, and I hope not to reside in any nation that is a direct associate in international war crimes being committed over the past 7 years, since 2001, when my true horrors began.   The honest regional FDIC director labeled suicide in his office was allegedly around 1990.  I worked under the command of his replacement as a bank examiner in Roseville, California in 1999 and in San Francisco in 2000.

Here is a link to the saintrambone videos on Youtube in which I, Kurt Brown, discuss what has happened to me in this horrific event.   We will all welcome global war before this is over with.  I explain why.  The regime should pay up, but they will not.   I want either 911 million, or 432 million one thousand dollars, or I want 5 million if my legal representative with the VA agrees that the amount is acceptable in light of these war crimes and what I have endured and revealed in these damned United States.  The VA though, allows forced injections and experiments.  I am the only vet I know of who talks of these things.  I will welcome death, and if mine are to suffer, I want  to take them with me to the other side.

Face it George Bush or whatever you are, and all of you who are his followers-- America is a pig sty and a prison.  We have no humane rights, we have no civil rights.

They lay down traps in front of us and ignore their laws.   You know what you have to do.  We are the humane human beings.  We the humane are the benefactors of earth and sky and our own trunk and limbs.  It will be a bloody path to free ourselves.  We should not drop our guard.  We should beware.

The founding fathers of the United States had an idealistic dream, a separation of powers in government to assure liberty and justice for all.  Now, the power is concentrated away from us.   I hope the regime does not control Iran and Syria.  They have recently gained control of Iraq, and Afghanistan and the regime of the Western Hemisphere I have mentioned.  It is better to have a separation of power on the Earth, just in case a nations leadership loses the humane intellect in their leadership.

I will put a picture up here with a link on Indymedia to an  injection hole that I have discovered.  It is now 32 hours since the injection may have occurred. 

Many people will laugh at this.  They may find they are on the other side in the aftermath.

Some may say I am digging for gold.  I want peace and sanctity of mind.  I must escape and that takes money.  The regime has robbed us from cradle to grave.  Many do not realize it until it is too late.    I worked in the high finance arena and in the end, behaved like a lion protecting the humane human beings gold.  I was left with nothing, everything is gone, because the sense of safety and security is gone.   We have to eat and have shelter and we must be afforded decent lives or our time in their working files is not worth the existence.

Some people hate me.  That is to be expected.  I am an honest auditor and reporter, and I am owned by no one.  My allegiances are to the humane of the working class.  Is that so wrong?  If so, kill all of us now, starting with my enemies and their institutions of ignorance and mayhem and negative capitalism.  I coined term, "Negative Capitalism". 

I was an idealist like JFK and MLK and others, perhaps even Pakistan's Bhutto.  Now  I know we are being wrenched and out flows the blood.  The regime drew first blood.  Let us welcome global annihilation if we can not get free.

Someone once told me we are in the palm of God.   She had never been in a concentration camp style atmosphere.  I have been, since early 2001.

Daily Foreword December 25, 2007:  I have added many new videos to Youtube's saintrambone account linked at the top of this page as of today.   I was tortured by the regime in power in the USA and my career was cut short and my health destroyed after reporting money laundering and murder at the federal banking regulatory agency, the FDIC, and after reporting a Sheriff starving inmates in Alabama.  The proliferation of casinos and the drug smugglers in the federal government has created the need for banks to launder huge amounts of the international war criminals money.  The regime in power, the international regime, has sanctioned criminal conduct against humane humans in the USA and overseas.    Let us applaud their removal and their deaths if necessary.    I was told by one of their war like pigs that we were going to lose.  We are the humane humans.  If we lose, it is better to have the death of our species than to have our tongues cut out and our brains impaired by the regime and their poisons.

Let us kick their bleeding bodies from the halls of government when a global war erupts.  Let us form a new regime, a new political party of veterans and honest businessmen of the "Positive Capitalism" sector.  Let us remove their bureaucrats in high office.  Let us remove their insane political system.  Do not weep when the regime bleeds rampant.  It moans and growls, let it die.

Daily Foreword 12-24-2007: It appears the enemy regime in power in the United States is blocking news of the ongoing American Holocaust, both on Indymedia and I have been told that broadcasts to Iraq are being blocked on Youtube. Applaud the coming holy war in the USA. No Casinos, No mafia syndicates in the federal government, and let us applaud the execution of the closed door governments and the corrupt courts coast to coast. I want $911 Million when we have taken the regime to our court for their abuses of myself and others. I would like to see it put into a trust and delivered to the American people. We are in a technological war. The mass media, Television, is not our media. They fear our cameras. Applaud the global holy war and the deaths of our enemies. We are the humane humans. Our enemies drew first blood. The regime killed an honest FDIC regional director and attacked me, a federal bank examiner. Let us applaud those who open their wounds and take their heads and their claws and weapons.

Daily Foreword 12-24-2007: Because most Americans are indifferent about other people's suffering and because the wealthy and their regime seem to enjoy torturing the common and the honest, and because the social fabric is torn to shreds, I applaud a holy war against the ruling regime. The regime attacks people they see as a threat to their empire of tyranny against humane beings. They also attack federal bank examiners who are informants on money crimes. They do forced experiments and forced injections on their own vetrerans. The regime injects us and tortures us, and the people growl at each other like dogs in the USA. Let us applaud the Jihad or holy war in the Mid East, and let us applaud the conducting of a holy war here in the United States and in the nations controlled by the international regime. When our enemies die and their casinos and drug lords and war profiteers and other parasites are hung, let us see it as divine will. The Gulf Coast of the USA is a beautiful place, much like the West Coast, but the people are for the most part like growling apes on both sides of the USA. The regime injected me and tortured me for informing on murder and billion dollar financial crimes in the federal banking regulatory industry. It is my hope to advance them to their final end, and our own lives if necessary. I want to be part of the holy war when it escalates. More power to the humane human beings in putting a new humane regime in power in the USA and to remove the abusive regime and those who serve them or IT. We have no human rights, therefore we can forget about civil rights. I would cut any federal agents head off or any of their associates for forcibly injecting an innocent person as they did myself and others. I recommend we applaud attacks against the wealthy controllers of the regime and the forced removal of the regime for doing so. Prepare for a war. The pigs are about to get stuck. They look at us and scowl and call us names when we walk past their homes maimed and in tatters in the American holocaust. The mass media and their government is the enemy to humane mankind. No Mardi Gras, No Rose Parade, nothing is sanctioned by us under their rule. If we die in this struggle, let us look to the creator and tell him we would prefer death over servitude to men with no humane conscience ruling over us. The ape like mentality will not exist. Let them grunt from their graves on their manicured lawns and under their penthouse rubble. There will be sacrifice. Be honorable men of the holy war, not slaves of mind and body.

Daily Foreword 12-23-2007: It appears the regime in LA is hiding Indymedia posts so they do not have to face the forced injections victims of the regime in that city. We are treated like Macack monkeys in Forced injections and experiments in California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. I have reposted both here in Madison Indymedia with reflections on control of humans. They tortured me, so I think of torture. I regret being a bank examiner for the federal government in our era. They should warn us that a syndicate is in place and sanctioned. I would rather be dead than forcibly injected. They kill and maim, therefore they or their controllers are inhumane, like lower animals who eat their own kind. I deserve payment or death or posse commitatus against the elements of the regime sanctioning forced injections of the innocent. We are not Macacks for experiment and torture. The LA post regarding Nuremberg style torture in the USA sanctioned by the ruling international regime and the mass media was on yesterday's Daily Foreword note.

Daily Foreword 12-22-2007: In this true to life ongoing F-DIC nightmare I make into a comedy with all bets due, "And Bow bone agrees, put IT's money in Me's Truk". I tried not to hurt the people when they were forcibly injecting me against my will. The next time, I would clear 8 heads with one blow. NEVER AGAIN! HUMANE HUMAN BEINGS DESERVE A CHANCE TOO. But if someone participates in the forced injections of a complian man, they deserve a bloody nose and an empty wallet too. HERE IS TODAYS POST WITH my final request for 10 Million dollars split in two, for me and the dead man, the FDIC director before the current mob oozed in. LA Indymedia with pics. Kurt Brown-- Saint Ram Bone -- California Federal Syndicates Holocaust number X 017 911 84. Dismissed but should never charge a man with attempts on his life with being upset. Money laundering Shee-it ain't Sweet! 10 million dollars split in two, one for me and for the dead F-DIC director shoe. On with the big shoe as they say in France in Chapeau Blanc. To LA Indymedia with Pics, soon on Video with Oral request as explicated to myself by a fellow couple of vets with horned shoes, that is hor-nad shoes.

Daily Foreword December 21, 2007:  I, Kurt Brown, also known as Saint Ram Bone, have been sick ever since forced injections and forced medical procedures at the federal facility in Los Angeles California at the Westwood facility on April 23, 2001.  

I was going to alert the public to money laundering and murder at the San Francisco Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation by doing some stand up comedy in Los Angeles about the F-DIC. 

I did not know the federal government had been doing forced experiments on veterans at the facility, (see the continuing problems section of this link), or I would have never trusted the federal government.    I was told that they likely cut me off from doing so and viewed me as a loud macack, a danger to their crime syndicates in the USA federal government.

I know they did at least two forced injections upon me early of the morning of April 23, 2001, before sunrise.    I was held at the facility for ten days.  I was forced to get a CAT Scan or MRI of the brain.  I have been  told that they injected chemicals into my brain to see the reaction.

If I thought being a suicide bomber against the federal government would stop the abuses of my fellow humane human beings, I would go out in a blaze of glory and one very big bang.   We will become the next battlefield in the USA.  You must realize though that the ruling regime is an international regime.  I view their fellow murderous nations as controlled by that regime.    That includes the UK, Germany, the USA, Israel, and France, Turkey, and likely other nations.

We live in an age of technological warfare.  When you see other humans, they may or may not be there as humans.  You can not know for sure.  Just as when you look at a Hologram, there appears to be something there, but there is not.

I would rather have been shot than tortured and made sick.  It is my prayer that their controllers and their followers, those who abused me are caught and eliminated or removed from the American shores and in all other nations of the Earth and in space if necessary.  Never again would I serve or trust the beasts in power in the United States and their murderous allies.  Let us assist in their downfall.  Let us be humane to our fellow humans.  Let us see their indoctrinations in their public schools, hospitals, mass media, and government approved drugs as an assault against our kind, the humane human beings.  Never again serve or trust the international regime in power..

I will never feel well again.  The stress alone of attacks on my life and the drugs they forced upon me and their forced medical procedures has made me sick for the rest of my life.  The regional FDIC director was murdered.  I hope that those responsible for his death and my torture are burned in a pile of their own money, wrapped in a pile of burning one dollar bills.

It appears we humane humans have lost another war.  Every war we fight each other we lose.   The international regime likes it that way.  They are beasts toward us.  I want at least $9.11 Million in compensation, and I want all other veterans treated in the hostile fashion of forced experiments, forced injections, and forced medical procedures to get the same amount, or I want every federal health care facility removed and an HMO given to all of those veterans.  I would not trust VA or federal healthcare if I was writhing in pain again.  We should applaud the deaths of our enemies in the United States and the world, even if it means our own extinction. The American political system has been ruse. Let us applaud the removal of their fake voting syndicates and their candidates. We have no voice in government. They fear our cameras as reporters. Their mass media is not ours.

Daily Foreword 12-16-2007: The regime of the international nightmare reigns. We are injected in the USA against our will and killed and imprisoned. The crime syndicates control the money, therefore they control the nation and the industry. The only industry remaining is foreign controlled excluding a few corporations. We are the honest Americans of many generations ancestry. We are nothing to them. They or IT is nothing to us. I have been harassed by government officials on the Gulf Coast of the USA. Their regime kills the innocent and they attack us. Let them fall. Herald the rise of a new empire of the lower caste across the globe and the resurrection of hope for our kind, the humane human beings. We want off of the planet without their chains and their addictions and their torture and their blind mass media. I have added many videos to the Youtube link above, or go to and search for saintrambone

Daily Foreword December 12, 2007: Love Line 7 updated today with thoughts on Science and Mathematical precision in randomness and our observance of events such as 9-11. I am now owed 112 Million US Dollars for torture after FDIC employment. The government is gone most likely and I am deluding myself. There is always hope to bring the universe back to a Null value. Nothing when suffering exceeds pleasure, a sort of shake-up of the greater conscience.

Daily Foreword December 11, 2007:  Today's weapon used by the regime and its international faction is thus.  They have a spotter on the ground near your home.  They spot you and call in a nearby helicopter.  The helicopter carries equipment to fire a radioactive element housed in a new laser type weapon to create cancer in an individual or to weaken a vessel.  The regime and their controllers use subtle murder techniques.  They likely consider it an art form.    Let us hope for the end of America's suffering and torture under the closed door regime, controlled by crime syndicates who are international.  It doe not matter if their controllers are removed at three degrees of separation, the eternal question is, "Did IT die?"

There is a syndicate inside the United States, that rules like a buzzard over a dead and dieing group of American eagles.  But the buzzard appears international.  So what is it?  Who are they to exclude us, my people, myself from government involvement and then torture us with the drugs and alcohol they sell and the lies taught to our children and grandchildren in their public schools of inferior quality.  The birthing of children is even feared among them as they are known, they are the IT, they are the immortal enemy of mankind, and due to technology, they call you a heretic and then if the tormentors are seen or not, they proceed to put your child in the lower caste.  I often wonder about what they have done in my native city of Mobile Alabama.  But Los Angeles is worse, a living Hell of nightmarish forced injections, forced medical procedures, and they are protected by the courts of the USA, the enemy of our people as is evidenced by California's prison business entrepreneurs. 

Let the regime die, for all intents and purposes.  W means we are separated. I was injected a few months before 9-11 by the international War crimes regime that came to extreme power.  $9.11 Million or the federal government should just shoot me instead of stalking me near my home. 

Support Iraq in removing the international regime from their oil juggler.  Texas is a den of oil thieves hooked to the Kaiser of West Europe and the Czar and possibly even just part of the IT in many sectors.  Never again serve the inhumane, and for all intents and purposes, let them die when they or IT is killed or removed.

Daily Foreword December 11, 2007:  Today's weapon used by the regime and its international faction is thus.  They have a spotter on the ground near your home.  They spot you and call in a nearby helicopter.  The helicopter carries equipment to fire a radioactive element housed in a new laser type weapon to create cancer in an individual or to weaken a vessel.  The regime and their controllers use subtle murder techniques.  They likely consider it an art form.    Let us hope for the end of America's suffering and torture under the closed door regime, controlled by crime syndicates who are international.  It doe not matter if their controllers are removed at three degrees of separation, the eternal question is, "Did IT die?"

There is a syndicate inside the United States, that rules like a buzzard over a dead and dieing group of American eagles.  But the buzzard appears international.  So what is it?  Who are they to exclude us, my people, myself from government involvement and then torture us with the drugs and alcohol they sell and the lies taught to our children and grandchildren in their public schools of inferior quality.  The birthing of children is even feared among them as they are known, they are the IT, they are the immortal enemy of mankind, and due to technology, they call you a heretic and then if the tormentors are seen or not, they proceed to put your child in the lower caste.  I often wonder about what they have done in my native city of Mobile Alabama.  But Los Angeles is worse, a living Hell of nightmarish forced injections, forced medical procedures, and they are protected by the courts of the USA, the enemy of our people as is evidenced by California's prison business entrepreneurs. 

Let the regime die, for all intents and purposes.  W means we are separated. I was injected a few months before 9-11 by the international War crimes regime that came to extreme power.  $9.11 Million or the federal government should just shoot me instead of stalking me near my home. 

Support Iraq in removing the international regime from their oil juggler.  Texas is a den of oil thieves hooked to the Kaiser of West Europe and the Czar and possibly even just part of the IT in many sectors.  Never again serve the inhumane, and for all intents and purposes, let them die when they or IT is killed or removed.

December 7, 2007: Quatrains 5 updated on the first segment today, the Ames Braman Amie Mann segment. To find it, go to the Quatrains 5 page and push the "CTRL" and "F" keys together to Find and then type in "addition" in the box and press return until you get to the Late Addition 12-7-2007. Two triangles added. 

The regime in power,  that cold calloused crown of thorns and its outlying flesh more visible by the day.  The humane humans are beat into the shadows and eventually death. 

I have witnessed more than I care to witness in  the United States and Canada.  Who controls that monstrosity of the international regime?  Or should I say what?  They inject the innocent and other Americans stand around indifferent. The indifferent are increasingly the outlying flesh of the ruling regime of the crown of thorns, the crown of negative capitalists and servitude, and imprisonment of humane humans to planet Earth in a long waging war that usurps positive constructive energy.

It is  strange, but the regime pits people against each other, or it appears that way.  They design our society.  I remember I was having a coffee with a woman of a golden and light brown skin complexion in San Francisco at a coffee house.  As she spoke I thought how nice it would be if Mobile and Prichard Alabama had such freedom.  It was a lovely day and she wore a very nice scarf where her hair had been removed while in radiation treatments.

I have noticed that some KKK types with connections to the now ousted Sheriff Tillman clan and those connected with the Alabama Public Utility commission have started a hate campaign against me.   Also, I have had some people of darker complexion insult me when they recognized me.  However, I have friends in those groups who could pass for siblings. It is really no different in more affluent areas like the wealthy Marin County California, except the groveling for existence kept me and my friends working like slaves while the wealthy sat with their noses in the air on most days. Maybe that is what the regime is about -- slavery and servitude on planet earth, or perhaps, these are the final days, the days before the cumquat of life takes a squat. We all come and go.

 Now this is what intrigues me.  When I went to the Mobile Alabama City Council meeting on my last attempt as in my videos illustrate, linked on Youtube above, a man of considerably more melatonin was the guard at the gate, and when he spoke, he sounded just like one of those more ignorant of the  "KKK" types.   He said, "You are holding up progress", and "Until we get the green light on you", get out of the way. 

I have been told I should sue the FBI for stalking me.  I would prefer to sew the FDIC for their appointing a mob boss to replace a dead regional director, an honest man replaced by a profiteering associate of money launderers.   I would like to sue the federal government for injecting me against my will.  I survived an attempt on my life by money launderers associate assassins.

They laugh at us and say, "Prove it".  You can not prove anything where there is collusion, as audits and investigations are unreliable and irrelevant. The regime has collusion structures enveloped by greater collusion structures. I was told to find the truth, you have to go to at least three degrees of separation. What that means is that to get to the killer of the innocent, you often have to go to the killers controllers's controller, and most likely more.  I feel we are being led into a war on many fronts.  Let us hope it is short one that does not leave lingering wounded.  The "We" I speak of has dwindled to the few humane humans left in the barrage of the ruling regime, the crown of thorns and its mass of flesh.

Their closed door government should be shut down for the torture and murder of millions.  I am just one of them.  I am hunting for $9.11 million in compensation from the regime, although that amount is low. I am being kind. Since that will not happen, I will be satisfied with the curtailing of the crown of thorns and its mass of flesh.  It would be nice to leave this planet in large number soon.  It will not happen, not on this day, not for us, the humane humans.  I believe mankind has been conned.  Slaves go back a long way in many faces and shades of color.


Daily Foreword December 6, 2007: I have added several videos on various topics and humor on my Youtube page. To find the videos recently added, there is a title link that says "45 Videos". Click that link on this home page fo all of the videos made by saintrambone on youtube.

Daily Foreword December 4, 2007: Late addition, Political Comment on Video at Youtube..9.11 Million in reparations sought. In the South East, the regime outlaws legal marijuana so that the people are sold crack cocaine, which is like a plague. The leaders are like foreign dealers who hook us for the dollar. I met the lead singer for the group Prodigy once, the one who has the bald head in the video titled Breathe. His nation, the UK, knows about selling addiction. They hooked China on its own opium long ago according to history. I think he would agree that much of life is theatrics, and that the one who controls is the one who holds the key. The key is held by the one with the greatest weapons and military arsenal. I see the drama in a somewhat predictable and unpredictable sine wave; or is that sign wave?. You know things will change, but the question becomes, "How much?" "Who benefits?" and that is when it is curtailed, when you or loved ones are in the dirt under the boot of lesser beings, empire builders of no humane intellect. I have considered changing my name to match my life under the regime, "Shet Laissez-Faire Brown". Our enemies in power should leave their ivory towers and wallow in IT with us from a different perspective. We are destined for a war, and the attacks have already started. Got crack Jack? The USA has become uncivilized and disgusting.

Daily Foreword December 3, 2007: It appears we are alone in the United States if we try to lead honorable lives. The regime in power is extremely corrupted to the point of being unsalvagable and unwanted. The regime in South East USA fosters racism and hatreds. In the West, it is more of the same. I see the USA as being a tatters, a nation or entity longing for its own death. Never again serve or trust the regime in power. They are international once you remove the local village idiots and their killers at the international dictators thrones. Do what you wish with the regime, but you had better have a back up plan that is feasible. Of course, in a nation that covets abortions of their own young you can not expect much. G-d damn the closed door regime in power and their cocaine dealing war criminal syndicates.

Daily Foreword December 1, 2007:

In this war as in all wars, if we are given a felony through malicious force by the adversary, we should consider it to be just another obstacle thrown in our way while we simply try to survive with dignity.  We are not afforded human rights by the regime in the USA and where ever the international regime rules, and we have the right by order of nature to defend ourselves.  Look at them for being the filth they are, nothing.  A felony  strike for simple gun ownership in the renowned three-strike state of California when you are in fear of federal governments banking crimes syndicates after an attack on your life, is nothing more than a warning that we all need to beware of those who rule the state of California and the United States federal government.  Even the local government in Alabama is ready to be fed to the wolves, but the cruelness of Judges like Michael McMaken and his callous disregard for us indicates this war is going to be a filthy one of technology.  3M C ABLE, take a look at Quatrains 5 if you were alive.

In recent days, gas mains and water mains were attacked in Alabama, in the Mobile county slum areas. Last night, a weapons carrying tractor trailer truck was on Interstate 10 at the West side of the city going East toward Florida. Police escorts were pulling over possible attack vehicles such as U-Hauls. If those bombs were intended for our people, I would have detonated them near the wealthy neighborhoods who benefit from our subjugation. Possibly in another city or scattered around for maximum penetration. Because the regime in power and their federal and local protectorates and their hired gun wielders or their technological fake police and federal agents do not honor our human rights, let us not honor the regime in power in the USA, as they are international war criminals and I encourage that you assist those in protecting themselves from the enemy regime and their killers with badges. They most likely mix some of our people among themselves or itself, often the less intelligent such as the former Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama, who was replaced by a man named Cochrane who I believe is on the attack also against our people, likely more insidious. Tillman was proven guilty of starving long term inmates whose food money he stole, most of it stolen with the regime's approval. My crime was to be open and honest about what I observed as a bank examiner in the federal monetary regulatory agency, the FDIC. Tillman also helped to set me up to be silenced on 4-3-2001 when he took my gun permit simply because I tried to enter a city council meeting controlled by our mutual enemies. I wanted to report malnutrition of a close relative in his jail, a relative who was a product of the regime's local public school system and their mass media and who was likely damaged and manipulated in delivery at local hospitals or before or after the child's birth later in years. Tillman and our enemies in power knew I, an FDIC crimes informant, was in fear for my life with no response from the federal government after an attack on my life which I had reported. I pray our enemies are destroyed before the end of 2007 or 2008, I reach high above and want to remove them from the steps of my home, the steps of government, even if they are crushed or burned elsewhere.

I believe it is a technological war we are losing. We were conned by their mass media and their public school indoctrinations as children, and today they have crime syndicates in the drug businesses. We were likely manipulated during birth, before birth, and or afterward by the regime's malicious factors. Their drugs are approved by attornies, not doctors. In the event of escalated war, I encourage attacks against the international regime housed in the USA and Canada and Mexico and the removal of their bureaucrats and politicians. I encourage you to beware of serving foreign nations opposing them, as you will just be wasting energy and possibly even conned, as the international enemy of human kind may control both sides of the battlefield.

I encourage boycotts and strikes against all outdoor events and inside events if it brings the regime wealth or positive propaganda.

Remember, when they are attacked, they drew first blood and deserve to die, just as some of the financiers of the killing of the people of Palestine deserved their deaths on 9-11 in New York. The benefactors and planners of the deaths of the honest federal banking regulatory officials who also tortured myself after FDIC employment were those same wealthy war criminals feasting upon us from those highrises. If you are depressed, do not just commit suicide, attacking the enemy is likely in the creators divine will, and it is the best a man can do, to die for his loved ones. The regime does not love us, we do not love or cherish it.

Life is infinite and you will likely be moving nature closer to harmony for your humane kind, tortured by our enemies around the globe who are in a sense, a layer of beasts controlling our nations, including our own federal government and the actions of the Veterans Administration. Some of the financiers got wealthy off of killing the innocent and deserved to die on 9-11-2001, it is just too bad the men who were avenging the deaths of their loved ones missed some of our mutual enemies in those buildings. We will in the end see our own sacrificed in the killing of our enemies. It is part of being a man. It is part of the creators will.

Let us applaud the deaths of our enemies and their financiers in the USA and around the world. Applaud when those inhumane beasts such as their judges and corrupt bureaucrats are killed, deported, or have their technological manifestations removed. Our people are being raped around the globe in more ways than one. Protect your young from the regime. My fee is $9.11 million and you can make payment on the Fund Raising page linked above, and the payment for the damage done to myself and others, infinite beyond measure, and I pray for the death or removal of the inhumane of the ruling international regime and their local war criminals, or those that control them or IT. Beware of decoy weapons transport vehicles and know that racism may be promoted by their technological manifestations. Humane Humans are stronger in war if they work together.

Daily Foreword November 29, 2007:

Late Addition: (Love Line 7 updated today, comedy to lighten the toll.) Today I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone drove a triangle in my native city, beseiged by outsiders and maybe some insiders who do not care about others rights, their human rights and civil rights.  I drove from Mobile to Prichard to Wilmer, all in the third rate slum of the Mobile County area. 

Water mains cut in Prichard, and a huge water outage yesterday.  Today, a huge fire ball burning at the roadside in Wilmer.   Perhaps if we were treated like humans, the craftsmen would quit diverting city services for sale elsewhere and stop being so venomous.

I was told that some people want to kill me in Mobile Alabama with their federal protectorate in the lessons of sheer shit.  My name is shit, shit brown, we knew it when you injected me and tortured me and killed God gone to many innocent among our watchmen, those of humane conscience for the human beings of humane conscience, such as the FDIC regional director that was murdered, and the attempt on my life, if I am alive and not housed in a nut ward after the forced injections, sitting there with my liver acting as a living blood transfusion to a millionaire lunatic.  I want my 9.11 million dollar you fed watcher or I want my tooth picks delivered with equal blood drawn and equal damage done.  You will never get another bank examiner as I good as I was. 

I put them on a pedestal, my triangle and let them burn.  It is a trick of the older trades.  Masa Sueet Carol'n ole Brown burnt sides shit, or ship.

I do not know what to think of the water and fire, soon fire and ice in Lower Alabama.  The simple minds of conquest left us in a rut.  Now they tear out the walls to leave, after all, it is always fire and ice in the end, conquest.

3M and conquest crew, see Able or is that C Able on Quatrains 5.  9.11 million is a low fee at a lesser time. (End of late addition)

The web has shown many of us in the USA that the USA citizens are not the same and judging from the blood they spill, not humane.  Americans on average despise each other it appears.  For instance, at first glance, in my ordeal in entering my native city's government, you may think it is racial hatred, as Mobile Alabama has a lot of that coming from all angles.  But the truth is, my skin tone is apparently like the top leaders.

 I despise those leaders for what they have done to myself and others.  For instance, in the hated Judge Michael McMaken's court in Mobile Alabama, he allows Open Meetings Laws to be denied in my case.  But he also punishes the poor and the innocent for non-crimes.  I saw him give a lovely young darker skinned woman a $200 fine for a marijuana cigarette butt.  So what if she had a roach, people have them all the time in the free sections of the Earth. 

Let us applaud the destruction of the closed door regime that robs us and injects us.  Let us not hesitate in realizing that we humane humans are in this together.  Our enemies force us to fight others.  Let us see our enemies for what they are -- inhumane.  Remember, they drew first blood on us veterans and federal bank examiners.  Let us applaud when the international regime and their mass media is destroyed.  The USA is a prison state controlled by the enemy from international and national origins.  

The terrorists with badges say I am the offspring of two roaches due to wing like processes off of my center spine under X-ray.  They laugh in evilness.  My spine was damaged in an injury and I made an off-hand remark.  That is the way our enemies are -- stupid.  May they be crushed like a cock roach in the coming wars or when the creator harvests the nightmares of the countries controlled by the ruling international regime which is an enemy to humane mankind.  Human beings deserve a humane planet or the rest of death. We are in a war of technology. Prepare yourselves for that war and keep weapons invented private until the correct time to display their ferocity.

Daily Foreword November 27, 2007: Recently I called the FBI office in Mobile to find out if a man who said he was a Mobile Cop, linked on a Youtube video of mine on this site, was an FBI agent. He was. One agent said to the woman not to talk with me or something of that sort. The regime is corrupt and not our ally. They kill the honest bank examiners. They inject us with chemicals. They do experiments on veterans against their will. The mass media does not report it.

Because the government allows war crimes against Americans, and because the mass media does not report it, we should applaud when the ruling regime and their international billionaires and their mass media are attacked. Change the term on the dollar to, "G-d Damn The International Regime In Power." I recommend that the people of the world assist in the coming war when we reveal their technologies of deception and go in for the kill of our enemies around the globe.

Daily Foreword November 26, 2007: It appears the Sheriff's Department in Mobile Alabama and the friends of the former sheriff who was a thief starving the inmates have started a campaign of harassment toward me, Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone, former FDIC bank examiner and informant who survived attempts on my life, albeit now somewhat beaten and battered, traumatized by the ruling regime.

When I go to restaurants or stores I will sometimes come across their idiots who seem to be trying to provoke a fight. Likely Sheriff, Police, and federal agents who are basically idiots of a clan like mentality and friends of the criminals in government who I have pinpointed and who were removed, including Sheriff Jack Tillman. I do not fight like a boy. If I fight them, the enemy regime in power of forced injections and robbery and deceptions and torture, it will be a technological war on my terms. G-d damn the closed door governmental regime in power and their international controllers who are blocking our societies progress. Let us hope for their removal before the next fake elections in the USA. "You will never know anything, if you do not test anything." I tested the government like an auditor and criminal investigator in the multi-trillion dollar federal banking regulatory industry. Not all are bad, but our enemies reign with the help of the idiots we will likely have to remove from the regime in the end. This will be a technological war. Do not strike false targets. Highly deceptive.

The people of the USA do not understand the true nature of the multi-trillion dollar fedeal banking regulatory industry and the crime syndicates housed in our society and into their governments. If the enemy or a lesser being wants to make slaves of a society, they can effectively do it through control of a closed government, hence the United States in every significantly material asset and city.

I truly regret working for the FDIC and I urge all young high finace auditors to stay in the private sector, in a nation with no casinos. It is an investment for the futre, and the present. I survived because I have an almost innate instinct for guerrila warfare and the evil nature of some lesser men such as the criminals controlling much of the law enforcement in the United States. We are in a war. See the dead FDIC director in San Francisco. See my life, a former FDIC informant, whose life is not what it once was due to corruption by the international enemy who reached over and choked our people to this day.

As a Federal agent told me who was appalled at what was happening at the Veterans Administration in Los Angeles in 2001 as I was being forcibly injected with unknown chemicals and moved around in handcuffs during torture and forced medical procedures, "Remember, They drew first blood." I was told that he was forced to leave federal employment. The regime's war making faction will provoke a war over "anything", using you and me and trying to control us through human emotion. We have no government left. The USA is a lot like an island, to our advantage and disadavantage.

In the event of war with them, we should target their wealthy international controllers and their highest bureaucrats and their technologies need to be surpassed by ours in combat or we will likely lose -- see Sitting Bull and the history of European warfare.

Daily Foreword November 25, 2007: I was speaking with an attorney in the United States in  Mobile Alabama and he said he was not a Civil Rights Attorney because we have no civil rights in the USA.  Yes, considering the lie we have been told and the imposition upon us as children by those at the top who have behaved in many ways as our enemy and subjugator, e.g. the draft during Vietnam, and today as the government that forcibly injects and tortures government informants on high finance regulatory agency banking crimes.  I see no choice but to remove the door.  I encourage the overthrow of the regime but we need a structured implementation of government regulated services in the event they should try to attack us when we demand true democracy and our civil rights or their deaths and the death of the mass media conglomerates in the USA.  Let them leave the shores if they do not like it, on a meat raft if necessary.  Simple  minds never test anything and are timid and do not have the courage to lead anyone from this dieing prison planet.  I encourage hunters and mountain men to drop the gun, pick up the text, and investigate and prepare for the transition from their control to our control.

Daily Foreword 11-23-2007: I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, have just been told regarding Judge Michael McMaken's district court order in Mobile Alabama, that I have the right to film in the lobby of what I call the government of our enemy that reigns in power. I have the same rights now as before the case was heard, I have rights under the Freedom of The Press, which is likely a myth for our people.

I have been told I will be arrested by a federal Mobile Alabama FBI agent saying he was a police officer with the City of Mobile Alabama. Their war criminal federal protectorate as the Youtube videos linked above illustrate show they are liars and terrorize us. The regime kills those who step in the way of the rising war crimes party behind the scenes and with their guns and billet clubs in our faces. The regime is illegally upholding demands of a case that was nolle processed and the demands were as a result dismissed. The dismissed case and demands of Mobile Alabama District Court Case 04-4013 are null and void. My attorney John Brutkiewicz in Mobile Alabama at phone number 251-433-1866 has told me that the case was dismissed and that no demands in that agreement were valid after the Probation date for daring to raise my voice against the murderous regime coming to extreme power if not complete control. The regime hates Independent Media Journalists who are vicious auditors, degreed in both accounting and reporting and to some extent higher technologies, pedigreed in fighting with the men who are like dogs. Jack Rabbits, like Sheriff Jack "Snatch the Fairy Possum" Tillman, who illegally took my gun permit and who violated my Open Meetings Law rights under the demands of the federal money laundering syndicates housed in the FDIC, Treasury, NTEU, FBI, Secret Service, etc., and now defunct Sheriff Snatch is no longer in view but the regime turned up the heat and provoked me to war, which I declined. Do not ever let them or it decide when and where. Be like the river and let it flow past until suitable passage and provocation arrives for retaliatory strike, which in their or its case may be futile. I will be there, wearing the clothes of my father, who looked and dressed just like this man in the Bow Tie, agreed? Talking Heads, Same As It Ever Was, on Youtube. Alabama is a little like Hell, sort of like Los Angeles, the regime has people who appear to hate us, and we are the true citizens of the USA whose parents believed in the American lie on the mass media networks. Protect your children from the needles of government and the public school indoctrinations.

CBS, NBC, MSNBC are all owned by the wealthy. We the poor 51% DO NOT HAVE A VOICE IN MEDIA OR GOVERNMENT. I will be arrested for trespassing PER THEIR THREATS. If I am killed, I want every foreign company in Alabama and Gulf Coast oil shipments to be stopped and every foreign company in the USA removed of their wealth, and the regime done away with and the Democratic and Republican regime and their controllers to pay 100 fold for my blood they spill. I also want every gambling establishment in the United States shut down and all busses to Canada's or Mexico's casinos not allowed to advertise or given any assistance. Give us our liberty to film as Independent Media journalists or give us our deaths. Negative capitalists and their government are soon to taste two ends of the boot end of a root stick.

If you go to the first segment on the Quatrains 5 page you will see an ongoing trilogy of an ogoing American holocaust against myself and others as I am uncovering corruption in our era of almost-silent modern warfare and my travels and the most bizarre sequence of events. You can reach the Mobile Alabama City Clerk to reach Judge Michael McMaken who is upholding the dismissed case at 251 208 7101. The District Court numbers are on this google search but they never answer.

Daily Foreword 11-22-2007: The truth is our lives mean nothing to the ruling families in the South East who are controlled or fed by international appetites. The federal government spits in our face and taunts us to go to war. We should choose the targets and the time for our war at our own pace. Do not let the criminals of government taunt you.

Mobile Audit Club is URGING FOR THE BOYCOTT OF MARDI GRAS IN MOBILE AND NEW ORLEANS AND STOPPAGE OF ALL FREIGHT MOVEMENTS, INCLUDING THE STOLEN OIL SOLD TO US UNDER GAS CONTRACTS BY NYC AND BERLIN AND OTHERS IN THE BUSINESS OF WAR PROFITEERING. We spit in their face. They drew first blood. Let us welcome confict with them. They owe me 91.1 Million dollars in reparations and freedom under the FREE PRESS. Mass media should be boycotted and removed for their silence in the ongoing pitiful global war in our own cities in the United States. You inject my child forcibly in front of me and I hope my friend removes your bosses buildings with you inside. We are no allies. I can count on that. They laugh, let us welcome their deaths. The nightmare is the United States. Their business is war, the top dog. Right mate?

Daily Foreword 11-21-2007: In the USA, I see a trap, just as I saw in Europe. In the USA we have been conned by a new set of greedy profiteers. Who knows when things went bad, or even it was ever good in the United States. I do not remember that day and see the current regime as an enslaver and passing fad to be recovered and destroyed repeatedly. The regime injected me and tortured me after working as a FDIC bank examiner. No one cares. In America, most care about nothing but bare survival, and then there are the holders of extreme wealthy internationally. They are nothing more than the modern day slave master. I applaud those who strike back when they are suffering. I see death as just a flip side of a continuous conscience, and possibly rewarded in war if in the humane percentile. Humane, what an odd word to have human in it. The regime is not humane and we do not care if they and their controllers are decimated and they do not care about us. They call us many names while they are themselvs the names they call us. I would consider them to be not even human in their treatment toward my people. They will destroy you. Never trust the regime. They are not us and we are not them. Their mass media and their government is a lie and we should applaud when they are destroyed and when a more enlightened and humane leadership arises. Likely not.

Who or what is it that controls the USA? They are not us and they subjugate us. We are a subjugated people and people do not protect each other. The regime has injected me forcibly so many times that I welcome their deaths around the globe if I am not paid at least 9.11 Million dollars. I know it will not happen. They deserve death and the suffering of the world welcome it. Someone is using technological tools on mankind like they are part of their amusement. Caste setting in the USA. Do not trust the international enemy in power and those who are paying for those to subjugate us in these falling and gladly soon destroyed United States.

Daily Foreword 11-19-2007: In considering the nature of weapons and consideration of "The Best" weapon, I thought about two things, A Brazilian woman and of course, the primo top weapon, but, that is an open ended statement and question, therefore I have delineated the efficacy of weapons and what I might have been privy to be witness to, a weapon with a ripple effect of unknown dimensions and parameters.  A 1% probability exists that Ben Stanford, Alabama Senator Preuitt's Grandson was killed with a new weapon.  That weapon would have to come from the upper 1% of weapons.  The Best weapon, that climax of war and self propagation, the owner of the best weapon, would likely look at self propagation in flesh or in technology or both.

Let us just say they could see ahead, those who would want Ben Stanford out of the fore.  That is a part of this puzzle, which may not be pertinent to the mechanics of the weapon itself.  It is a double hinged argument, connected but separate.

About the weapon, the boy was killed in the parking lot with multiple bullets and likely a stab wound and somehow he was found with one bullet to the head, his Jeep on the interstate in Villa Rica, his body found not far away with "1" bullet to the head and a gun of his for suicide.  Now this pertinent because I was told of  a similar situation at the FDIC where Trillions of Dollars are involved..  Now that is the 1% probability, or .01.  Now let us say the best weapon was used.  The .001 weapon of the .0001 weapon.

Let's face it, it appears that man is a cruel son of a bitch, not exceedingly smart.  I see it those that may be of my own family.  Who knows, Da?

Now this weapon, has many possibilities and questions.  I have been given the beginning display, a bullet riddled body with a knife wound,  and the end display, a suicide with one bullet to the cranium or heart.  I can not hook into the why's regarding Ben Stanford's death, but I can see the possibility if he was bright and destined and if someone wanted him out of the way, or a simple family or political vendetta.  Of course with Ben, the probability of his death by other than suicide is likely slim, I would say in a conservative estimate of 5% not suicide.  With the FDIC Director, the probability of other than suicide was Trillions of Dollars and a stacked house for wheeling and dealing in the syndicated international negative capitalism and war crimes era.

They drew first blood injecting me.   They injected me in 2001, they being federal associates of money launderers at the FDIC, and likely the Treasury and of course the NTEU.  They wanted to know more.  They allowed me to be injected and knocked completely unconscious in 2004.  They being those hospitals approved to do so since Bush regime came to power.  Chapter 36 clause, kind of like old saint nick in a blood coated lab coat, our enemies drawing first blood and injecting unknown chemicals, sometimes simply for reporting a burn on the flesh and suspicious hazmat trucks. The liar guard said the truck tested positive for radiation. I call him a liar because now he would say, "No, that's not true". That is the nature of Bush bull shit in charge. I hate to tell you, but part of the game might be through. That thousand yard stare, and the nightmare of the exile and torture, and I want my 911 Million, or one 91.1 Million Check in American Dollars slowly becoming Brazilian Rials while Rials become Dollars, on the flip side going up. That is the next prediction.

 This war goes deep.  I do not care.  I look forward to it.  Look Sueet Carol, I have no hair.  I was exposed to radiation in 2004 in New Mexico and reported in Arizona.  I was injected for doing so.  Time to Pay UP.  $91. 1 million dollars.  That is Ninety One million and One Hundred thousand. 

Or I hope you lose your next war.  They are going to drop the net on all of us if we wake up to the true weapon, one of "The Best".   Rote Memory cock-s-cker, there is always more than one best weapon just as there is also more than one best tool.

Let us unleash the capture of that bloody .0001 weapon and remove negative capitalists back to the dark side.  I want paradise back.  I was born on the wrong side of the tracks.  Homes cost 15,000 dollars there today.  Name that Paradise you federal bush nazi c-ckesuckers.  W means nothing.

Footnote: Due to the political process being a closed door and election fraud in most if not all significantly material elections, and due to the mass media being a closed door voice and opinion, they just might be busted on more than one level. Triangulate or nine.

Addendum: Considering I was near the point of execution on the 1% probability that the executed was Ben Stanford, I would be at a more Westerly pole of the entire execution of events.  We can not be certain on the flip side point if this true, as the body could be moved at some point at either end or in between.    However to assume a quick pickup and delivery, I tend to look towards space as we are in an event, a mere speck on an almost round dirt planet called planet Earth, our prison.  Now step this way, Ben here Ben there, Ben been everywhere. That $91.1 Million would surly even things up a bit.  Needles in my arms and legs?  Torture?  Dead federal bank examiners?  I hold up the torch and say light the way. Nero Nero On the Wall, Who'se The One With The Greatest Ball! They tortured me and laugh, what comes around goes around, perhaps that is why death, deaf, or desk, feels so relaxin. They masturbate for us, we bring new weapons to a climax. MMM C ABLE. 91.1 Million in restitution for first blood drawn...prefer former or latter, no difference.


In relation to this grand movement and flip side true tale, a very famous and wise old man once told me, "If you stand far enough back, the sun just seems to move back and forth. Yes and even farther it sparkles. It is also said in some circles that at the equator, the currents run in both directions, East and West in a five foot span on each side. Now how would one capture the moment on a grand scale. 91.1 Million you gun toting hipsters want-to-bes always tapping your pocket when you see me asking for more Jack, and you give me Snatch the Fairy Possum, your sweet sister. Sweet'N Sweat, how sinister you want to be? I called 911. The tally is not good. Adjust at $91.1 Million? Payable to Kurt Brown, you know the ground address you FDIC and war criminal money laundering syndicate associates. Former or latter? Play or pay? No difference to me Sweet'N Sweat.

Daily Foreword 11-18-2007: On those greater levels, as we grow older, some perhaps fortunately when younger, come to  see themselves as they may be beyond these flesh filled human walls and eyeballs.

I once saw an animal like a man in a hieroglyph, his feet and torso that of a bull, and with wings. 

Sometimes I  feel like that creature in the aftermath, often not of my own doing, dead on most levels or desensitized, and just used like a beast blind to it's own burden.  Such as most recently a shooting in a Texaco parking lot in Lincoln Alabama, that started as a struggle with a knife in the area, and ending in several gunshots where I could hear and my senses more heightened for possible battle on this flesh level.  The outer reaches up and finds the inner and the inner remembers the outer, more than a memory.

I turned right and went South and everything around me with it on that fateful night, some of it pre-destined I suppose, with my eyes and senses there to watch the show and knows what and how slow.

A quick decision, a fatal move, a jury of peers who are not like peers at all, but them, the IT, those estranged wealth bearers of no consequence, but no, perhaps the simple or the contrived,  the jury as one man and not my nation or my people, their needles in my arms and thighs, I would rather my kind die than scold under the hated American sky.

So many of us on the outside.  So many who tried.  Guilty, guilty, guilty, bring this prison nightmare apart, we have no jury, no peers, only their or IT's G-d damned lies.  They say we have a belly full, but so does the desensitized and witless beast of burden, but not the greater bull, verdict-- .


Daily Foreword 11-15-2007: The South East USA is getting primed for war, the West had better wear a vest. I was not completely honest about something I said the other day regarding the events surrounding my visit to Talladega and a later indication that something may have happened there regarding the death of the favored son of a Senator of the closed door Alabama government.  A man was obviously being killed in a filling station parking lot.  I could hear it when it was starting and I heard it when the shots rang out.  A man was inside the filling station who walked past me when he heard the shots.  He said, "Something is going down".

When I walked outside he was standing near the corner of the building.  He said, "Brought the Silver Bullet" and he held up a silver bullet to show it to me.  It frightened me some what because I did not know if it might be meant for my body, a former federal bank examiner who has uncovered corruption in government to the point that I urge people to assist in the break up of the USA and the removal of the international regime and their idiots misleading our nation to death.  

The boy, Ben Stanford, was likely killed in some sort of vendetta that has been covered up.  The mass media is an idiot coverup for the falling government.  Neither the government of the international war criminals nor their media will likely be around in a few years and who really gives a shit?  Not I, we are overcrowded and they torture and inject us with chemicals and we are lead by lesser beings.  Their or ITs day is through, and likely ours.  "Six of one and a half dozen of the other and it all still comes out the same in the end", and That was A favored quote from Parasitology Professor, Dr. Boils, as dead as dog shit on a Bush covered with worms, which he also liked to study.

Daily Foreword November 15, 2007: The federal government must have something against the people of the South East USA. They throw people in jail for attempting to enter their government and we can not vote. A good friend in Alabama served two years in prison for having marijuana and they accused him of selling it. In California they were selling it by the truckload out of known and protected establishments. We should applaud if the international cut throat regime is toppled in the South East USA. In the West USA they inject people forcibly if they are deemed insane by a greedy politician and they can be forcibly injected thereby at the whim of the criminal money launderer who may have a vendetta. I welcome a global war to free us from the evil and lesser minds now our overlords in this wretched world. They are self righteous and abusive pigs, fit for slaughter. They inject and torture us, they should die and we should assist those who will free us, not only from them, but from this planet.

Daily Foreword November 13, 2007: Due to the nature of the events of the past six years, since 2001 including the injections and torture of myself by our enemies among us and the events around the missing and likely dead Senator's son, I know that the mass media will not guard my people. The illegal international war criminal regime and their political appointees in the USA now silence the free and independent media such as myself. I point to the point and say watch this, but in the time being before the mean time, I listen to Anggun's Garde Moi on Youtube (French twist with an Asian Zing). Is it complicity?

Daily Foreword November 12, 2007: To be or not to be, to try to attend the closed door government controlled by the international enemy in my native city of Mo-Bile Alabama USDA, the United States of Damned America, or not? Why is the money laundering FDIC under the USDA or is that correct? To fulfill farmer's fantasies or another network of their empire, the closed door government of the most vast empire in the history of mankind, just like yesteryears war criminals and associate assassins? Who controls what in actuality, and to what level is their overthrow unattainable without bent rules of physics? McMaken or its 3M Cable at the judge's bench and the federal government in Alabama tried to provoke me to war and to this day illegally close the door of the government to me and others, others whose family fought for this nation. We should have zero tolerance for the reigning powers war crimes abuses against us and their closed door dictatorship. Now I will watch as their ceilings cave in, over time of course, unless. Closed door sh-t go to H-ll. If they attack Syria or Iran, we should applaud the attack of the mass media and the FCC and their controllers around the globe. They cut our face, the creator severs their head and we assist in cleaning the carcasses. We applaud while they try to intimidate us. Dates anyone?

Daily Foreword November 7, 2007: A late update on Love Line 6, and I recommend the first section of Quatrains 5 for true nightmares and oddities of our damned lives here in USA 2007.Today, I have to accept the fact that most of the American people do not care if a fellow man is beat from government, and those that do care can not mount an offensive military effort alone to topple the closed door government of the international regime controlled by thieves and war criminals. Our fellow Americans are primarily concerned with staying alive or greed. It is my hope that our people serve foreign governments in mercenary positions henceforth. The ruling regime is arrogant and abusive to common Americans such as myself. I will applaud when they and their controllers are killed. They injected me and tortured me and threw me from government and stole my belongings and my hope and they killed another bank examiner and tried to kill me after employment with them. I have the hope of seeing they and their controllers destroyed in my life time. Destroy the regime in power in the United States and internationally under that ruling factions cruel hands. Let them bleed as they have made us bleed. They are rich today through warfare, let us not make them rich tomorrow, let us assist in bringing them to their downfall. They are arrogant, they will have to accept defeat or mutual deaths. Let us not be shy in combat with our enemies if that day arises on American soil. Let us not waste time or give unwarranted relief after what they have done to us. Do not believe their mass media. They do not allow us in their government or media. We should applaud the destruction of their mass media, the media of the enemy to the common man of the world, just as we will applaud the death of the international regime and their local dictators on American soil. .

Since some think we are in end times, I have inscribed a few more marks, connecting the terrestial and celestial grid on Quatrains 5, Sentinel Values and Vechter Sights. See the bottom of the AMIE MANN BRAMAN AMES segment fot the "Late Additions". The events and details are true, unlike our enemy wearing the crown and the hood and the mask. We are not their lessers. They are the shit, not us, not the common humane human. I have urged Turkish sailors from my old US Navy Ship the USS Reid now in Turkey and re-named the Gelibolu, not to allow their government to force a military draft to kill Iraqis and others. The mass media in Turkey is just like that in the USA, controlled by the enemy of humane mankind.

Daily Foreword November-5-2007: In recent news on the web, it was disclosed that the ruling regime in Israel bombed Syria and their intent is to steal more land.  We should consider all weapons sales to Israel to be an aggression against the innocent of the world.  I encourage military movement against the regime ruling the USA like a dictatorship and I encourage young men to fight for Syria and the common American on American soil in retaliation for Israel's attacks and to remove the regime in power in the USA that is allowing forced injections of innocent government informants who know of the war criminal syndicates housed in the regime ruling the United States of America and their closed door governments.  The regime forcibly injects us with chemicals and some of us are killed by those filthy pigs calling themselves humans.  They are war criminals and should be dealt with as such.  Judge Michael McMaken and his federal protectorate of closed government in Alabama are now welcome to leave the state of Alabama if not the United States.  Los Angeles war criminal felons in the federal government should be rounded up and executed.  We are no longer allies.  This is the Dutch experience for America.  Our enemies own the hotels and the whores of government.  They also kill the innocent who hold or held high and low government office.

Let's take a little piece of heaven to them in the sky, some good old American war felony crimes pie.  Crush the regime.  Herald a new empire.  They live by force and violence.  So shall we.   Protect your young.  We will take our opponents heads from these damned shores.

Daily Foreword November 4, 2007: I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone have been illegally denied the right to film in the government of our enemy, the ruling regime in the United States, in particular that of Mobile Alabama, and their local and federal dictatorship and war criminal regime. 

I was going to attempt to enter this week.  I have considered filing a legal motion, but their courts are corrupt and they are  to be attacked and torn down in the near future.  They are international in their terrorist efforts.  Let us assist their adversaries in toppling them.  Stick the knife they put in our backs into their face.  Support the communist and socialist parties, call for the removal of all casinos, the destruction of all abortion houses, and the execution of their controlling international bosses who control our enemies on American soil who have turned against us.

Do not believe their mass media.  Do not trust your children in their hands.  Applaud when their key players are attacked and the regime is removed from our government's closed doorsteps.  They killed one bank examiner and they missed this one.  A military police state should be met with resistance.  Let us not be shy in our deaths or theirs.   Never again will their mass media be the only voice. They lie.  They deserve death and removal as war criminals.  Their controllers are often the wealthy among us. 

Daily Foreword November 3, 2007: Because the USA governmental regime in its more criminal federal factions and their local dictatorships have consistently abused us common Americans and because they have behaved in the manner of the war criminals of history, we should applaud if their regimes and their federal directorates and their local puppet dictators are decimated or removed around the globe.

They injected me with chemicals against my will.  The regime in power under the war criminal factions did the same to other veterans.  I was a federal bank examiner for the FDIC.  I want their regime done away with.  They are the filth, those at the top and calling the shots.  Their mercenaries will have to be dealt with in the old fashions.

I applaud all attacks against the regime.  I urge you to beware of their technology.  They injected me.  They should have killed me.  I want their leaders brought up on war crimes charges in the event the humane humans mount an international or inter-global offensive.  To be forcibly injected with chemicals is much like being raped, only worse.  We will have our day dragging their war criminal judges and their controllers through the streets and to their and their supporters graves.  WE are not their lesser.  We are humane humans.  We are their superiors.

Protect your young from the enemy and their international regime in power. We need better weapons and tools for analysis of the regime and their holdings. The regime selects out our family's for persecution and for robbing us. Mobile Alabama should not have a Mardi Gras and the United States should not allow the fake elections by the enemy in power, and heralded by their lie, their mass media conglomerates.